Need help In Ma.
Hi, my name is JB French and I’m from Ma. I recently bought an X Pro Templar X and I tried to register it and was told it can’t be done by the registry. I have an MCO that states MOTORCYCLE but was still told it can’t be registered. Does anyone have any advice? I was told that this company is not listed as legally being able to sell roadworthy bikes in the US and can’t be registered in any state legally. Obviously lots of people have registered these bikes in other states. Has anyone registered one in Ma? There must be a way. I’m not ready to give up yet. Does anyone have any info that might help me get this done? Between the bike and all of the aftermarket upgrades I’ve bought for it I’ve got three grand into this bike and I really need to get it registered. The reason I went ahead with the Templar X is I saw one in Ma.that was plated. How that person got it done I don’t know. The registry and title division tells me No. I’m wondering if maybe the states computer system just hasn’t been updated w info that lists them as able to be plated for street use? Please help!