Originally Posted by Azhule
I'm one of the few who can't afford to lose any more weight, my motorcycles have to do that for me
So once my friend gets his TIG welder I will drop a good 15 - 16lbs off our Bashan WILL exhaust system , that combined with weight I dropped off when I ditched the bulky air box/emissions nonsense that 'didn't do squat' for a UNI Pod Filter... the bike is almost to that "20 lb diet requirement" , and it should have a few extra ponies too the way the exhaust was restricted on our bike
after tailpipe change , single biggest weight lost gain, swap out the battery for a lithium job. gotta b 7 or 8 lbs and balance feels LOTS better.
Seer's First LAW-"FLY THE PLANE!", fail that, and nothing else matters. 12th Law- Consider what marvels you might do if only you had tomorrow to live over again. Third Law-When someone tells you some thing "Can't Be Done", what they're really saying is They can't do it!!14th Law-Just because something "IS", doesn't necessarily mean it SHOULD be.. Eighth Law-The only true personal security is anonymity.Ninth Law-Humans tend to learn very little when speaking.10th Law-Some lives ARE worth taking