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Old 05-16-2024, 11:53 AM   #24
ProDigit   ProDigit is offline
Join Date: Aug 2013
Posts: 290
The conditions were just right today.
Was late on my way to work, dark clouds over the road, so I had to take my Vader 150 on the highway.

About 75F, humidity close to 100%, minor rain, a slight tail wind, and a car in front of me cutting the wind.

The Vader did a good job keeping up with the cars to 60, slowly creeping up to 65. I then tucked myself, got behind a F150, and after a minute or so, read 77mph indicated.
That's about 72mph gps verified.

I'm still running the 110 main jet, so it should be slightly faster with a 115 main jet.

I realized, doing 72mph isn't a whole lot of fun on the Vader, and thus I have been thinking of swapping out the 30t rear sprocket for a 31T, and up the main jet to 115.

Usually my trip to and back from work takes one line of fuel.
This one way highway trip took 2 lines of fuel.
I wouldn't be surprised to see mpg readouts drop with next fuelup.

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