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Old 04-02-2024, 02:13 PM   #17
Mikd   Mikd is offline
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The thunderstorm generator is quite an interesting concept, imploding instead of expanding things for energy (if my limited understanding is correct). I actually passed a few videos on that to my father, a long retired physicist expecting a long winded explanation of why it won't work and was shocked when he somewhat excitedly began explaining why it "might be working" full of terminology far above my understanding. If this idea pans out it certainly may be a pivotal moment.

Originally Posted by bigdano711 View Post
Kinda sorta being sarcastic about the trades. You HAVE seen the Tesla robot? Couple that tech with AI and it's pretty much game over. The elites will have all the slave labor they ever wanted and consumerism (guilty as charged) will be our downfall. I believe someone somewhere has built a gigantic 3D printer and is printing cars, or huge car parts. Soon, if not already, it will be houses.

I mean, the writing is on the wall, clear as day. They called me a crazy, conspiracy theory kook 20 years ago about 9/11 and the BS WMD's just as I'm sure some will call me a kook today for this forward view because it makes them feel better. How many times do we have to see reality imitate art (Capt Kirk and the "recorder", now cell phone) before we begin to see what's coming? If Tesla made one robot, I see a warehouse full of a million units in the future. Star Wars Clone Wars, anyone?

Have ya'll heard of Malcom's Plasmoid Thunderstorm Generator? I believe it's our first step in the direction of harnessing zero point energy. Check out Lex Fridman's podcast on that if you really want your mind blown.
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