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Old 11-04-2023, 03:55 PM   #15
Bill Hilly   Bill Hilly is offline
Join Date: Feb 2021
Posts: 958
Originally Posted by bigdano711 View Post
Upload speed is ridiculously slower than download speed, so you're gonna be waiting a while no matter what, but the smaller the video, the faster it uploads.

Most of these action cams are designed to film in chunks like that when you film for a long time.

I would recommend shooting quick vids on each setting. Do a lap, change setting, do a lap, etc. You will see the difference.

I just got back from an experimental ride. I had extended my camera out from were it was yesterday using another one of those links that come with the camera, so I could hook up the mic, and I also went to 1080P 30 frames per second, and figure I would go up on a near by high ridge, and do a short video. Well when I got up to were I intended to start the video, I couldn't hear the beep from the camera,so I took my helmet off to see if it was recording, and the one of the bolts that holds the links on the camera mount together had backed out, and I lost it. It must have just happened, because the the piece was still there in the interlocking slots, but the camera had flopped over. I came back, and may just take the KPX out on a short run, just up the road to at least see if I can get something on YouTube.

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