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Old 12-02-2022, 04:19 PM   #1
Sport Rider   Sport Rider is offline
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Intruder Resurection Thread

So, now that I've had my non-running Intruder home for a week or so, I've begun the process of tinkering with it to see what it's going to take to get it back together.

First off, I pulled the carbs. It was a fairly easy job compared to the inline 4s I've done before. The front carb was in the middle of the V and the rear carb was behind the motor.

As I suspected, the carbs will need serious cleaning. The front in particular may be a problem. It had rust on the butterfly and the butterfly is stuck solid. can't budge it even with tapping on it. I've given it a number of liquid wrench baths and let it sit overnight, but still no go.

Front carb:


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