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Old 06-29-2022, 09:59 PM   #26
Thumper   Thumper is online now
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Originally Posted by Kit352 View Post
Happy days. My bike was found and delivered today. The crate was absolutely thrashed and the bike had some damage but not too bad. The worst of it was the shock lineage was bent to hell and stuffed inside the swingarm pocket. Took me a bit to figure how to get it out but I got it. Luckily I had another one off some random bike that fit exactly.
I will do a full review soon enough but in a nutshell expect to do a fair amount of assembly your self. It took me about 3 hours to get it together. I saw no signs of grease anywhere so I pulled the front end and the rear parts off to give them a good greasing. The steering head bearings were filled with slag and metal particles so those got a deep cleaning before going back together.
I was missing loads of bolts too. Again my hoarding paid off and I enough lying around to get it together. X-pro was pretty good about putting bolts where they belong, they just didn't tighten many. You really need to check every single bolt and use locktite where possible. I've never seen so many zip ties on a machine before. Double check the wiring while going 9ver the bolts. I found a lot of trouble areas.
When I fueled it up the carb was leaking like crazy. I tightened the drain screw and that helped but the overflow was still streaming away. A couple hits with a hammer freed up the floats and put an end to the leaks.
To my surprise the battery was very nearly fully charged. The bike started almost immediately. I did one quick ride just to get a feel for what needs adjusting. The answer is everything.
Cripes, I would have refused delivery. WAY too much damage and work to fix it. The shipper (shippers?) should have eaten that one! Let the lawyers figure it out!!

We can't expect the shippers to get better if we pay for the damages!!!

Last edited by Thumper; 06-30-2022 at 05:37 PM.
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