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Old 10-05-2020, 05:59 PM   #3
Captcj68chris@aol.   Captcj68chris@aol. is offline
Join Date: Mar 2020
Location: Bowling greenK.Y. elev. <1000 ft
Posts: 101
My bike, 2020 tbr7

Hi king, hi all, how was your summer? Good here. My intake is stock, exhaust also. I could never get the bike to TAKE more than 110 main, pulled smoothly no flat spots, revs out. But the plug is still ashy grey. Pulled the lid off the air box, now it pulls much better with the 115. Ok makes sense,increase the amount of air to match fuel supply.I'm going to try a #120 tonight, see if it will still pull?. I think it will,bike still surging a lil with a roll off from full throttle. Indicating a lil lean.I really don't want a pod filter, I can live with the air box lid off, never in mud or rain.I plan to do the CAT delete so I may need more jet than I already have in there. I have up to #150 size jets. Bike has 1050km.
My guess with my GPS mileage math correction, including optimistic odometer reading puts me about 450 miles. Bike is slowly improving, I play with it, tinker with it on weekends.
Safe riding

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