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2LZ 03-26-2011 10:29 PM

What a nightmare! up this morning, early....poured a cup of coffee and logged into my email.
"UPS Shipping Notification" is one I got....but it was in my Spam.
I didn't think much of it. Sometimes my work emails end up there.

:D "Yes! I got a ton of stuff on order for my new Q!"....I open it....there was a pdf attachment. I open it to retrieve a pdf...BOOM!....VIRUS! :x 8O :evil: My pc goes bonkers! :x

We have XP Pro so it didn't effect my 'side' as I logged onto Mrs 2LZ side just to check my email. I know that she's going to want to do her Facebooking when she arose.

Needless to say, our Nortion caught and nuked it, virtually instantly, but not before damage to 27 files.

Mrs 2LZ just spent 3 hours with the Norton Tech's, via chat, who took over our pc and completely restored everything back to perfect. They even reinstalled all the corrupted XP files from 'their end'.

I'm no PC expert by any means, and I know there's a boatload of free antivirus software out there people tell me about and use....but those Norton folks are worth every penny of the 45.00 a year I give them. :D

Man....that was scary...... 8O

SpudRider 03-27-2011 12:15 AM

Re: What a nightmare!
I hate computer hackers! :evil: I'm glad you got the problem fixed, 2LZ. :D My AVG anti-virus program saved me from a similar fate a few months ago. ;)

Spud :)

Reveeen 03-27-2011 03:28 AM

As always, my Mac, and I, virus free since 1999.

Scary if you *think* about it, my Power Mac was brand spanking new in 1999. Upgraded several times, and due for replacement, a 12 year old computer in daily use....... almost un-American.

SpudRider 03-27-2011 03:39 AM

I'm not a "Mac Hugger," but I don't have anything against Macs, either. ;) I'm definitely not a fan of Bill Gates, and Microsoft. :x

Spud :)

Reveeen 03-27-2011 03:54 AM

I am not a "Mac hugger" either, having both (PCs and Macs) here, BUT: if you download ANYTHING (this includes E-Mail), using anything but a Mac creates a situation where you ARE going to get hit with a computer virus, the only question being: when?

SpudRider 03-27-2011 04:09 AM

I agree. :) I don't have anything against Macs, except their premium price. However, if the Macintosh operating system guarantees safety from virus attacks, perhaps the Macs are more cost effective. ;) I really dislike Microsoft, and the heavy-handed machinations of Bill Gates. :x

I'm running AVG Free anti-virus software on my PC, and I haven't had an problems. However, I'm very wary about downloading anything from the internet. :roll:

Spud :)

Reveeen 03-27-2011 04:45 AM

I don't have anything against Macs, except their premium price.

Macs certainly are not now what they once were, but my Mac is 12 years old, cost $2500 new, and was hand made by Americans. Knock off current resale (do 12 year old PCs have a resale?) and cost of ownership is less than $200 a year.

Yes, they are more expensive, but if mine is any indication, they last longer. (and I download anything I choose to download)

Jim 03-27-2011 05:08 AM

I download anything I choose to download on the pc too... I don't have problems, the one time I did it was something to do with Java (not a fan).

I have a theory that virus developers are funded by anti virus companies.

JTCAndrew 03-27-2011 09:45 AM

Go to WWW.JAMESTOWNCOMPUTER.COM Click Downloads at the top of the screen. Download Malwarebytes. I recommend the paid version - only$25 one time fee but the free version will rid your system of bugs. For what is worth - This is what I do for a living. 30 yrs in the business, and Certified Computer Technician. Also MS Certified. I have this software running on over 8k plus systems with no problems. FYI Norton will slow your system down tremedously. If NORTON Worked correctly, in the first place you would not have problem you did. Malwarebytes and MS Security essentials is the best software out there. MSE Is FREE from microsoft. Yes I said FREE from Microsoft. I also must mention that I have over 200 Plu+ Businesses using this software as well. For even more info we have complete traing videos on our website as well. Just my 2 cents worth - 30 yrs of it actually. Best wishes.


Jim 03-27-2011 12:11 PM

security essentials is good, I've had it since microsoft put it out, and it works good. Unlike the anti virus companies, Microsoft has no interest in the spread of viruses... (On windows machines that is)

2LZ 03-27-2011 12:26 PM

Boy! This has almost turned into an oil thread! 8O :lol:

SpudRider 03-27-2011 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Reveeen
I don't have anything against Macs, except their premium price.

Macs certainly are not now what they once were, but my Mac is 12 years old, cost $2500 new, and was hand made by Americans. Knock off current resale (do 12 year old PCs have a resale?) and cost of ownership is less than $200 a year.

Yes, they are more expensive, but if mine is any indication, they last longer. (and I download anything I choose to download)

I don't believe Macs last any longer than PCs. ;) Several years ago my brother bought a very nice, new PC for $600. He had his previous PC for ten years. Therefore, based upon his past experience, he will probably spend $60 a year for his latest computer, which is about $5 per month. ;) As I said, I don't have anything against Macs, except their premium price. If people want to buy them, I think it's great, but most people choose otherwise. :)

Originally Posted by Jim
I download anything I choose to download on the pc too... I don't have problems, the one time I did it was something to do with Java (not a fan).

I have a theory that virus developers are funded by anti virus companies.

As with Jim, I don’t have any problems with downloads either. However, I do exercise discretion whenever I choose to download something. ;) I think Jim’s theory about computer viri has some merit. :lol:

Originally Posted by JTCAndrew
...Download Malwarebytes...Malwarebytes and MS Security essentials is the best software out there. MSE Is FREE from microsoft...

I agree with Andrew. :) I have Malwarebytes, the free version, and it is excellent. :) I’m glad to learn Microsoft distributes MSE, or anything, for free! :lol: I spent a number of years in the computer industry myself, and I witnessed Bill Gates engage in a lot of ruthless, unethical business practices that destroyed a lot of his competitors. :x I’m not a fan of “Billy the Borg.”

I'm glad you got the problem fixed, 2LZ. :) As I said, my free, AVG anti-virus program saved me from a similar fate a few months ago. ;)

Spud :)

FastDoc 03-27-2011 02:13 PM

Those hacker/virus a$$es and nothing more than vandals. A pox on them. I've been hit a number of times. I just hand the machine over to the IT company I'm contracted with and they fix it, I don't mess with it anymore.

Years ago I used to be able to un-do most virus vandalism, but nowadays they are pretty sophisticated.

SpudRider 03-27-2011 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by FastDoc
Those hacker/virus a$$es and nothing more than vandals...

X2! :evil:

Spud :)

JTCAndrew 03-27-2011 03:02 PM

i Agree most bugs today is considered Malware - They are after Your CC Numbers........And Id Theft.....It's more profitable for them then crashing your computers.....

JTCAndrew 03-27-2011 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by FastDoc
Those hacker/virus a$$es and nothing more than vandals. A pox on them. I've been hit a number of times. I just hand the machine over to the IT company I'm contracted with and they fix it, I don't mess with it anymore.

Years ago I used to be able to un-do most virus vandalism, but nowadays they are pretty sophisticated.

If you get the paid version of malware bytes - Only a 1 time FEE of $25 It will give you real time protection! My 2 cents it's the best out there! Unfortunately our PC's have become like the bikes we ride - If NOT Maintained you'll find yourself in trouble. BEST $25 You'll EVER Spend!

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