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Weldangrind 05-15-2010 12:41 PM

Brad's New Scoot
My buddy Brad needed wheels, and he had his eye on our Pastor's electric scooter for awhile. Brad's on disability and has limited resources, so he thought he couldn't afford the $1200 price tag that our Pastor laid out.

Enter Gio.

I followed the auctions for awhile and let Brad know that we could pick up a new scooter for less than $600, including taxes. He jumped at it. After what seemed like forever to him, the new scooter arrived, and we assembled it last night.

Here's Brad:

This is the box that filled up the entire cargo area of my Caravan:

Here's what we saw upon opening the lid:

Here's the first reveal with the box side open:

Here's the scooter after simply bolting the front wheel on:

After that, we had a couple of trim pieces and the trunk to install. The whole project was cake, except for the mosquitoes. The scooter is remarkably well equipped, it has plenty of storage and it comes with a rain cover. I was surprised to find out that the charger has a cooling fan that cycles until the battery is fully charged. Neat bike.

Brad will now be able to get around to the grocery store, Church, the Doctor and to the men's shelter where he volunteers. He's a very happy guy. :D

Jim 05-16-2010 12:55 AM

That's cool, I was wondering when someone here would look at one of these, I've seen them on craigslist forever...

I hope Brad is safe on this thing, no offense intended to anyone, but a lot of scooter riders I see are scary and dangerous... I believe because they don't need to do any sort of test or training to ride a scooter, electrics they don't even need a drivers license. I was walking down the side walk and one of these ones zipped right by me with no warning it was coming, sure ICBC considers it an electric bicycle, but I don't think the sidewalk is an appropriate passage for them.

Sorry for the long side track there... It really is a cool scooter and I hope he enjoys it. It's interesting to see how it is shipped out, I would have expected more of a crate inside that box.

SpudRider 05-16-2010 01:01 AM

Thank you for posting the great photos, and the nice review of the Gio scooter, WG! :) I hope Brad enjoys his new scooter, and I hope God blesses him with safety as he rides it. :) May God bless you extending this kindness to a Christian brother. :D

Spud :)

Jim 05-16-2010 01:18 AM

Looking forward to hearing updates about it's durability, range, power, etc...

SpudRider 05-16-2010 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by Jim
Looking forward to hearing updates about it's durability, range, power, etc...

Indeed, please do keep us updated! That is really a nice little scooter for less than $600, including taxes! :)

Spud :)

SpudRider 05-16-2010 01:29 AM


Originally Posted by Jim
...It's interesting to see how it is shipped out, I would have expected more of a crate inside that box.

Yes, I was also surprised to see the scooter shipped without a crate. 8O Nevertheless, it seems to have arrived in good shape. :)

What is the size of the engine, WG?

Spud :)

Weldangrind 05-16-2010 03:03 AM

Thanks for the comments guys. :D

Brad came over today and rode off into the sunset on his new ride. I had left it in my shop overnight on the charger.

Jim, I'm with you on concerns about unskilled riders on these things. On that topic, I feel fine about Brad because he's had considerable experience with powerful motorcycles over a thirty year period.

Spud, I don't know exactly how to answer your question, except to say that the scoot is rated at 500 watts. The charger output is rated at 48 VDC, so I presume that the battery pack is comprised of four 12 volt batteries.

I'll likely see Brad tomorrow morning, so I'll ask him for an initial ride report.

Jim 05-16-2010 03:58 AM

I recall reading something about the watts on craigslist... One of the local resellers had been spamming the craigslist, and then someone who bought from them responded and was pretty mad, because apparently the advertised wattage didn't match the wattage stated by the machine? I really don't know any of that stuff though, but does the motor on the machine have any info on it?

Either way, it should be restricted to 32km/h I believe, to classify itself as an electric bicycle and be allowed on the road.

Edit: Derryk I've sent you a PM with a link where I mentioned this when it originally was under discussion.

Weldangrind 05-16-2010 05:03 PM

Thanks for the link Jim.

I'll check Brad's machine next time I see it, although he's very happy, so I'm not gonna rock the boat.

SpudRider 05-17-2010 12:20 AM

I am very glad Brad is happy with his new scooter. :) How long is the recharge time for this scooter, and how long does the charge last?

Spud :)

Weldangrind 05-17-2010 02:16 AM

No idea yet. My experience with gel cell lead acid batteries tells me that they should receive an eight hour charge if they're low, but ideally they won't be allowed to run low. Like any lead acid battery, they'll be compromised if drawn down too far.

I plugged the charger in and left it overnight for more than eight hours when we finished assembling the scooter. The charger is an intelligent type, meaning that it's fan cooled while charging, but the fan switches off and a green LED illuminates upon full charge. Brad subsequently rode the scooter home, buzzed around a bit, rode it to Church and back the next day and then stuck it on the charger. I cautioned him that he ought to charge the battery as often as possible for maximum life span.

His concern is that he's required to leave his scooter outside of his suite, and someone might walk off with the charger during the night. He's able to lock the scooter and set the alarm, but that doesn't protect the charger. I'm going to see if his charger can be connected to the battery while it's locked under the seat. If not, I'll fabricate an extension cord for the charger that will allow him to keep the charger indoors while it's connected to the scooter.

It would seem that the batteries have a really good range so far.

SpudRider 05-17-2010 02:49 AM

I wanted to learn more, so I visited the Gio website for the first time. :) If I found the right bike, here are the figures I collected:

Charge Time: 3-8 Hours
Range: 30 Miles
Top Speed: 20 MPH

This is a very cool little bike, WG. :) Please do keep us updated regarding its durability, reliability, et cetera.

Spud :)

Jim 05-17-2010 03:56 AM

First visit to the Gio site? I think they've got a really well setup website, if not the best of the Chinese bike dealers/distributors around here...

I wasn't trying to rock any boat either about the scooter power, I was only curious because I haven't seen any in real, or known anyone with the Gio one. I think the real issue there was a bad reseller.

FastDoc 05-17-2010 12:55 PM

I'm glad to hear about Brother Brad.

Maybe he will join us over here and become part of our group and post a report on his new scoot?

SpudRider 05-17-2010 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Jim
First visit to the Gio site? I think they've got a really well setup website, if not the best of the Chinese bike dealers/distributors around here....

Yes, the Gio website is set up very well. :) I am not in the market for Gio's prouducts, and I don't live in Canada, so I have not bothered to visit their website until now. However, I would certainly visit the Gio website much more if I lived in Canada. ;)

Spud :)

frostbite 05-17-2010 02:23 PM

Slick. I live really close to work (~3km) and I think they'd be the hot ticket for commuting in the Spring/Summer/Fall.

Since it's electric, are they legal on the bike trails/paths?

SpudRider 05-17-2010 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by FastDoc
I'm glad to hear about Brother Brad.

Maybe he will join us over here and become part of our group and post a report on his new scoot?

X2! I would love to have Brother Brad join us, and report on his new scooter! :D

Spud :)

Weldangrind 05-17-2010 03:18 PM


Originally Posted by FastDoc
I'm glad to hear about Brother Brad.

Maybe he will join us over here and become part of our group and post a report on his new scoot?

Maybe in time, but for now Brad will have to be a vicarious member. :lol: He doesn't have a computer, which is why I got involved.

Weldangrind 05-17-2010 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by frostbite
Slick. I live really close to work (~3km) and I think they'd be the hot ticket for commuting in the Spring/Summer/Fall.

Since it's electric, are they legal on the bike trails/paths?

It's probably annoying to those who don't know what they are, but they can legally go anywhere a bicycle goes (at least in BC). At first glance, they look like a gas scooter.

FastDoc 05-17-2010 04:36 PM

Because it will likely make almost no noise I think a bicycle bell would be a good idea to warn pedestrians if riding on an established path.

Jim 05-17-2010 06:23 PM

It should have a horn on it I would think?

It can indeed go anywhere a bike can go in BC... Though, in BC I don't think anyone enforces any of the rules for bicycles, for example, you really aren't allowed on the sidewalk, unless the municipality has made a bylaw specifying that you can.

Weldangrind 05-17-2010 08:54 PM

It does have a horn, but that would be a less than polite way of announcing your presence on a multi-use trail. :lol:

I'm gonna mention the bell idea to Brad.

Jim 05-17-2010 09:01 PM

It depends on the method of using it, a friendly beep - beep should be ok? (except if there were a horse you may startle)

SpudRider 05-18-2010 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by Weldangrind
It does have a horn, but that would be a less than polite way of announcing your presence on a multi-use trail. :lol:

I'm gonna mention the bell idea to Brad.

I think a clown horn would be louder than a bicycle bell, and just as polite. ;)

Spud :)

Jim 05-18-2010 02:22 AM

I prefer the dixie horn, though it may take up too much juice from the battery :lol:

Imagine blasting through an intersection (at 32 km/h) blaring the tune from the Dukes of Hazard. You could paint the thing orange :)

frostbite 05-18-2010 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by Jim
Imagine blasting through an intersection (at 32 km/h) blaring the tune from the Dukes of Hazard. You could paint the thing orange :)

Pure awesome.

Of course it may adversely impact your standing with the honey's.

Weldangrind 05-18-2010 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Jim
I prefer the dixie horn, though it may take up too much juice from the battery :lol:

Imagine blasting through an intersection (at 32 km/h) blaring the tune from the Dukes of Hazard. You could paint the thing orange :)

Brad and I actually laughed at the concept of adding the OOGAH horn that's on sale at Princess. BTW, Brad nearly bought the orange version of the scooter. :lol:

Weldangrind 05-18-2010 11:01 AM


Originally Posted by frostbite
Pure awesome.

Of course it may adversely impact your standing with the honey's.

That depends upon the type of honeys that one is trying to attract. :wink:

Jim 05-18-2010 04:04 PM

:) Ougah would be good too

He'd be popular out on South Fraser Way the next time the Canucks win a playoff game.

SpudRider 05-18-2010 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Weldangrind

Originally Posted by Jim
I prefer the dixie horn, though it may take up too much juice from the battery :lol:
Imagine blasting through an intersection (at 32 km/h) blaring the tune from the Dukes of Hazard. You could paint the thing orange :)

Brad and I actually laughed at the concept of adding the OOGAH horn that's on sale at Princess. BTW, Brad nearly bought the orange version of the scooter. :lol:

Wait a second, let me get this right; Brad chose black over orange? 8O

Spud :)

Weldangrind 05-18-2010 08:26 PM

Yep, our Pastor's scoot is yellow and orange, and that's not Brad's style. Not everybody has been assimilated by Zong orange.


SpudRider 05-18-2010 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Weldangrind
Yep, our Pastor's scoot is yellow and orange, and that's not Brad's style. Not everybody has been assimilated by Zong orange.


Perhaps he is not assimilated...yet. However, resistance is futile. 8)

Spud :)

Jim 05-30-2010 01:34 AM

So how is he making out with the scooter? I guess we haven't had the greatest weather for it really yet.

SpudRider 05-30-2010 01:55 AM

Yes, please give us an update, Derryk. :)

Spud :)

Weldangrind 05-30-2010 02:42 AM

He's still riding it. I met him for coffee on Thursday, and he's lovin' it. :D

I don't think he knows what the range is. He doesn't travel far, and he charges it often. I hope it lasts him a long time. I'll see him tomorrow at Church, so I'll ask him for more comments.

Jim 05-30-2010 03:18 AM

Right on, glad to hear he's enjoying it :)

SpudRider 05-30-2010 03:23 AM


Originally Posted by Weldangrind
He's still riding it. I met him for coffee on Thursday, and he's lovin' it. :D ...

That's wonderful. :)

Originally Posted by Weldangrind
...I don't think he knows what the range is. He doesn't travel far, and he charges it often. I hope it lasts him a long time. I'll see him tomorrow at Church, so I'll ask him for more comments.

Please do relay his comments, and his impressions of his new scooter. :)

Spud :)

Weldangrind 05-30-2010 04:14 PM

I chatted with Brad today, and he's learned a few new things.

During normal riding on level grade, the amp meter displays a current draw. When he's trying to climb a steep hill, the amp meter shows a very high current draw. Upon braking with only the rear brake, the amp meter swings the other way and shows that the battery is taking a charge. He also has a volt meter.

Brad has also learned how to arm and disarm the alarm system.

The Chinglish manual doesn't explain these things, so it takes some time to figure it all out. The next thing we're going to do is move the charger connector to the space under the seat; that'll allow Brad to keep the charger under the seat, away from the elements and thieves. He has to store the scoot outside, so such precautions are necessary.

Our Church is hoping to have a float in the local Canada Day parade this year, and Brad plans on riding his scooter along with the group. :D We'll see how the batteries perform that day.

SpudRider 05-31-2010 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by Weldangrind
...The next thing we're going to do is move the charger connector to the space under the seat; that'll allow Brad to keep the charger under the seat, away from the elements and thieves. He has to store the scoot outside, so such precautions are necessary...

Thank you for the nice update, WG. :) Our world would be a much nicer place if it didn't have any theives. ;)

Spud :)

Cal25 10-04-2010 08:36 AM

How about a longer term update. Is the scoot still running around?

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