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phil 08-29-2008 11:23 PM

new ways from american lifan
this is only my second post but i need somewhere to vent and thought this may intrest some of you please excuse anything i need excused
and now the rest of the story....... i am a dealer for a.l. a scooter i sold returned after i sold it 20 days before(i register the warranty online at the time of sell). i checked everything i could and thought it had a carb problem but couldnt see anything, called lifan got a second opnion and agreed new carb and sent the papers needed by fax..... two weeks later no parts but a irate owner threating who wanted lifans # so i gave it to him, i dont know what was said personaly so i wont go there. then after calling and callingwith no luck on talking to anybody :evil: i called on a cell phone and they picked up on first ring. :evil: :evil: they told me that the scooter was not under warranty and was sold at another dealership. i checked my numbers the parts order, mso and the bike even the box it was shipped in all the same then the "tech" guy told me to use the numbers from another bike since the computer had made a mistake 8O at any rate i did it (i really didnt like it,seems a lot like a lie even if instructed) two more weeks no parts i think my next step is the state board who will be informed monday they (al) were good when i started but now :( my big question is since they are the ONLY ONES who follow the goverment regulations would they know they shipped me the bike, i may need to restate i was a american lifan dealer but that may change after they see this :wink:

TeamCheap 08-30-2008 12:01 AM

Well thats sorry to hear.I hope for you and your customers sake you can get it worked out somehow but it sounds bad.

Maybe someone should drive over to A.L's office's and open a window or door as it really REALLY appears that they have run short of oxygen in the head offfice which is causing they're brains to malfunction a bit.
(or if you got a roll of duct tape .........seal it up tight)

IronFist 08-30-2008 01:56 PM

Hi Phil:
Could I get you to update your signature to reflect that you are a dealer. (Providing you're in business :D ) Thanks.

Az4x4Taco 08-30-2008 04:14 PM

It looks, Phil, as if you're another in an ever increasing lineup of American Lifan dealers and customers who are finding it impossible to carry on normal business relations with the AL Dallas office. And to top all that off, as of this morning the American Lifan website at is also down.

Not only is American Lifan failing to respond to phone calls (which is understandable since they have nothing in the warehouse to ship in the way of parts or product), but the skeleton crew that's still there appears to be basically clueless when it comes to dealing with the crisis that AL and the entire China bike industry is going through.

For what it may be worth the following link is to one of the most detailed discussion threads I've yet seen in respect to the state of affairs that the China bike industry world wide finds itself in:

Hope everything works out for you Phil, but at that same time I don't think you'd be smart to place much confidance in American Lifan or any other China bike line right at the moment.

phil 08-30-2008 07:35 PM

hopefully this fixes the signature, sorry ironfist i didnt click enough. :oops:
i dont rely on chinese motorcycles to eat, truth is i am a car shop that added on motorcycles,atvs, and scooters because i like them and they are fun im still working on them making a profit :lol:

tigertamer 08-30-2008 07:48 PM

Thanks, Phil


winwun 08-31-2008 07:56 AM

I tried to do business through AL, but quickly got frustrated for a number of reasons and wound up buying my bike from a west coast importer and so far, am happy with the deal.

After reading a lot of posts concerning AL and their practices, I have reached the opinion that they tried through PR, instead of customer service, to establish their position as the primary Lifan source, and as has been said, BS talks and action walks, and it didn't take long for people to realize that AL's promises were more style than substance.

I think they closed down their forum 'cause they were embarrased to be taking so much flak on their own site . . .

Az4x4Taco 08-31-2008 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by winwun
I tried to do business through AL, but quickly got frustrated for a number of reasons and wound up buying my bike from a west coast importer and so far, am happy with the deal..

Just wondering if you've had to ask your west coast Lifan importer for parts or warranty service so far, and if so how did that work out?


After reading a lot of posts concerning AL and their practices, I have reached the opinion that they tried through PR, instead of customer service, to establish their position as the primary Lifan source..
Actually American Lifan is/was a wholly owned subsidiary of China Lifan, and as the discussion thread at so clearly demonstrates, a major problem Chinese corporations have is not understanding what it takes to promote and market their products here in the States as well as in other western countries. Mainly Chinese bike manufacturers are about pushing product by the container load, and servicing what they sell doesn't register with them in the same way it does for example with Japanese or European motorcycle companies.

Quote: has been said, BS talks and action walks, and it didn't take long for people to realize that AL's promises were more style than substance.
And this is not just a problem with American Lifan, but with essentially all the present crop of Chinese motorcycle exporters. Once again, the discussion thread at illustrates these problems in a clear and concise manner, and is well worth the read time.


..I think they closed down their forum 'cause they were embarrassed to be taking so much flak on their own site . . .
100% in agreement. American Lifan simply has no real capacity for dealing with issues that resonate with US consumers, and their forum was quickly becoming a major embarrassment for that very reason.

phil 08-31-2008 12:31 PM

im glad to see winwun is happy with his deal as i am the one who sent him there 8O i couldnt sell something they (a.l.) didnt have and the big problem is how could i sell him something that didnt have any support or parts and now i have to worry about some of the bikes i have sold and my personal bikes i have found there is a diffrence in parts, and i would love if somebody could tell me where to get cdi boxes etc. and yes they look the same but if you try one youll let the smoke out i think winwun will have better support with hooper at least i hope he does :lol:

tigertamer 08-31-2008 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by phil
im glad to see winwun is happy with his deal as i am the one who sent him there 8O i couldnt sell something they (a.l.) didnt have and the big problem is how could i sell him something that didnt have any support or parts and now i have to worry about some of the bikes i have sold and my personal bikes i have found there is a diffrence in parts, and i would love if somebody could tell me where to get cdi boxes etc. and yes they look the same but if you try one youll let the smoke out i think winwun will have better support with hooper at least i hope he does :lol:

I've read all your posts at A.L. 8)

You did everything in you power to help your customers and non customers, as well!:wink:

Maybe things will sort themselves out at A.L., in the mean time, make yourself at home, and we can try to figure out a coup d’état, to take over the Chino-American tin-horse market :idea:

A lot of tempers are flaring right now with the sluggishness and feet-dragging!

The impotant thing for you, and your good reputation is, You are still trying to make good your commitments

When the going gets tough, the tough get going!

Kudos, Phil,

Az4x4Taco 08-31-2008 02:33 PM


Originally Posted by phil could i sell him something that didn't have any support or parts and now i have to worry about some of the bikes i have sold and my personal bikes i have found there is a diffrence in parts, and i would love if somebody could tell me where to get cdi boxes etc..

Don't know if there is a similar outfit here in the States, but in the UK it looks as if this company is doing what they can to service China bike owners and riders with parts availability. Might be something to duplicate here if it's not already in place..

Update: Just noticed that this company ships not only to the UK, but also to the US, Australia, the EU and Canada. So if the worst case pops its ugly head up and a part to get a China bike running is nowhere to be found here, it wouldn't hurt to contact these guys. Who knows, they might be able to bail someone out of a real jam..

tigertamer 08-31-2008 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Az4x4Taco

Originally Posted by phil could i sell him something that didn't have any support or parts and now i have to worry about some of the bikes i have sold and my personal bikes i have found there is a diffrence in parts, and i would love if somebody could tell me where to get cdi boxes etc..

Don't know if there is a similar outfit here in the States, but in the UK it looks as if this company is doing what they can to service China bike owners and riders with parts availability. Might be something to duplicate here if it's not already in place..

I just added that site to my favorites!

If they are bread-and-butter Chinese consumables, then chances are good that they will have available parts for the highest bidder...I can afford a few more peanuts if needed to keep my investment functional when the U.S. sources dry-out!


Jaime 08-31-2008 03:19 PM

What is going on
This whole thread has really started to get me worried. I have always known that thier have always been issued with the Chinese Market importing into the United States especially with the issue on support and providing support for thier bike.

I did my homework and when it came time to purchase a China bike I went with what I thought at time seem like a good bike with good support, I ordered a Lifan GY-5. With all this recent thread and especially with the fact that the American Lifan website is down, and their forum being down as well. I am scared that I might never see my bike, that was ordered back in July.

I knew their was going to have to be a wait because they were out of stock back in Dallas. But what the ***k, Whats going to happen now? Does anyone know the real reason that they website is down? Whats really going on? These questions have probably been answered and I just didnt read previous replies thoroughly. I hope this all works itself out. I hope I get to see my bike.

phil 08-31-2008 03:34 PM

i would like to think everyone for the kind words, i feel i was just doing my part. i have been trying to do some research in some of the ignition and charging specs and have noticed diffrences between lifan and other chinese brands. maybe if need be hooper can help me. and i can post my results but really am not smart enough to know how. (thats a hint for ironfist)
i have found other companies that are doing a good job for now how soon that changes is anybodys guess heck, even roketa has improved :lol:
i also wonder when the chinese companies will learn that it is all up to the distributor to make there brand strong they pick the dealers, they stock the parts and make all the decisions. i just wish they would pick somebody who knows this to run their operations.
right now from all i have seen i like apollo altough they are quickly adding what i think are too many choices, and i know not many of you have looked at them but the zongshen seems to be a better machine than what lifan offered and have been doing a fair job so far.

winwun 08-31-2008 04:43 PM

az4, I have had to call Hooper a couple of times for help when I perceived a problem with my machine, and both times he quickly talked me through the problem.

Both times were when the instruction book was at odds with the way the machine was built, the chinese seeming to think an accurate instruction book is unnecessary.

I am learning that, to get along with chinese stuff, one needs to "think outside (WAY outside) the box" when trying to interpret their manuals and mind-set.

Should it become necessary to gets parts/labor, I have no idea how that will play out, but so far, I have noticed that the Trailrider is a pure clone of the old Honda machines, and I have a bunch of parts and part bikes dating way back.

FWIW, I ride a 650 Rincon, and have experienced some pretty significant problems, even with the reputation Honda has in this country, so as with autos, TVs, mowers, and practically every consumable item anymore, my west coast Lifan is probably no more of a crap shoot than a lot of things.

warrior91 09-01-2008 12:19 AM

My thoughts keep going back to "shady online seller" threads and how you were stupid to think an online seller could provide better service than the brick and mortar stores...American Lifan is the biggest b&m network in the States :roll: and my sketchy online guy still sells parts, $hitty website and all :wink:
GO GRAY MARKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :!:

SHH it is so quiet you can hear a rice bowl shatter.

mrhyak 09-01-2008 12:30 AM

If American Lifan is out of stock, how has the local AL dealer near my house been getting new bikes in this past month? He has all the common street legal bikes from the GY-5, Street bike and Honda Trail 70 clone and even some scooters....??

This guy leaves his AL bikes out in the rain all day, for weeks in his car lot. So not only does he charge $2,200 for a GY5 but they are all pre-weathered for the new owner.

Az4x4Taco 09-01-2008 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by mrhyak
If American Lifan is out of stock, how has the local AL dealer near my house been getting new bikes in this past month?..

If he's getting new Lifan's he's not getting them from American Lifan in Dallas. AL is completely out of bikes and spare parts, and probably won't have anything available for some time to come at best.


..not only does he charge $2,200 for a GY5 but they are all pre-weathered for the new owner.
He knows the likes and dislikes of his customers!

TeamCheap 09-01-2008 11:13 AM

That quake they just had AGAIN isnt going to help either.(like saturday)

Az4x4Taco 09-01-2008 05:25 PM

Not sure exactly what it means, but for whatever it's worth the American Lifan web site at is back up again. Could be good news for AL dealers and customers, but time alone will tell..

tigertamer 09-01-2008 05:34 PM


Originally Posted by Az4x4Taco
Not sure exactly what it means, but for whatever it's worth the American Lifan web site at is back up again. Could be good news for AL dealers and customers, but time alone will tell..

They must have jumped through some hoops to get back on a holiday!..Glad to hear that they are back.

What's with their NEW! customer forum?


TeamCheap 09-01-2008 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by tigertamer
They must have jumped through some hoops to get back on a holiday!..Glad to hear that they are back.

No hoop jumping for AL they just broke a few rice bowls and threatened to break more if it wasnt back up ASAP.

IronFist 09-01-2008 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by phil
hopefully this fixes the signature, sorry ironfist i didnt click enough. :oops:
i dont rely on chinese motorcycles to eat, truth is i am a car shop that added on motorcycles,atvs, and scooters because i like them and they are fun im still working on them making a profit :lol:

Phil this is the first time I've been able to respond, I'm sorry, I've been spending most of my time sweeping up the forum.

Thank-you sir, your signature looks great. :D You get a +1 kharma score. :lol:

I'm very concerned with your situation and how what's happening in the industry is affecting the whole china bike sport. No matter what happens, please keep us updated with what you know. Thanks again for updating your signature so quickly.

phil 09-01-2008 09:29 PM

so far the answer is :
And Mr. Hall..... It looks like your franchise is up for renewal and you have not ordered vehicles in more than 8 months. We send you at least 2 customers a week.... whose products are they really buying? In the morning I will be sending you a new franchise contract outlining your new territory.

my response was more than irate i may post it but i want to see what happens

mrhyak 09-01-2008 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Az4x4Taco
If he's getting new Lifan's he's not getting them from American Lifan in Dallas. AL is completely out of bikes and spare parts, and probably won't have anything available for some time to come at best.

His bikes are American Lifan and they were delivered to his dealership in mid July through mid August. AL is the only Lifan dealer that offers the orange GY-5 bikes (which is what I see) and he has a big "Genuine American Lifan Dealer" banner outside his car lot shack.

americanlifan 09-02-2008 10:29 AM

Just to follow up with this issue...

Mr. Phillip Hall did not but a VIN number on his initial parts order from. When he attempted to correct his issue is was ordering a part for a 50cc scooter but put a VIN# for a 150T-6 model.

He was told to use "VIN from another bike" because he would have recieved the wrong part otherwise.

Mr. Hall is one of the only dealer that finds it difficult to write down a few numbers on a parts order form... Who knows... maybe this is why his parts did not come through?



phil 09-02-2008 10:40 AM

hey, thats a new story i havent heard , but i still have the copies of the mso, parts order, and the bill of sale one thing is sure the truth will stand when the worlds on fire.

phil 09-02-2008 10:42 AM

i forgot to mention that they have yanked me as a dealer, good warranty policy :lol:

americanlifan 09-02-2008 12:37 PM

Phil... Our Franchise agreements are to be renewed once a year... When was the last time you renewed? This is not a Warranty policy.

You can still get the parts you need for your vehicles, just fill the part order forms out correctly and they will be sent out to you.



VinceDrake 09-02-2008 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by phil
hey, thats a new story i havent heard , but i still have the copies of the mso, parts order, and the bill of sale one thing is sure the truth will stand when the worlds on fire.

Mr. Phil:

No chance you'd be willing to post the MSO and Parts Order, maybe with the last 6 digits of the serial number missing, or something like? My curiosity is running wild here...

I wonder is CoasttoCoast (The Official Canadian Lifan distributor!) would be willing to ship Lifan stuff South of the border?


phil 09-02-2008 11:08 PM

:!: to vincedrake: i not ready to yet, i think my point has been made my business isnt hidden phone is listed maybe even through lifans website and my website if you have doubts call me :lol:
:!: to shawn: all i ask or have ever asked for is to take care of my customers with their warranty claims dont worry i wont even bother with the labor.
p.s. i will do my best to get my american lifan banner off my website as soon as i can

winwun 09-03-2008 09:02 AM

I think it is sad that a person such as Phil who has demonstrated a willingness to help even when he isn't making any money is treated in such a manner.

Lifan has a few things to learn about the American market and the American consumer, and apparently has MORE than a few things to learn about acceptable business practices and ethics . . .

Just my opinion and my 2 cents worth . . .

frostbite 09-03-2008 09:23 AM

If this was simply a single complaint from a lone dealer I could right it off as a disgruntled vendor. Unfortunately it seems to be a recurring theme with respect to American Lifan as of late.

It's really very simple. Take care of your dealers and they'll take care of you. If parts/bikes are unavailable be open about it with your distribution network.

americanlifan 09-03-2008 10:41 AM

Frostbyte.... how is a "vendor" supposed to know what part a dealer needs if they are filling out their orders incorrectly?

Phil... Even though you will not be buying bike from us anymore we still need to correct your issues. Email me what you sent to the parts department and Ill see what I can sift through. [ ]

phil 09-05-2008 10:59 PM

well heres the update i contacted shawn sent him the papers and the numbers were right and acceptable this time. david called me and reminded me how he told to to send the old one back before he could send a replacement. :roll: frank called today (from what i could tell was unaware of my arguement) and he said he was sending parts. i didnt bother to tell shawn that i sent (faxed)the same paper as i did the first time (the very same not even a copy) untill later. i dont remember david this time or ever asking for parts back but i sent them, and frank has never called but maybe its all my falt, maybe now they have gremlins in the warehouse :wink:
does this mean that all is good i dont know but i hope so all i can say we will see. :D
as for me i feel this was grossly mishandled and i think i am better off not selling them hopefully i can move what stock im stuck with :lol: as for the owner i got him fixed a while back and at least he was happy in case your wondering i bought the parts to fix it. now the big question will the other bikes i sold still be warrantied by american lifan? yes i know shawn/american lifan reads this now all things concidered i have been kind would they care to make a public statement here on this forum that they are willing to warranty parts for what i have sold or selling :?: maybe with conditions like no labor charges or send the old parts back???

phil 09-24-2008 06:15 PM

well i assume from the lack of response from american lifan that they dont care about their products and last time i looked they were having more problems but i am not allowed on since ive been banned from their forum :lol: just goes to show how a fine product can be poorly managed and quite possible cause the demise of the company at least in this country i have a hard time beleiving that others will tolerate this type of behavior. maybe some of the people from this forum should poise the question to them on their forum :twisted:

TeamCheap 09-24-2008 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by phil
well i assume from the lack of response from american lifan that they dont care about their products and last time i looked they were having more problems but i am not allowed on since ive been banned from their forum :lol: just goes to show how a fine product can be poorly managed and quite possible cause the demise of the company at least in this country i have a hard time beleiving that others will tolerate this type of behavior. maybe some of the people from this forum should poise the question to them on their forum :twisted:

I could and would and should except for the FACT I couldnt care less about American Lifan and their rice bowl breaking loons...err....goons.

VinceDrake 09-24-2008 10:14 PM

You know, that's just awesome. Just freakin' awesome.

There was a time, not too long ago, when a distributor ran out of product, due to their own incompetance, that they'd spend the next 2 years sucking up to their dealers.

Interest-free stock loans? No problem!
Uber-Discount for pre-orders? Yes Sir!
You need Parts? Here, have a box of accessories with them!
Corporate paid advertizing? Let me call the networks for you...

A *real* distributor sure as theres an ass in assume, wouldn't be crapping on their dealers when they haven't even got a product to sell...

Awesome. Resale value of gy-5 just dropped another $400.


americanlifan 09-25-2008 09:20 AM

Phil: Lack of response was not do to us not caring about our products. We honestly don't have time to browse forums all day long. You were never banned from the forum... Is your carb problem fixed now?

Everyone else: I'm not sure what has happened to this forum but due to so much negativity we really neglect to read everything on here. We used to come here to help people in need that have not quite been directed to our site yet. If anyone has a problem with a Lifan product that was purchased through our dealer network I would be glad to help. Email me:



IronFist 09-25-2008 10:34 AM

Re: ...

Originally Posted by americanlifan
Phil: Lack of response was not do to us not caring about our products. We honestly don't have time to browse forums all day long. You were never banned from the forum... Is your carb problem fixed now?

Everyone else: I'm not sure what has happened to this forum but due to so much negativity we really neglect to read everything on here. We used to come here to help people in need that have not quite been directed to our site yet. If anyone has a problem with a Lifan product that was purchased through our dealer network I would be glad to help. Email me:



I for one have tried to see both sides of your issue.
From what I've been able to decipher, you hung your dealers out to dry, now you want to make money off of your ex-dealer's customer base. I'm sure you won't see it that way Shawn. After all, we're just the people buying and selling your product, and filling your pockets. This is just my opinion Shawn, not negitive, not positive. Soon to be not intrested. :wink:

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