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Fast_Freddy 02-25-2023 12:31 AM

Strike one in PA
So I made my first attempt at registering my 2022 Templar 250 today. I went to the closest notary where I waited 2.5 hrs while the notary tried to figure out what to do with my MSO. He made 4 calls for help and in the end told me that he didn't see any way to title my Templar in PA. He went on about how the seller's signature, mileage, date of sale, etc. all had to be notarized and everyone would need to be in front of the notary. That or the seller provides an affadavit. Basically this guy was scared and didn't know his job very well.

I'll try another notary next week. To avoid any unproductive questions, yes, I had my "M" license, bill of sale, MSO, VIN verification, etc.

GypsyR 02-25-2023 02:57 AM

Strike one for me in South Carolina. The DMV doesn't like the "off road" part in the MSO. At least I don't have any notary runaround added to the issue here. I've lived in other states where that was more of a thing and I feel for you there. Good luck!

Fast_Freddy 02-25-2023 12:47 PM

Thanks. I'm sorry for your bad luck also. You were screwed with that "off road" MSO. At least mine states "motorcycle". Better luck next time!

buzz 02-25-2023 01:19 PM

Ya Pa. sucks,didn't even try to get mine legal.

Fast_Freddy 02-25-2023 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by buzz (Post 391300)
Ya Pa. sucks,didn't even try to get mine legal.

Yes, it does. I was surprised but happy to read so many success stories on this forum about Templar registration in PA so I bought one. I'll try again but if PA doesn't want the tax revenue I hear that VT does. I also have an old MD plate I might slap on.

buzz 02-26-2023 03:51 PM

go with the old plate. or not one at all. nothing for me.

CheapThrills 02-27-2023 09:33 AM

Just an FYI:

Fast_Freddy 02-27-2023 07:48 PM

I went to a different notary today and walked out with registration and a metal plate!


I also walked in with a Zuma CB250F and walked out with a Lifan CB250F so we'll see if PennDOT objects to that. They couldn't find Zuma in the online database so they went with Lifan.

GypsyR 02-28-2023 01:26 PM

I asked for a different MSO/MCO and just got an email saying one is on the way. Fingers crossed!

Fast_Freddy 02-28-2023 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by GypsyR (Post 391441)
I asked for a different MSO/MCO and just got an email saying one is on the way. Fingers crossed!

My MSO stated "motorcycle" so that part was good. The problem was that "Zuma" wasn't in the PennDOT database. If I learned anything from this experience it's that if the processor (notary, clerk, etc.) suggests a different manufacturer name than what's on the MSO, go with it. Tell them that they sell them under different names. PennDOT might still give me problems but it's easier for them to deny it than to take it back. I'll update when I hear something or get my title.

Good luck!

GypsyR 03-06-2023 05:26 PM

Strike 2 in SC. I know better than to go to the DMV on a Monday or Friday but I can't lie, starting to get a bit fidgety. Corrected MCO came in Friday so I had that.
Finally got called and some time contemplating how it might someone who appears to be approaching retirement age and spends all day long five day week on a computer can only type with a single finger. A few pebbles break loose.
She looks at the screen and shakes her head. Rumbles some actual rocks start rolling.
Calls for supervisor. OK, the ground is moving.
Supervisor starts looking at the screen and shaking her head. Full tilt landslide.
Says they can't do anything because the manufacturer isn't in their system. Rubbles everywhere and dust in the air.
Said they will call me when the name gets entered in at whatever level of central state bureaucracy where such things are done. Sorry, next!

Fast_Freddy 03-06-2023 06:18 PM

I thought red states placed individual freedom above the collective good? Apparently not always. That sucks, at least there's the Vermont option. In retrospect I wish I had just registered in VT since PA requires annual safety inspections on motorcycles.

They also allow adults to ride on the highway without helmets but if you go off-road you must wear one, even when belted into a SxS with a roll cage.

GypsyR 03-07-2023 10:02 AM

Red states are immune to government stupidity? Pretty sure not.
I have fine DMV example. No safety or roadworthiness inspections statewide. If you can duck the highway patrol you can about drive anything with a tag. There's someone I see nearby with a Jeep Cherokee that's been rolled. The roof is cocked to one side and there's not a piece of glass in it. No lights of any kind on the front, nor a bumper. Got taillights and a tag. I've seen a 2000-ish Mustang in close to the same condition on the road. It's amazing.
In contrast. I bought a dead classic Mustang. A stripped rust pile with no drivetrain at all. To title it as a non-operative vehicle (project car) I would have to trailer it to the DMV and wait for a state trooper to show up to inspect it and verify the VIN. Why? No one knows. Simple end run was to insure it and get a license plate like it was a roadworthy vehicles. Two days later I canceled the insurance and turned the tag back in. I actually did exactly that. In talking to the insurance agent I got the impression they knew exactly what I was doing and it was nothing new to them at all.

Years back we had a guy who ran for governor who made a campaign promise that he would streamline the DMV. Unbelievably he somehow made good on it. I was literally blown away. The DMV I go to would have people lined up outside the door on Friday afternoons. I went on another day and there was one person in there getting a driver's license. My first thought was that I'd have to come back as the computers were all down or something and I'd have to come back. Nope, streamlined. Bang, boom, down and out the door. DMV people loitering waiting for the next person to come in. I still can't believe it. As long as he was governor it stated that way. No idea of the man's name or what else he might have accomplished but it was great for a while.
He was succeeded by Nikki Hailey who could care less about the DMV so apparently they wasted no time rebuilding all the bureaucratic barriers to keep citizens from breezing in and out of the DMV. And on Friday people are lined up out the door just like the old days. The current governor also has no interest, it was just that one guy that one time I guess.

The really stupid part is I could be trying to tag a full-on motocross bike or dune buggy with no lights at all that has no business being on the street and I could do it as long as the pieces of paper the DMV wants said the right things on them. Dumb as hell.

Fast_Freddy 03-08-2023 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by GypsyR (Post 391833)
Red states are immune to government stupidity? Pretty sure not...
Dumb as hell.

IMO they set the bar that Ron Desantis then jumps over!

I got my title today! "Lifan" Templar CB250F

GypsyR 03-09-2023 03:17 PM

Now. Got a phone call from as promised. On the bright side, they hadn't forgotten me. Downside is they wanted a photo of the actual VIN. (Really?) Mr. Prepared (ahem) already had one on his phone and texted it toot sweet. Return text said they were looking for a sticker. Like you see on cars with actual production date and a code for country of origin. etc. Eeesh. it doesn't have that and I told them.
The Vermont two-step is looking better again. But I'm trying my best to be all straight up and legit here.

GypsyR 03-09-2023 04:27 PM

Blow by blow action here. Just called back to claim everything is hunky-dory and I can come back in for my third try anytime. Tomorrow. Lunch.

Fast_Freddy 03-09-2023 06:46 PM

Don't you have a silver manufacturer sticker on the steering head? I had to provide a pencil tracing of the frame VIN in addition to a photo. Good luck.

GypsyR 03-10-2023 02:34 PM

No sticker. Who knows.
Another DMV one-finger typer but I just walked out with my paper tag, the real one comes in the mail. Maybe I paved the way for the next person with a Templar in SC. End of my saga I think.

GypsyR 03-14-2023 07:40 PM

Well, the fat lady did NOT sing. Starting to feel like I should have started my own thread.
The tag and registration came in the mail today. Yay! Clearly marked as "MOPED". Great. Really?
Not sure what to do except pile up all the paperwork again for another trip the that special hell known as the DMV.

Fast_Freddy 03-14-2023 08:30 PM

Just when I thought it was over, a new plot twist. I'm gonna make me another bowl of popcorn...

GypsyR 03-23-2023 06:05 PM

Losing some of my enthusiasm, I put off the next round most of the week. Decided today was it.
Everyone, including me, was nice about it. Took well over an hour. They tried to catch me out but no, I had ALL my freaking paperwork from previous efforts. Not getting rid of me that easily.
Attempt one. Bunch of papers. some to be signed by me. The computer spat it out as a moped again. Paperwork off to be filed under screwups somewhere.

I wonder if the DMV hire wildebeests on purpose or working there turns you into one.

Redo all the paperwork. Re-signing it. But skipped asking me to produce the same stuff a third time. Nope. Moped.

Trash it all. Call in head wildebeest. They alternate poking at various computer things and sit and stare for a straight 20 minutes. Then I signed all the stuff yet again. Along with some sort of thing saying I didn't have to pay for the replacement title and tag. This time the paperwork went into the non-trash file and out the door I went.

I wouldn't be surprised if the next poor soul trying to tag one of these in South Carolina gets pushed down the moped stairs too. But anyway. Been cold for the last two weeks and suddenly turned gorgeous and spring like. Riding this thing as a commuter bike tomorrow in the sunshine! (If I don't get run over by a truck.)

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