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imapdog 08-30-2018 07:56 AM

Nothing fumes me more than tailgaters
ok, riding to work this morn and on country road 55mph 2 lane curvy.
three cars in front of me are riding about 55 safely spread apart.
this f-head behind me is riding my ass for miles. once in town i pulled over shot the bird followed this car to next red light. it was going to go down for sure(either i get shot or kick their butt). come to find out it was a f-ing dumb ass b...h with another b...h.
i got back on my bike and went to work without a word. i am tired of this shit. i want to quit street riding.....:grr:
i hate people

JerryHawk250 08-30-2018 08:06 AM

I'm with you on this one. There's always that one Dumb ass that has to be stuck up your but. I was coming home from work one day and this guy was stuck up so close to me that all I could see was from the wind shield up through the rear view mirror. And of course playing and texting on his phone the whole way doing 50-55 mph. The whole time I'm thinking if I have to just tap the brake he is going to rear end me. Well I was coming up to the intersection and I had to switch over to the left hand turning lane. The guy never looked up from his phone and slammed right into there rear of another truck stopped at the light. I made sure I hung around for the cop to let him know exactly what happened. He told me he was righting him a few tickets and thanks for letting him know.

ChrisWNY 08-30-2018 08:23 AM

Lots of dumbass drivers out there, we just have to deal with them. I've definitely had a handful of tailgaters while driving my motorcycle to/from work.

Poetic justice happened a few weeks ago...there was a female driver in a blue mustang riding my ass for miles. Noticed a cop approaching from the oncoming traffic lane across the way, so I waved to him and pointed at the ditz behind me. Saw him flip a U-turn seconds later, throw his lights on, and pull her over. Wanted to turn around, stop, and shake the cop's hand but had to get to work. :D

JerryHawk250 08-30-2018 08:29 AM

Good one. :tup: I've been rear ended 3 times because of tailgaters. All three times I received no damage due to I keep my big ass camper hitch on the truck at all times. I've taken out a Dodge truck front bumper, Cadillac grill and a shinny new Camaro bumper. :D

The guy in the Dodge truck was the best. I stopped at the stop sign and bam! The guy gets out the truck raising all kind of hell like it was my fault. I go to the look at the damage and see I had none but he had this nice V shaped bumper. I looked at him then turned and pointed at the stop sign and said see that? And said i'm good, hope you have insurance and got in my truck and left. He stood there with his jaw hanging. :hehe:

Mudflap 08-30-2018 08:31 AM

You could always make a smoke generator that drips corvus oil into the exhaust header leaving a big plume behind you. That would surely discourage tailgater's. We used to use those on our ultralight aircraft for air shows.

ben2go 08-30-2018 09:26 AM

A cop pulled three, yes three, women over in single file yesterday in less than a half mile. I watched as I came up to where he was. The police was called a while back to the area because of a school zone where people blast through at 50 to 65mph. The limit is 45mph and 30mph during posted school hours.

A woman in an SUV blasted past me doing well over 60mph. I was running 45mph. The cop blue lighted her and she pulled over. By the time I made it the half mile to where he pulled her over, two more women blasted by me in SUVs. He stepped out into the road with a lighted baton and waved them both over behind the first lady he pulled over.

Now here's the good part. He's a state trooper. In my state, or at least in my area, if you're pulled over by an ST you get the full treatment. That means you're getting a fist full of tickets.

Now the best part. I'm sure those women were late for something. They always are around here. A half hour later when I was going back home from breakfast, the officer still had all three sitting on the curb. I couldn't help but laugh. Now they're not only in trouble with the law, they're also in trouble at work.

The sh!tty thing is, they didn't learn a thing and will be blasting through the next day.

cbrfxr67 08-30-2018 09:52 AM

I haven't had problems on the Vader yet. I'm typically in heavy Houston traffic and split as soon as I can. I see more people hugging the edge of their lane so I can't split :hehe:

Azhule 08-30-2018 01:32 PM

I usually like to slow down when I get tail gated... I'm never in a hurry when I ride my moto... riding someones ace, must be in a hurry and I have plenty of time to spare :hehe:

Had one tail gater get all pissy and follow me for the longest time... with a freshly filled gas tank I let them follow as I took random roads going slow for the longest time and several 'burst of speed' to get a small gap every now and then...

Well I got bored and slowly led them towards 'the hills' and I turn last second and blast up a nice big rocky hill they can't get up on 4 wheels easily, I turn the bike off and waited for them to make the next move...

Their next move was to curse, piss, and moan for a few minutes while I waved and said "Did I finally find a way to get you to back off"

This was me :yay:

>:( This was the look on the guys face...

I just wasted close to an hour of this pricks life, who knows how much fuel in his big ace truck (just a sip of fuel for my KLR), and he didn't get any tail gating road rage justice.

This other time I was being tail gated by a texter/phone user for a several miles on I-25 down towards the Denver area, speed limit was 50 (or 55) but traffic was doing closer to 80... all of a sudden vehicle traffic in front of me just came to a STOP... I decided it was time to use my 1%er Motorcycle Rider badge and safely lane split my way home... glad I did because all I heard was SCREAAAAACH followed by a loud sound I never want to hear again while riding a motorcycle... and knowing that person was just tail gating you a split second before :wtf:

Dual Sport Motorcycles for the Win :hehe:

cheesy 08-30-2018 03:27 PM

I don’t usually have a problem with the Ural. Most folks just pass me to get a better look at it.

On the Honda, though, son of a b... First time riding two wheels in a year and had a soccer mom SUV on me in a 25mph zone within 2 minutes. Next right turn was used to blow out the cobwebs out of the engine and watch the grill of the SUV shrink in my mirrors.

BlackBike 08-30-2018 10:32 PM

I can see this thread is going to probably take off. :tup:

It's our responsibility as motorcyclists to "be responsible" for all those jackwagons out there. There is such a thing as being DEAD RIGHT.

Emerikol 08-31-2018 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by BlackBike (Post 289397)
It's our responsibility as motorcyclists to "be responsible" for all those jackwagons out there. There is such a thing as being DEAD RIGHT.

I think the same thing. I can't tell you how many people will walk right out into traffic without taking their eyes off the cell phone in their hand. On the one hand, I get it, pedestrians are supposed to have the right of way and traffic is supposed to stop for them. On the other hand, how much consolation is having the right of way going to be to that distracted pedestrian or their family when they get run over by a similarly distracted driver? People are so hung up on their 'Right' to drive, that they don't take it seriously. Ask any high school kid with a beat up, ragged out Honda about their driving skills and how stupid speed limits are for 'free spirits' like him and you'll quickly see what I mean... :ohno:

Its_not_a_honda 08-31-2018 09:49 AM

I know I will catch heat for this. Please at least do the speed limit. If your not in a hurry, dont pull out in front of me. You never know where the other person is going. I was on the way to the hospital and every slow a$$ in the world got in front of me. Got there in time to tell my dad goodbye but it was too close. Just keep this in mind when someone is riding too close. If your not in a hurry, just pull over and let them go. I do.

bogieboy 08-31-2018 12:48 PM

i cant stand reading about all these distracted drivers...... 4 of my close friends in the last 5 years have lost their lives thanks to distracted drivers, and i have personally had waaaayyyyy too many close calls.... if you want to drive, drive. if you want to be on your phone, do it in a way that you arenet putting everyone around you's lives at risk...

cbrfxr67 08-31-2018 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Its_not_a_honda (Post 289415)
I know I will catch heat for this. Please at least do the speed limit. If your not in a hurry, dont pull out in front of me. You never know where the other person is going. I was on the way to the hospital and every slow a$$ in the world got in front of me. Got there in time to tell my dad goodbye but it was too close. Just keep this in mind when someone is riding too close. If your not in a hurry, just pull over and let them go. I do.

I do this more and more these days,...just let em go ahead.

Few months back was in Colorado coming back from vacation and missed an opportunity to let a busted geo tracker pass me. Guy decides to cross double yellow to go around me, 18 wheeler coming in the opposite lane who is honking and has nowhere to go. I'm thinking this dude's going to head on into the 18 wheeler!

I'm hugging the edge of the pavement trying to give this guy some room who seems bar none to stop. He lags back a bit as the 18 wheeler roars past and then tries again! Another car is coming and he's right over the yellow. I brake and let him go. It turns out to be a white haired old lady! wtf

ben2go 09-01-2018 01:43 PM

I was in two wrecks yesterday in less than three hours. Both were caused by distracted drivers. Neither my fault. The first one was a young girl (20) on a cell phone in a 99 Mustang GT. She tried to jump the light, but it was the turning lane light, not ours, and hit us hard in the rear end. She pushed us about 30 feet. We just got the Soul back from being repaired from a wreck back in February when another elderly lady (71) jumped the light and plowed us in the rear. Same thing, turning light for the other lane and she jumped the light hitting us and almost pushing us into the car in front of us.

The second wreck I was in yesterday was an elderly lady (65+) turning left as I was turning left. She went wide while watching up the street instead of where she was in her lane. She ran under the passenger side cab of my truck. She back out and ran. We were sitting right in front of the town police station. Unfortunately, my truck is having some running issue so I elected not to chase her down. It's a beat-up work truck anyway.

That's three wrecks I have been in since February, none my fault, and two happened yesterday within three hours. Yesterday was not a good day at all. So both our Soul and my Ranger were wrecked in three hours. I just can't get over how bad my luck has been throughout my life. >:(

cheesy 09-01-2018 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by ben2go (Post 289501)
I was in two wrecks yesterday in less than three hours. Both were caused by distracted drivers. Neither my fault. The first one was a young girl (20) on a cell phone in a 99 Mustang GT. She tried to jump the light, but it was the turning lane light, not ours, and hit us hard in the rear end. She pushed us about 30 feet. We just got the Soul back from being repaired from a wreck back in February when another elderly lady (71) jumped the light and plowed us in the rear. Same thing, turning light for the other lane and she jumped the light hitting us and almost pushing us into the car in front of us.

The second wreck I was in yesterday was an elderly lady (65+) turning left as I was turning left. She went wide while watching up the street instead of where she was in her lane. She ran under the passenger side cab of my truck. She back out and ran. We were sitting right in front of the town police station. Unfortunately, my truck is having some running issue so I elected not to chase her down. It's a beat-up work truck anyway.

That's three wrecks I have been in since February, none my fault, and two happened yesterday within three hours. Yesterday was not a good day at all. So both our Soul and my Ranger were wrecked in three hours. I just can't get over how bad my luck has been throughout my life. >:(


ben2go 09-01-2018 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by cheesy (Post 289520)

It was one of those days. Either laugh it off or snap and hurt someone. I chose not to snap but there were moments I wasn't sure I could contain myself.

bogieboy 09-08-2018 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by ben2go (Post 289501)
I was in two wrecks yesterday in less than three hours. Both were caused by distracted drivers. Neither my fault. The first one was a young girl (20) on a cell phone in a 99 Mustang GT. She tried to jump the light, but it was the turning lane light, not ours, and hit us hard in the rear end. She pushed us about 30 feet. We just got the Soul back from being repaired from a wreck back in February when another elderly lady (71) jumped the light and plowed us in the rear. Same thing, turning light for the other lane and she jumped the light hitting us and almost pushing us into the car in front of us.

The second wreck I was in yesterday was an elderly lady (65+) turning left as I was turning left. She went wide while watching up the street instead of where she was in her lane. She ran under the passenger side cab of my truck. She back out and ran. We were sitting right in front of the town police station. Unfortunately, my truck is having some running issue so I elected not to chase her down. It's a beat-up work truck anyway.

That's three wrecks I have been in since February, none my fault, and two happened yesterday within three hours. Yesterday was not a good day at all. So both our Soul and my Ranger were wrecked in three hours. I just can't get over how bad my luck has been throughout my life. >:(

move north... less bluehairs, less crazies.....:hehe::hehe:

ben2go 09-08-2018 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by bogieboy (Post 290073)
move north... less bluehairs, less crazies.....:hehe::hehe:

Out of four wrecks in two years, it's 50/50. Two were elderly and two were 20/21. Maybe if I move half way I'll start getting hit by hot women close to my own age, 41. :lmao:

Oh and most of my area has been taken over by retired Yankees looking for cheap property and housing. :grr::D

cheesy 09-08-2018 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by ben2go (Post 290089)

Oh and most of my area has been taken over by retired Yankees looking for cheap property and housing. :grr::D

Not this kid. I've experienced a snowfall in SC that shut the state down yet I wouldn't have bothered shoveling at home.

ben2go 09-09-2018 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by cheesy (Post 290131)
Not this kid. I've experienced a snowfall in SC that shut the state down yet I wouldn't have bothered shoveling at home.

We just need an excuse to stay home. :lmao:

cheesy 09-09-2018 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by ben2go (Post 290164)
We just need an excuse to stay home. :lmao:

Looks like you get to stay home for Florence now, too.:)

ben2go 09-10-2018 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by cheesy (Post 290165)
Looks like you get to stay home for Florence now, too.:)

If I was close to the coast. I'm closer to GA and WNC than the coast. 15 minutes to Polk County NC and an hour to Rabun County GA. Three hours to Charleston and five hours to Horry County. I hope everyone on the coast takes heed and gets out of town.

BlackBike 09-10-2018 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by ben2go (Post 289501)
I was in two wrecks yesterday in less than three hours. Both were caused by distracted drivers. Neither my fault. The first one was a young girl (20) on a cell phone in a 99 Mustang GT. She tried to jump the light, but it was the turning lane light, not ours, and hit us hard in the rear end. She pushed us about 30 feet. We just got the Soul back from being repaired from a wreck back in February when another elderly lady (71) jumped the light and plowed us in the rear. Same thing, turning light for the other lane and she jumped the light hitting us and almost pushing us into the car in front of us.

The second wreck I was in yesterday was an elderly lady (65+) turning left as I was turning left. She went wide while watching up the street instead of where she was in her lane. She ran under the passenger side cab of my truck. She back out and ran. We were sitting right in front of the town police station. Unfortunately, my truck is having some running issue so I elected not to chase her down. It's a beat-up work truck anyway.

That's three wrecks I have been in since February, none my fault, and two happened yesterday within three hours. Yesterday was not a good day at all. So both our Soul and my Ranger were wrecked in three hours. I just can't get over how bad my luck has been throughout my life. >:(

Good grief, now your looking down the barrel of a loaded shotgun named Florence. Im hoping yall come out ok, but it doesnt look very good.

ben2go 09-11-2018 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by BlackBike (Post 290299)
Good grief, now your looking down the barrel of a loaded shotgun named Florence. Im hoping yall come out ok, but it doesnt look very good.

Thankfully I'm not close to the coast. Unfortunately, we are expecting possible record rainfall. I live on a hill in a shallow valley, more like a deep wide ditch. We don't normally see flooding, except down below us about 300 yards. There is a creek that rarely floods, but it has twice in my life. I'm 41. The first time was hurricane Hugo in the late 80's and a freak weather pattern a few years back. Now, there are several new housing developments that send their runoff into the creek. I guess it may be possible for us to see water up onto our block now. The water would have to come up about fifty feet to reach the foundation of my home, maybe a little higher. I'm not sure it could come up that far. There's to many other areas close by for the water to spread out and disipate.

Azhule 09-11-2018 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by ben2go (Post 290354)
Thankfully I'm not close to the coast.

I will be by the coast soon... have to go to North Carolina to help some family out...


If you don't hear from me in a few weeks, just wait longer :hehe:

ben2go 09-11-2018 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Azhule (Post 290359)
I will be by the coast soon... have to go to North Carolina to help some family out...


If you don't hear from me in a few weeks, just wait longer :hehe:

Be safe and good luck.

Azhule 09-11-2018 06:29 PM

The kiddo and I almost died twice today... by the same dumb ace lady... within a few seconds of each event...

First time... driving in my own lane, speed limit is 45 mph, this blue chevy car almost rear ends us going well over the speed limit (probably 65+ mph), changed lanes almost side swiping us, then slams on her brakes realizing there is traffic in that lane only going 35 getting ready to turn into Walmart... she instantly forces her way into my lane ignoring my horn and we have to go into oncoming traffic to (hopefully) avoid a long day of headaches...

Lucky for me there was a small "shared turn lane" that no one was using (I seen this well before the incident happened... always be aware of your surroundings!)... I was in my tuned up Forester XT with ~280 awhp... I floor it, we fly past the little chevy, I merge in front of her and slam on my brakes to get back in line and not rear end the truck that was originally in front of us... forcing the dumb lady in the chevy to slam on her brakes after trying to now box us out...

This is where I really get pissy... the lady that forced us into doing all that sh**... leans over and starts digging for something down in the passenger foot area, she picks up her cell phone... waves it at us and mouths "I'm calling the cops a$$hole!"...

I wave at her, my son gave her a "thumbs up and a wave goodbye" and we go about our business up the mountain leaving that little chevy in the dust...

Several miles down the road what do I see... that same little chevy finally catching back up speeding up the mountain, brights flashing, then giving me a "your #1 sign" with one hand and what looked like trying to film us with her cell phone in the other hand...

All I have to say is...

WTF is wrong with people?!?

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