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FastDoc 12-13-2016 01:11 PM

Do we have an 'Official Gripe About Winter Thread' yet?
I've been dormant on the boards for a while so I may have missed it...

Been out on the bicycle and motorcycles until recently when the weather just fell apart.

What a terrible December!

I'm glad to see parts of the US, and maybe a few square feet (meters) of Canada are not in the freezer but it looks like many of us are affected.

What are you all doing? Working in the garage on new creations? Skiing? Snow machines?Going to the gym? Catching up on reading or bookwork? Home projects? Staring out the window praying for summer?

I'm reading more trying to get ahead on my studies in case summer ever happens again and I can take off time to play.

I'm working out in my little home gym and riding the bike on a trainer and on rollers to stay fit. Mostly I'm praying for summer and trying to remain positive.

I'm dating a pretty blonde social worker who is trying to keep me upbeat even indoors.

Forcast calls for another 6" of snow and subzero temps.

God bless you all! Remain happy and busy!

2LZ 12-13-2016 01:36 PM

Hey Doc!
I've just been working....and had some very close friends do this for me a couple weeks ago. I feel very blessed.

Other than that, we got the Christmas décor all up and Mrs. 2LZ is happy that I'm "in the spirit" for a change. I even got involved! I'm usually a horrible Scrooge this time of year. I know that there are differing views on this holiday here but this year, it's all about what the Mrs. wants. Happy wife, happy life, right? ;-)

JerryHawk250 12-13-2016 03:47 PM

Yeah I hate winter. I can't decide to wear my winter shorts or summer shorts. :lmao: high of 81 today. It doesn't really get cold here till January and February. We did get down to low 30's overnight this weekend but warmed up to the mid 50's before noon. I don't know how you guys can take the snow and cold weather. Brrrr makes me cold thinking about it. lol

FastDoc 12-13-2016 04:45 PM

3 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by JerryHawk250 (Post 237916)
Yeah I hate winter. I can't decide to wear my winter shorts or summer shorts. :lmao: high of 81 today. It doesn't really get cold here till January and February. We did get down to low 30's overnight this weekend but warmed up to the mid 50's before noon. I don't know how you guys can take the snow and cold weather. Brrrr makes me cold thinking about it. lol

To answer your question, we survive the winter so that we get to see, enjoy, experience and live an environment like this:

FastDoc 12-13-2016 04:46 PM

It's worth the wait through the current forcast ;-)

FastDoc 12-13-2016 05:03 PM

More Washington pics.

FastDoc 12-13-2016 05:04 PM

3 Attachment(s)
More Washington pictures.

Emerikol 12-13-2016 05:04 PM

It's a balmy 67 here in Charleston, SC right now. Unfortunately, I'm in a rental car miles and miles from my two-wheeled entertainment. I'm stuck here for two days, then off to Tampa! That's going to be even worse because it's going to be in the low to mid 80's down there! Oh well, guess when I get back I'll just have to bundle up and do my best to make up for all the missed riding opportunities while I was away. :tup:

Emerikol 12-13-2016 05:05 PM

Those pictures are absolutely stunning!!

hertz9753 12-13-2016 06:50 PM

FastDoc lives in Skyrim.

cheesy 12-13-2016 06:53 PM

I'm stuck in MinneSNOWta until Friday. It was a balmy -6F this morning with about a -25F windchill. Having spent a good part of my life in Da Nort Woods, it's not too much of a big deal. But, I have a co-worker from Italy with me and it was quite enjoyable to see his reaction to a temp he'd never experienced. Priceless comes to mind. So does bugeyed.

It looks like about the time I get home, another storm is poised to hit. 14" atop the 8" already on the ground if it runs as predicted. I'd take the Urinal out to play in the snow but I don't know if I'll even be able to get it out of the garage.

Once things settle down with the project up here and I can spend more than a weekend at home, plans are to fall off the Fat Bike in the snow, ride the Ural like a snowmobile, and get the garage finally rearranged so I can get the De Soto home in the spring. Maybe even bring the CX home if the roads get cleaned up.

pistolclass 12-13-2016 07:56 PM


Originally Posted by JerryHawk250 (Post 237916)
Yeah I hate winter. I can't decide to wear my winter shorts or summer shorts. :lmao: high of 81 today. It doesn't really get cold here till January and February. We did get down to low 30's overnight this weekend but warmed up to the mid 50's before noon. I don't know how you guys can take the snow and cold weather. Brrrr makes me cold thinking about it. lol

Administrator please kick this guy off our forum. I find this offensive and intolerable.

This daytime high in CT friday will be 23.

hertz9753 12-13-2016 08:05 PM

When you get up to the Nord part of Nord Dakota.

Sullybiker 12-13-2016 08:25 PM

Oh man, tell me about it. I don't expect a huge amount from December here in Western Pennsylvania, but this year the weather has been diabolical.

I try and ride whenever it's possible (no snow or ice on the road) and usually expect problems most of January, but so far December has been utter crap.

I've moaned about it here:

Bruce's 12-13-2016 09:54 PM

Currently there is about a foot of snow on my lawn ,the temp is dropping to -16 tonight ,I have been working on my jeep getting it ready for plow season ,and hopefully Hootch will enjoy riding in it better than my Silverado .

JerryHawk250 12-13-2016 10:02 PM

:lmao: sorry I didn't mean to be so offensive. All the picture are beautiful. Sunset in South Louisiana.

Originally Posted by pistolclass (Post 237946)
Administrator please kick this guy off our forum. I find this offensive and intolerable.

This daytime high in CT friday will be 23.

hertz9753 12-13-2016 10:34 PM

I know a guy that lives in Sudbury. Another one of my friends lives in Nelson, BC.

The temperature in December has been crazy this year all over North America.

BlackBike 12-14-2016 12:12 AM

I walked a sidewalk that was perfectly snowblown. Please show some plow,snowblower action pics.

hertz9753 12-14-2016 01:10 AM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by BlackBike (Post 237968)
I walked a sidewalk that was perfectly snowblown. Please show some plow,snowblower action pics.

I could show you some tracks of a snow blower in the driveway but I like my squirrel better. We have more snow in December than all of last winter.

She likes the unsalted peanuts.

2LZ 12-14-2016 10:07 AM

I'm not sure but I think this may be Spud. I hear it's getting a tad cold up there.

Weldangrind 12-14-2016 11:45 AM

It usually just pours rain here, but we actually got snow last week that stuck around. No precip this week at all, and it got down to about 20F last night. That's not really cold at all, until you throw some humidity in. It is then an unshakable cold. I grew up in the Prairies and have experienced -40 temps, but at least you could come in and warm up.

pete 12-15-2016 01:31 AM

We had to put up with a chilly 28c 2day..
thats about 83f for you fella's...

Krasi_BG 12-15-2016 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by pete (Post 238018)
We had to put up with a chilly 28c 2day..
thats about 83f for you fella's...

OK, that hurts my feelings! I feel highly offended and unprivileged. And don't even get me started about my winter-related heritage, which is even more offended...

P.S. Just in case - :D:D:D:D

hertz9753 12-15-2016 03:14 AM

Pete it's summer where you live... Don't get me going on counter clock wise toilet flushing. :hehe:

cheesy 12-15-2016 05:50 AM

-16F in wondrous Granite Falls, MN last night. About -5 this morning. My last day on this job for the week, so heading home tomorrow in a winter storm warning. The eight hour drive appears to be closer to twelve.

katoranger 12-15-2016 09:04 AM

We will be going to Minnesota next week for Christmas. I don't look forward to the cold. Southern Kansas is generally not too bad even though we are predicted some single digits mornings this week.

FastDoc 12-15-2016 12:36 PM


Originally Posted by 2LZ (Post 237899)
Hey Doc!
I've just been working....and had some very close friends do this for me a couple weeks ago. I feel very blessed.

Other than that, we got the Christmas décor all up and Mrs. 2LZ is happy that I'm "in the spirit" for a change. I even got involved! I'm usually a horrible Scrooge this time of year. I know that there are differing views on this holiday here but this year, it's all about what the Mrs. wants. Happy wife, happy life, right? ;-)

What a great thread, and what great friends. Nice pics too.

Thanks for the link!

FastDoc 12-15-2016 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by pistolclass (Post 237946)
Administrator please kick this guy off our forum. I find this offensive and intolerable.

This daytime high in CT friday will be 23.


Every place has good and bad weather. We may want to check in with our Gulf Coast friends in July.

I think the only real solution is to live in coastal Southern California (which has some serious problems also, just great weather) or to snowbird.

Personally I'd like to spend summers here in the PNW and winters in Scottsdale. I have researched job opportunities there recently.

FastDoc 12-15-2016 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by 2LZ (Post 237977)
I'm not sure but I think this may be Spud. I hear it's getting a tad cold up there.

Extra credit for that one 2LZ!

culcune 12-15-2016 01:39 PM

My gripe every year in Yuma--it is quite chilly on my morning commute; the past few weeks in the low 40's (Faranheit) down this way. Worse, since we don't change our clocks ('Arizona Time') it is dark; middle of the night dark. Going home in the afternoon is what you guys would be jealous of, however.

That being said--for 6 months of the year, it is HOT on my afternoon commute--110+ (Faranheit) daily for 6 months. Mornings are in the 80s and light out, so I guess I can gripe about it year round due to the extremes I encounter.

FastDoc 12-15-2016 02:09 PM

I'd imagine the snowbird influx in Yuma also causes traffic and a strain on the infrastructure? As well as a revenue influx.

Sullybiker 12-15-2016 03:27 PM

10F this morning in Western PA, my bike sits under its cover.
That's about as cold as it gets here, but usually January sees those lows.

I don't actually mind riding in that so much, I have some heated gear, but the snow melted yesterday and that means ice (you can see a patch in the background), which is a no-go for me.

hertz9753 12-15-2016 04:44 PM

That's what it looked like up here 3 years ago on the 1st of December. We have been spoiled for many years with warmer temperatures and not much snow.

FastDoc 12-15-2016 04:47 PM

Copy that.

We had no measurable snow here the past 2-3 years. I was hoping that was the new normal.

culcune 12-15-2016 06:13 PM


Originally Posted by FastDoc (Post 238057)
I'd imagine the snowbird influx in Yuma also causes traffic and a strain on the infrastructure? As well as a revenue influx.

We are fortunate that the snowbirds tend to 'flock' in area known as the Yuma Foothills about 10 to 15 miles east of the city. They come into the city, but haven't been too bad the past few years. Money does not follow them, but people in your line of work seem to do quite well treating them :lmao: I think that Yuma is affordable for many (top of the heap mentality from many of the snowbirds as to demand that the city and its businesses bow down to them) which answers my questions I had when I first moved here in '04 wondering why they don't go to places like Phoenix, Tucson, San Diego, Palm Springs, etc. Because they can't afford it is why! An example of how cheap they are--west of Yuma, the next metropolitan area is El Centro, Calexico, Imperial which are the small city comprising the Imperial Valley. There are virtually no snowbird places there because it seems no one that way wants or needs their pennies :)

FastDoc 12-15-2016 06:57 PM

I bet they are a cash cow for the local doctors as they tend to be old folks to begin with. Then add in spending all day every day all winter sitting in front of an RV in a concrete parking lot eating and drinking something is bound to give out...

I was just visiting the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ to pursue a possible job opportunity but I'm not ready to pull the trigger on it.

We will see after this winter kicks my skinny arse.

pistolclass 12-15-2016 06:59 PM

yeah Doc I agree with your SoCal assessment. I was in San Diego in Sept on business. The weather was perfect. The people were very nice. I expected to get into an argument with some granola eating, earth shoe, tell me how to live Hippy. But that didn't happen. I carried a bar of soap because I figured nothing would chase away a dirty hippy faster than a bar or soap. I could never live there, visiting is good enough.

Although I do envy the 12 month riding season.

culcune 12-15-2016 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by pistolclass (Post 238075)

Although I do envy the 12 month riding season.

It's a double edged sword with all the accidents, unfortunately. Same with L.A.

cheesy 12-15-2016 10:14 PM

Snowing in MinneSNOWta again. I'm just hoping that this is a just a teaser for the storm that's supposed to hit tomorrow afternoon. I need to drop my co-worker off at MSP around noon tomorrow so he can get home. Then hammer on the five hour on a good day drive home for the weekend.

Good thing I'm gettin' outta town, -25F predicted for Saturday.

pistolclass 12-15-2016 10:47 PM

I'm getting cabin fever already and it is only December. Limited Serotonin only goes so far.... I need to ride..... Uhhhg.... who started this thread!!! Poke the bear......

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