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tigertamer 11-05-2008 06:44 AM

Our New Boss!
E PLURIBUS UNUM...out of many, one 8)

Hail To The Chief:

Hail to the Chief we have chosen for the nation,
Hail to the Chief! We salute him, one and all.
Hail to the Chief, as we pledge cooperation
In proud fulfillment of a great, noble call.

Yours is the aim to make this grand country grander,
This you will do, that's our strong, firm belief.
Hail to the one we selected as commander,
Hail to the President! Hail to the Chief!

Congrats to "Barry"

Oh well, :?

katoranger 11-05-2008 08:06 AM


DesertDog 11-05-2008 09:26 AM

it was allowed by God read Romans 13:1

srreynolds2003 11-05-2008 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by katoranger

I second that.

AZ200cc 11-05-2008 01:22 PM

I expect the worst and hope for the best, Either way history was made.

warrior91 11-05-2008 01:32 PM

Probably a blind/deaf non english speaking alien could have won over the republicans this time...

Is it the Man or the party that won...???

AZ200cc 11-05-2008 01:42 PM

The party won, Bush lost it for the Repubs, And people had a pie in the sky dream of what could be. Sadly I feel the country will pay for people to feel warm and fuzzy about who they voted for.

IronFist 11-05-2008 02:21 PM

We just hired our old boss again up here in Canada. I was hoping for a change. :cry: Your election down south was a bigger deal up than our own election. I don't expect the worst and hope for the best; I expect nothing. I'm seldom disappointed. :D

katoranger 11-05-2008 03:24 PM

We shouldn't be calling him boss. He should be calling us boss. The President is an employee of the Federal Government.

The people decide.


elroyjetsn 11-05-2008 04:04 PM

He needs to work on his FBI security clearance... :roll:

katoranger 11-05-2008 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by elroyjetsn
He needs to work on his FBI security clearance... :roll:

I agree.

I was thinking about that also since he was already a senator if he had clearance then.


AZ200cc 11-05-2008 04:54 PM

I wonder when the "wealth" starts being spread in my direction. 8O

srreynolds2003 11-05-2008 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by AZ200cc
I wonder when the "wealth" starts being spread in my direction. 8O

Don't hold your breath.

AZ200cc 11-05-2008 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by srreynolds2003

Originally Posted by AZ200cc
I wonder when the "wealth" starts being spread in my direction. 8O

Don't hold your breath.

Crap, there goes my dream of a new Dirtbike next year :lol:

TeamCheap 11-05-2008 06:27 PM

I stood out in front of my house all day with eyes closed, arms reaching out and palms facing up and wide open waiting for the wealth to be speread across MY hands and


My hope is he will do well (lets face it, he cant do to much worse than bush), I also hope that if HE goes terribly wrong (GOD forbid) then the ones who voted him in get the worst of the worst.

AHHH just 4 more years and maybe then we can make history again by electing a .................................
or stuffed animal
or halfdead road kill
or a cigarette butt

AZ200cc 11-05-2008 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by TeamCheap
I stood out in front of my house all day with eyes closed, arms reaching out and palms facing up and wide open waiting for the wealth to be speread across MY hands and


My hope is he will do well (lets face it, he cant do to much worse than bush), I also hope that if HE goes terribly wrong (GOD forbid) then the ones who voted him in get the worst of the worst.

AHHH just 4 more years and maybe then we can make history again by electing a .................................
or stuffed animal
or halfdead road kill
or a cigarette butt

Next will be Aughnold Shwarzzenaggger, We'll make BETTER history 8O :D , And I wonder if Mcain breathed a small sigh of relief that he did not inherit the Bush mess :lol:

Good luck with that Obama :?

winwun 11-05-2008 07:08 PM

I blame Bush 100% for setting the scene where something like this could happen.

IMO, Bush wouldn't make a pimple on his daddy's butt, but he saw to it his buddies in the oil business got well, and in the process he set us up for the present situation.

Maybe, as has been suggested, we can do something about it in 4 years.

Meanwhile, Luke: 11: 21

partsdude 11-05-2008 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by TeamCheap
I stood out in front of my house all day with eyes closed, arms reaching out and palms facing up and wide open waiting for the wealth to be speread across MY hands and


My hope is he will do well (lets face it, he cant do to much worse than bush), I also hope that if HE goes terribly wrong (GOD forbid) then the ones who voted him in get the worst of the worst.

AHHH just 4 more years and maybe then we can make history again by electing a .................................
or stuffed animal
or halfdead road kill
or a cigarette butt

:wink: Didn't you guys south of the 49th make history 8 years ago by electing a "half dead roadkill houseplant" already? :wink:
I say congrats to Senetors Obama & Biden, they can't do any worse and really, they should keep Bush around the Whitehouse, can never have enough houseplants. :roll: God save the Queen, the fascist regime... 8O

Hancadam 11-05-2008 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by DesertDog
it was allowed by God read Romans 13:1

Please read this Desert Dog:

Your statement takes Romans 13:1-7 out of context.

Alaskan-Dad 11-05-2008 09:49 PM

Thanks George!!!!

SpeedSouth 11-05-2008 09:53 PM

I dislike Biden, but Obama is the most articulate, well spoken political figure I can think of in my lifetime.

Is it all fluff? Time will tell. Time has already run out on the Republicans. They had total control for a while, and everything from Libby-gate to Abu Ghraib to the suspension of Habeas Corpus, Katrina, waterboarding and a number of other things have eroded away at their power. And don't forget "the decider" himself, and all of his speaking ability. I think I lost IQ every time I heard him speak.

If they were as capable as some people want to believe, we wouldn't be in this mess.

And for those who want to hold out their hand for the "wealth", consider why you dislike the idea to begin with, and then rethink your desire to hold out your hand. You can't have it both ways. Either it's wrong...for everyone including yourself...or it isn't as bad as you want to make believe.

But, that's just this man's opinion.
Feel free to ignore me. 8)

jake100 11-05-2008 10:58 PM

It wasn't the "Man" or the "Party" that won, it was the $$$$$$$$$$$$$ that won. Jake

tigertamer 11-06-2008 06:28 AM

I'm still hoping for the CHANGE that I can put in my piggy bank :cry:


elroyjetsn 11-06-2008 07:07 AM

We have alot to be greatful for to President Bush! About 100,000 terrorists are no longer around. There hasn't been a single attack on US soil since 911 as a result.

His resolve has freed a nation from the worst tyrant since Hitler.

Now that Bush and our dedicated armed services has secured our borders, he will be handing the torch over to lib as we enjoy our freedoms a little longer. He can work out the bad mortgage crisis, hopefully and bring our soldiers home. Hopefully he won't be like the Clinton bunch and take all the credit for the hard work of the GOP. :roll:

tigertamer 11-06-2008 07:20 AM

I am bipartisan...Which should not be mistaken as a "good-buddy"LOL


katoranger 11-06-2008 08:18 AM

I would rather decide who my wealth gets spread to. Since I am sure that none will be spread to me by the government.


srreynolds2003 11-06-2008 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by katoranger
I would rather decide who my wealth gets spread to. Since I am sure that none will be spread to me by the government.


KATO I swear you are reading my mind.....

On another note.
He could have promised the world a Purple Rainbow covered in Marshmallows....It doesn't mean he can produce it.

IronFist 11-06-2008 10:04 AM

"Read my lips, NO new taxes."

Which was said knowing about the new taxes.

"Sadam is working with the terrorists."
"suitcase nukes"

Our PM up here actually said that he would produce a more open government. "There will be access to the PM."

On the day he took over, he used the RCMP to keep the media away, and ducked into the side door of parliament. He has been the most inaccessable PM in Canadian history. People will lie on their resume. When it's the top job and the next top guy pardons you all your crimes, there is no incentive not to lie. :?

elroyjetsn 11-06-2008 11:39 AM

Hopin that the dems won't dwell on the "party" part as much this time. :wink:

Dragon 11-06-2008 11:05 PM

Even if a democrat had been president during the last 8 years, we would still be in this banking mess. No president could have avoid this banking mess. All the genius financial gurus didn't see it coming, how could a politician. The political system is so messed up; it's broken. Politicians tell us what we want to hear, i.e., spend, spend, spend, times are good, elect us again. We were dumb enough to believe them and run a lot of debt by living way beyond our means. Now, the chicken-is-coming-home-to-roost. What do we do? Blame the president is what. But that's not right. We ought to be looking in the mirror and see what went wrong.

IronFist 11-06-2008 11:55 PM

We didn't get hit by the financial mess like most of the world has, our banking system is different. It was called socialist because it had safeguards :lol: . But if you folks aren't buying our meat and lumber, and our oil sands cost more than a 63$ barrel to extract, well it's only a matter of time till we decline as well. Our housing prices haven't dropped much, but they haven't gone up much either. I hope you new Prez does GREAT, but the cards are stacked against him. Chances are that the financial crisis is far worse than anyone has let on so far. There is always the 1% chance that everyone gets behind him and bunch of work gets done. Hope is the American way isn't it. Hope for a better tomorrow? :D

Jim 11-07-2008 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by IronFist
We didn't get hit by the financial mess like most of the world has, our banking system is different. It was called socialist because it had safeguards :lol: . But if you folks aren't buying our meat and lumber, and our oil sands cost more than a 63$ barrel to extract, well it's only a matter of time till we decline as well. Our housing prices haven't dropped much, but they haven't gone up much either. I hope you new Prez does GREAT, but the cards are stacked against him. Chances are that the financial crisis is far worse than anyone has let on so far. There is always the 1% chance that everyone gets behind him and bunch of work gets done. Hope is the American way isn't it. Hope for a better tomorrow? :D

Well I think we have, just not as much... Yet... However, our dollar that was recently on par with the US dollar, and even over it, has dropped and was down to about 79 cents US, not sure the current value. It seems a lot of industries are slowing down... Trucking locally seems slow, I hear construction is down. Lot's of condo projects going broke. I don't know what things are like in Ontario, but in BC, the last few years there has been STEEP rise in housing prices, it has pretty much stopped now, and listings are waaaayyy up... I think it is ready to pop. Just my $0.02

TeamCheap 11-07-2008 06:07 AM

As much as I distrust president elect obama we will just have to work to get thru it all but it is going to be a long haul.

Right now in michigan and in the city I live my house value has fallen way lower than I could even think of selling my home for and it IS NOT even mortgaged to the max so in short we are stuck here until the housing market spins around.

My 401K has lost money and that will hopefully rebound but since it is retirement and that is a long way off for me I should be OK.

Jobs around here are scarce and the pay is flat and in fact we havnt had a contract for almost 4 years now (yeah that means a pay freeze) but I'm hoping that is coming soon since they just changed our insurance and with a new contract my hope is it will bring a retro pay check with it.
(retro pay would = a new bike for me :wink: )

Alaskan-Dad 11-07-2008 11:12 AM

The two things here in the US that I feel have hurt our economy the most are inflated real estate prices and the energy costs.
For the last 30 some years we have been seeing that you can be a millionaire in no time buy buying, selling and mortgaging real estate. I remember seeing so much of those shows back when I was a teen. Now it has become even worse with tv shows like flip this house and others promoting the inflation of real estate.
The problem is that not everyone can be a real estate tycoon and you need buyers. Most of the buyers work jobs for their living and live off of wages that have not kept up with cost of housing.
Another thing about the housing market that is causing problems is homes are expected to go up in price. While doing carpentry/construction I learned most new homes will need major renovation after 20 yrs and at 40 yrs are trash. note some homes were built better but average stick framed minimum cost homes are what I'm referring to. Now a lot of cars can last that long but the second you drive them out of the dealership they depreciate.
This whole scenario has caused the housing crisis, add to that bankers who financed these house flippers and you can see how we ended up with the banking crisis.
Now we just added $700,000,000,000 to keep the housing market at this inflated state. Welfare for wallstreet!
Now the other problem has been energy cost and a lot of that has been the oil crisis. We need cheap renewable energy and those that have invested in oil and uranium do not want us to have it. They want to keep posting record profits and expect us to keep paying for it.
Well that was the recipe for disaster many have known it was coming we were warned but we went about our daily lives until it hit hard.
Will it change is the big question, lets hope it can be changed as were at the breaking point.
These are my opinions and take them how you will as I'm just a hillbilly that has no education :wink:

IronFist 11-07-2008 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by Jim

Originally Posted by IronFist
We didn't get hit by the financial mess like most of the world has, our banking system is different. It was called socialist because it had safeguards :lol: . But if you folks aren't buying our meat and lumber, and our oil sands cost more than a 63$ barrel to extract, well it's only a matter of time till we decline as well. Our housing prices haven't dropped much, but they haven't gone up much either. I hope you new Prez does GREAT, but the cards are stacked against him. Chances are that the financial crisis is far worse than anyone has let on so far. There is always the 1% chance that everyone gets behind him and bunch of work gets done. Hope is the American way isn't it. Hope for a better tomorrow? :D

Well I think we have, just not as much... Yet... However, our dollar that was recently on par with the US dollar, and even over it, has dropped and was down to about 79 cents US, not sure the current value. It seems a lot of industries are slowing down... Trucking locally seems slow, I hear construction is down. Lot's of condo projects going broke. I don't know what things are like in Ontario, but in BC, the last few years there has been STEEP rise in housing prices, it has pretty much stopped now, and listings are waaaayyy up... I think it is ready to pop. Just my $0.02

Thats what I mean Jim. We weren't hit by the bad debt, but as the tide of the world falls so does our commodities. Zinc copper, nickle, oil sands, trees, moly, all of it dives cause no one is buying. Thus we fall too, but I don't think as far, or as fast, or as long. Ontario is now a have not province and will start getting cheques from your province next year, if you can believe it. Our manufacturing used to pay for canada 20 years ago. :cry: . Our housing is stagnate, but not falling. A lot has to do with location. I'm living 150 yard from lake Ontario, so the wife picked a good spot. Next year the out lying areas might fall a bit, but we weren't as over inflated as Van.

"These are my opinions and take them how you will as I'm just a hillbilly that has no education" --Alaskan-Dad

I do not think that way at all, Dad. Your post is clear, concise, truthfull and well layed out. One other thing might be added to your list. The dream of everyone owning their own home. Some people can't afford it. Our banks will not give loans to people who don't qualify. If you can't put 20% of the price down in cash you need secondary morgage insurance here in Canada. Thats why our banks were called socialist and draconian. I guess the people who can afford 20% down on a house don't default as much. Still, if you can't prove that you can afford the payments,(long term) you don't get a house loan here. I thought it was a great post, Dad. :D

Jim 11-07-2008 02:31 PM

Oh ok than I am agreeing with you :)

The banks won't loan money to people who can't afford it, but I don't think that was the case that long ago, everyone in BC seemed to be spending a ton of money, and I think a lot came from the bank, if things slow down I think they're in trouble... We had 0% down and 40 year mortgages to help people buy things they couldn't afford, but thankfully that has been done away with...

I know some people (about 30 ish age wise), with no down payment who are looking to spend I forget how much, 4 or 500,000 to buy their first property (or maybe it was 6...), the thing is, it's just bare land... No drive way even. Luckily I don't think the bank will let them do this anymore. Some people seem too eager to get in debt, in my opinion.

Sorry to be off topic. I didn't follow the US elections too much, but from what I saw I favored Obama over McCain... I don't trust most politicians though, and I didn't trust bush. Again, just my uninformed opinion.

lego1970 11-07-2008 03:25 PM

I like Obama. I hope he does well, but I'm not expecting an overnight turn around on some of the problems. Even he said that one of his biggest fears is failure. I was never a big Bush fan (like the guy, but didn't believe he had leadership qualities) and I didn't vote for him in 2000 but under the circumstances that have been thrown at him I think he's done ok . I was pretty disapointed how everybody pointed the finger at him when things didn't go as planned. I have high hopes with Obama and just as important, I have high hope for the American public. I think we've hit a breaking point, we will learn from it and do just fine. May not be as high rollars as we used to be but I think the quality of life will be better in America in the coming years.

AZ200cc 11-07-2008 03:49 PM

The problem Bush had is he would never admit he was wrong and kept on plugging away at the same failed plans...Obama is going in with very little know how or experience on how to handle anything and that scares me. The plans that the Dems have of spend spend spend and cut the military budget worry me also, We have no check and balance now, it's all up to one party with a leader that was barely a senator before he was elected.....I wish he would have wited to get into office about four years from now because he does seem to be a very very sharp young man, I wish he could have learned more and not from the oval office.

IronFist 11-07-2008 04:03 PM

Oh man, I wish Obama could run here! Just imagine a Canadian Prime Minister who can communicate??? 8O Its been generations. (Joe Clark does not count on so many levels. :lol: )

I followed the election closely for the past 18 months. I can't wait for the next 72 days to pass.(not a bush fan.) But I do think John would have made prez. too. I don't think people voted against him, but his party. The man is a true HERO. His story is fantastic.

I understand that the average American doesn't care what the rest of the world thinks. (I know that's a stereotype, but it may hold some truth) Nevertheless, some do care what others outside the US are thinking.

Your vote shook the world, KUDO's. What an amazingly grown up thing for a country to do. I never thought it was possible for the US to raise it's popularity, so much in 24 hours. The point isn't that, there is nothing a black guy can't do now in the US. The point is that over half your country stood up, simultaniously for the black guy. When Americans get together, you make history. Congratulations.

Qingdao 11-07-2008 04:11 PM


Originally Posted by IronFist
The man is a true HERO. His story is fantastic.

Agreed, I hope he runs in 12. I don't care how old he is.

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