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Jim 07-12-2009 03:45 AM

1973 Honda CL350 K5 Project
I've got a 73 Honda CL350 project bike, I'll use this thread for discussion on it.

I have a question regarding the petcock I was wondering if anyone could answer. I don't have a picture of mine right now. I spent part of the day cleaning it up, it looks good and there is clear passages through everywhere there needs to be. It was packed solid with what looks like grey clay, in some spots it was more like grease. I guess this is what happens to gas after 30 years? Anyways, that is all good now, it was all picked and scraped out. There are 2 things it needs now. I need to replace the bowl screen, #6 in the diagram, this isn't a problem. The problem is the reserve screen is destroyed, torn or rotted off... It is circled in red. Is this something that can be replaced, jerry-rigged, or am I out of luck...


Reveeen 07-12-2009 12:22 PM

You might be out of luck.......but I *think* the fuel petcock is the same pretty well through the entire Honda line in those years, meaning: if you feel it is important any Honda petcock will work (100, 250, 350, 450 etc).

I have an "old time" Honda dealer within throwing distance, there might be something "on the shelf", would you like me to check?

Jim 07-12-2009 12:40 PM

I appreciate the offer, there is also a ton of them available on the internet too... I'm simply trying to reuse what I can from the bike.

Either gas source, regular or reserve still feed into the bowl through the screen #6, so I'm guessing the reserve screen is simply there, because the inlet is at the bottom of the tank where crud may settle? I'm sure I can find some screen and jerry-rig something. I think they do anyways, I'll have too look at it again to be sure.

Thanks :)

Reveeen 07-12-2009 01:09 PM

The only thing I have to note about that 350 series of Honda bike is:

Even within "range" on the oil stick, the first thing to oil starve is the overhead camshaft, I have, over the years, repaired over 100 that "ate" chamshaft, followers, andÂbearings. Keep the oil level to the "full" mark.

The cam chain guides, and adjuster, are some sort of plastic. Plastic that gets VERY brittle with age. I can only guess at the expected life of these parts (it would depend on the number of heating/cooling cycles) BUT if I expected to get anywhere near the red line (lowered in 1974) I would call it a service part every 5 years MINIMUM. I bought/took apart a low mileage example (CB350), maybe 6,000 miles, @10 years, and the timing chain stuff was bad, real bad.
I would expect catastrophic failure (on a par with a Honda 450 twin) if any of this stuff let go.

AZ200cc 07-12-2009 01:30 PM

Small lawn mower engines use a screen like that also, Might be able to hit up a shop and find something You can rig to work...PLus they're dirt cheap for those motors.....They are attached to the drain cock so You might have to "remove it" from the lawn mower version.

Jim 07-13-2009 03:50 AM

Thanks for the info guys :)

On tuesday I'm going to check with the local dealer for the replaceable screen, and also an oil pump gasket (not in my gasket set sadly). I have some screen I can use to make something for the reserve screen (from the old oil pump screen, I have a new one).

Weldangrind 07-13-2009 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by Jim
Thanks for the info guys :)

On tuesday I'm going to check with the local dealer for the replaceable screen, and also an oil pump gasket (not in my gasket set sadly). I have some screen I can use to make something for the reserve screen (from the old oil pump screen, I have a new one).

I'm sure that Darwin down at 3D-Cycles will be able to hook you up. In the meantime, I think that the reserve has a screen for two reasons: I think that it further filters any crud as you say, but it also allows all of the fuel in the tank to be drawn out, unlike the solid tube for the main fuel selection.

Jim 07-13-2009 10:12 PM

Yep, but I don't know that it is replaceable, I'll check, I couldn't figure out how the remnants came off the main part.

3d Cycles was my plan, because they are in walking distance of my place, but to tell you the truth I have never had good service there and they have always been pretty rude from my experience. To the point I would rather go out to Holeshot for most things.

Weldangrind 07-14-2009 12:00 AM

Darwin isn't necessarily warm and fuzzy, but his inventory and prices are good. I use my manners (as I do for everyone), and he responds in kind. It probably helps that I rebuilt my XR with parts from him. He's really smart, and he'll help you work out a problem if you've done your homework. Try this site: The part numbers that I found on this site were always something that Darwin could work with.

Holeshot seems even more expensive now that they moved to their new location. Somebody's gotta pay for the fancy decor.

Weldangrind 07-14-2009 12:02 AM

In retrospect, you could probably run the petcock as is without the strainer tube. Reserve should still function. It would be wise to run an inline filter as chap insurance.

Jim 07-14-2009 08:35 AM

I haven't compared prices, but I suspect you may be correct... I don't think I wasn't using manners or acted in a way that deserved the rude treatment at 3d, and to be clear it wasn't only in parts, it was also in sales. Maybe they just don't like me.

Weldangrind 07-14-2009 11:37 AM

I apologize if I implied that you weren't respectful. My only point is that Darwin responds well to respect, and I'm sure he's tired of goofballs coming into his shop.

I'm sure that you don't deserve rude treatment; again, they're not exactly warm and fuzzy. They're all family, and that likely accounts for the consistency.

Jim 07-14-2009 10:05 PM

No apology necessary, I just wanted to clarify.. I will likely go there, and maybe it will be different. I just need to get the time, work picked up a bit and I haven't been home before they've closed the last few days :P

Jim 07-15-2009 07:35 PM

WeldandGrind, I went in and ordered the screen I needed today, and no complaints this time around... Sad news though, it looks like they aren't going to be around anymore, Honda's power house crap, not sure when, but he didn't seem too happy about it, wasn't taken out on me though, so now I feel kind of bad about it...

Reveeen 07-15-2009 08:06 PM

Honda's power house crap

Just cleaning out the perceived "deadwood" in their dealer network to make way for "new guys" (with deep pockets) to push their products. Honda is not messing with current dealers with "the numbers", but if you don't have the numbers, and someone is willing to step up to the plate with the price of admission, you are down the road kicking stones.

Kawasaki did something similar in the early 80's, and lots of guys waved bye, bye, to Kawasaki.

It's a positive move, both for Honda, and the guys they cut loose, because those guys will be searching for product to sell bringing Honda quality service maybe to Chinese product, which is sadly lacking.

Jim 07-15-2009 08:27 PM

I suppose that's one way of looking at it, it also depends on the size of the city the dealership is in too though, because obviously a smaller city would likely sell less bikes. Doesn't power house dealers have to sell all Honda products though? I don't really know the details though, but it is bad for the little guy, and the smaller cities.

Granted, we have Holeshot just 20-25mins down the highway in Langley, but they are also selling Kawasaki and Suzuki I believe, not sure how it works, I think they only have Honda bikes.

Reveeen 07-15-2009 09:48 PM

A Honda Powerhouse dealer sells Honda only...........

As I said, if a current dealer has the "numbers" (sales in line with the local population base), they aren't going to mess with that. If the market is big enough to merit they want an exclusive.

They will mess with you though, if they feel your premises aren't up to standard, the days of selling ANY Japanese motorcycle out of an old car garage/converted store are done (and have been done for quite a while now).

As always, the exception is, if there is someone waiting in the wings with a wad of cash. They have no qualms about "parachuting" someone in with the cash, closing a under performing dealer.

Honda dealerships are sought after items.

Jim 07-15-2009 10:16 PM

I think these guys have been a Honda dealer in that location for about 40 years.

Weldangrind 07-16-2009 02:44 AM

Yes, they've been around for awhile. About four years ago, they decided to carry Lifan products, and I think that was a nail in the coffin. Honda threatened to pull the distributorship, unless 3-D got rid of the Lifans. 3-D stopped buying Lifans, but the damage to the relationship was done. Too bad. Maybe 3-D will get back into Suzukis; they were a dealer in the nineties, and there is no other Suzuki dealer in town now.

Reveeen 07-16-2009 05:46 AM

Ahhhhhh Suzuki. Suzuki does the dealer "thing" a bit different (from the other 3), I don't know if it is the GM involvement with Suzuki, or just the way they have decided to "do it", but combined with rapid obsolescence of product (meaning: NO parts after 5 years), no support of Suzuki branded product that they have decided not to support (I have a Suzuki lawn mower that is an orphan) I would not touch a Suzuki dealership. I do a fair amount of business with folks that handle Suzuki product here locally (for other reasons) and the BS is wide and long. There is a reason Suzuki was dropped, buy the boss there a beer, and ask.

The wheel has turned, these manufacturers do not want "motorcycle types" involved with their product, they want what they perceive to be "businessmen".

katoranger 07-16-2009 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Reveeen
(I have a Suzuki lawn mower that is an orphan)

Try Toro Lawnboy for mower parts. They used suzuki engines on alot of the eighties and nineties walk behinds.

Back to the Honda thing. I don't really care for the "businessman" dealer experience.

The dealer close to me in Athens, GA sells Honda and Harley Davidson. I think they carry Yamaha too.

The service was decent there, but expensive.

Now I suppose they are looking to get into the Harley Boutique type of store.


Jim 07-16-2009 12:21 PM

I didn't see any when I was there, but talking to the Konker distributor (Qingqi/Qlink), I was told that 3D is selling their bikes. They also still had a Lifan out front, no price tag though. They could get into the Konker bikes, but I think they would need to pick up a major brand to stick it out in that location, we have also RPM on South Fraser which deals in Chinese scooters and at least for a while was selling the Konker bikes, not sure if they still are.

Weldangrind 07-16-2009 02:35 PM

It's probably tough to sell Konker when the importer is in Langley and sells directly to the public. I wouldn't be surprised to find that much better prices are available there than buying from a dealer.

Weldangrind 07-16-2009 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Reveeen
Ahhhhhh Suzuki. Suzuki does the dealer "thing" a bit different (from the other 3), I don't know if it is the GM involvement with Suzuki, or just the way they have decided to "do it", but combined with rapid obsolescence of product (meaning: NO parts after 5 years), no support of Suzuki branded product that they have decided not to support...

Do you think that five year rule is universal? The reason I ask is that I was able to buy a remarkable amount of parts for my '78 PE175 from the local dealer, before they went under.

Jim 07-16-2009 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Weldangrind
It's probably tough to sell Konker when the importer is in Langley and sells directly to the public. I wouldn't be surprised to find that much better prices are available there than buying from a dealer.

Not exactly true... Konker in Langley is not really a dealership, that is, they don't have a dealer number... They will sell you directly the quads and dirt bikes, but not the street legal bikes, you need to go through one of their dealers for that.

I was back in 3d today, and he says they'll be around as long as they want to be, selling parts, I suppose service and accessories, and maybe they might sell something else, but he wasn't sure, or wasn't confirming anything.

Jim 07-26-2009 08:03 PM

Back on subject, got the petcock back together with the new screen, a couple new o-rings, a lot of cleaning, a bit of polish, and a jerry-rigged screen for the reserve... Should work out.

Got the tank sealed on the inside with a 3 stage kit from por15... I didn't get quite all of the excess sealer out and it puddled in the front, so hopefully the only negative side affect will be a little less fuel capacity.

Jim 09-28-2009 01:19 AM

Does anyone know what this thing is, it showed up on the bench I have setup for the bike and I can't remember if it came off the bike, or maybe someone else left it there for some reason...

I've made a bit more progress, everything is torn down...

And I got the frame sanded and painted today.

Jim 05-14-2010 12:46 AM

Got all the pieces painted black. Going to have to get some parts from 3d cycles (brakes, cables, etc). Ready to start putting some stuff back together. I will probably wait and polish the wheels and the forks later, I want to get it together and try to get it running.
*Special Note, the metal "table" used in the last picture is part of the crate that my gy6 arrived in :)

Weldangrind 05-14-2010 01:25 AM

Why from 3-D Jim? I like to support Darwin, but not for everything. I do better (usually) when I buy stuff on eBay and have it shipped to Sumas. I don't even drive across anymore; I park at the truck parking and walk across.

Jim 05-14-2010 02:35 AM

Where do you have it shipped at Sumas? We usually ship to "the Mailbox" in Lynden, but it's a bit far to walk.

I just figured I would check in at 3d for prices and availability, if I don't have to wait too long, and the prices are reasonable I figure it's not bad. I need to get a list together though, mostly it's all small stuff.

PS. I meant to say it earlier, but I like your signature addition :)

Weldangrind 05-14-2010 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by Jim
PS. I meant to say it earlier, but I like your signature addition :)

Thanks. Guess who inspired me? :D

I use Letterlock. They're an Abbotsford company, and they charge a flat four bucks for anything I've ever received there (including larger items like a dirt bike front end). They also print a $1.00 coupon on the receipt, and you can use it the next time you pick up a package. They're at 726 Cherry Street, right across from the Chevron. Be aware that USPS doesn't deliver directly to them, but UPS and Fedex do (among others). It's best to include the PO box and the street address as your shipping address, which is what I do. If your package is being shipped by USPS, Letterlock will retreive it from the Post Office and bring it to their store.

Their service has been excellent for me. Check 'em out at

Jim 05-14-2010 11:26 AM

I'll have to check that out, thanks :)

katoranger 05-14-2010 01:06 PM

That place must be making pretty good money off Canadians. :lol:

SpudRider 05-14-2010 01:18 PM

The repainted parts, and repainted frame look very nice, Jim! :)

Spud :)

Cal25 05-14-2010 01:19 PM

Looks good so far, cant wait to see it run.

Jim 05-15-2010 12:43 AM

Got a bit of it put back together today..

It's been apart quite a while so I had to try and remember where everything came from... Had a few small pieces I forgot to paint that I did today as well... Helping people move tomorrow so it probably will be a few more days before any more progress... Next up I'm going to finish installing the upper fork bridge, bars, wiring in bars, and then go to the back and do the swingarm shocks foot pegs kick stand and fender... Not too many pieces left that I don't know where they belong..

I need to buy new cables (clutch, brake, throttle), some gas line, tires, brake shoes, levers (clutch and front brake), and air filters. Going to look for after market air filters, I saw some "uni" ones on ebay that say they fit the stock box, but don't cost a fortune like original ones.

AZ200cc 05-15-2010 01:11 AM

Looks like it's going to shine like a new penny, Nice work so far.

SpudRider 05-15-2010 01:16 AM

It's looking good, Jim; please keep the photos coming! :)

Spud :)

Jim 05-15-2010 01:40 AM

Except for the aluminium, the fork legs and the wheel hubs... I'm putting them back on without polishing them... For now, simple because I want to get it going, they'll come back off later to get polished...

That and the bracket for the ignition switch seen in the picture above, just below the backbone part of the frame at the front I would suppose is the best way to describe it... I didn't see it because it was in the pile with wiring, but I'll get that one after.

The other piece that isn't shiny is the motor, I'm not quite sure what to do with it, the fins look pretty tricky to clean up.. Ideally I'd love to sand blast and get it all clean, then apply new paint where paint goes and polish the rest, but I don't think I'm going to take the motor apart enough to do that and I doubt it's a good idea to do with the motor together?

Jim 05-18-2010 08:33 PM

I went down to 3d cycles today for some parts. I got front and rear brake shoes. Apparently the front brake shoes are discontinued but there is a few left in Ontario or something, but they are around $75! Darwin did some research and found they use the same one as a cm400 I believe it was, and they were much cheaper, around $38. I got a clutch lever and ordered a brake lever, and ordered a clutch cable. I also got a gas cap for my ct70, because I don't want to leave it to get crud or water in it while I'm not working on it. And... a ZoX 3/4 helmet that was on for $59. I'm pretty good at spending money :lol: I could have saved a bit on eBay I'm sure, but I went this route for convenience and speediness. I can't get a front brake shoe on eBay, and I also no longer have a paypal account... If I factor in the time waiting to get everything, waiting for auctions to end, driving down to the border, and the fee at the mailbox place it isn't a huge advantage. I also like to support the local guy if I can... Speaking of which, I was talking to Darwin and he says they are going to be getting bikes out of the USA so they will still be selling new Honda's apparently? I also saw two shiny new Xingyue 400's down there. One of the street version and one of the "euro style adventure" versions... They look like good bikes, but I didn't see any tags on them, Darwin said they had them there for someone else.

A little bit more put together on the bike, swing arm, shocks, tail light, more wiring, grommets here and there... I also removed all the wiring from the old handle bars and fed it into the new one, and moved over the controls. That's put back on to the fork top bridge along with the gauges, and is just waiting for the forks now then it can go back onto the bike.

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