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Sport Rider 12-02-2022 04:19 PM

Intruder Resurection Thread
So, now that I've had my non-running Intruder home for a week or so, I've begun the process of tinkering with it to see what it's going to take to get it back together.

First off, I pulled the carbs. It was a fairly easy job compared to the inline 4s I've done before. The front carb was in the middle of the V and the rear carb was behind the motor.

As I suspected, the carbs will need serious cleaning. The front in particular may be a problem. It had rust on the butterfly and the butterfly is stuck solid. can't budge it even with tapping on it. I've given it a number of liquid wrench baths and let it sit overnight, but still no go.

Front carb:


Sport Rider 12-02-2022 04:22 PM

having seen how the front carb looked, I decided to buy myself a scope camera for my phone so I could get a glimpse inside.

Here's the intake on the front cylinder and the inside of the cylinder through the spark plug hole. Fortunately, the cylinder itself appears to be ok. It looks like I need to pull the head and clean it.

Sport Rider 12-02-2022 04:24 PM

I'm also going to have to do something with the tank. the bottom of the rear of the tank is rusted through with pinholes. the tank is dry inside, but you can hear the rust jingling around when I shake the tank. I'm not sure at this point if it's salvagable or not at this point. Replacements are hard to come by.

JerryHawk250 12-02-2022 04:29 PM

Definitely watching this thread. Looks a little rough but knowing you it will run. :tup:

Sport Rider 12-02-2022 04:30 PM

next up I'm going to turn the motor over by hand and see if I can get any better views of the cylinder walls.

Sport Rider 12-05-2022 09:36 AM

over the weekend I spent some time on the tank. I had to drill the tank lid to get it off. key would not budge even after soaking it multiple times with penetrants. I also got the sander out and scraped off the paint. after using the dremel to open up some of the rust holes, I ended up cutting away sections. I think there's still more to cut away, but I want to talk to someone about repairing it before I got further. some of these are very small holes and could perhaps just be spot welded closed. someone suggested a radiator shop might be able to do the work.

Sport Rider 12-10-2022 09:23 PM

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so...this week I shipped the carbs off to be refurbished. I also located a radiator shop in the area that also works on gas tanks. they are going to acid wash the tank and then reline it. also weld up a patch on the holes. 250 for the carbs. 160 for the tank. Not bad all things considered.

this weekend I'm working on cleaning up the brake and clutch hydraulics. Attached is a pic of the crud that came from the rear brake system. it was the worst, but I still have work to be done on the clutch. the picture makes it look better than it was. it started out VERY milky. I had some old brake fluid which I used for flushing it, then used some good fresh fluid to finish it off.

Front brake was not too bad. just needed new fluid and bled. cleaned up pretty quickly with my granddaughter helping hold the vacuum pump and bottle.

I tried bleeding the clutch and it was a no-go. I pulled all the lines off and they are clear down to the slave cylinder. it appears the master is not pushing any fluid, so I'm going to take it apart and see if I can clean it out well enough. problem is I don't have a pair of retaining clip pliers that will fit down into the area to remove the circlip to get everything apart. I'll run to an auto parts shop tomorrow and see if I can find a pair that will work.

Sport Rider 12-10-2022 09:27 PM

After I got the front brakes working sufficiently, I was able to put some pressure on the front forks. they are BAD! Gotta tear them apart before I even ride. I was hoping they would be good enough to get the bike running and do some test rides, but they are really bad. I'll at least change the fluid and then go from there.

buzz 12-12-2022 06:37 AM

Wow nice find,good luck with it. Should be parts at a salvage yard, very many of them built.

Sport Rider 12-12-2022 10:11 AM

I fabricated a circlip tool from a nice pair of spring loaded needle nose pliers I found at Lowes. Auto parts stores had nothing to help me.

I was able to disassemble the master cylinder. there wasn't much to see indicating any problem. I was able to clean it well though. I also ordered a rebuild kit for it, so I'll put it back together and see if things are functioning properly.

In the mean time, I pulled the slave cylinder off the bike and got it apart. It's varnished up really bad. I have parts soaking in a bath of Berryman's B12. Hopefully that will loosen the varnish so I can use a toothbrush to clean it up.

Sport Rider 12-14-2022 02:56 PM

last night I decided to tinker a bit. got some 1500 grit sandpaper and polished on the fork tubes. there is one divit in the left tube, but otherwise there were tiny rust spots covering both tubes. Fortunately the sandpaper took them off very nicely.

I received the slave cylinder rebuild kit. Right now the parts are still in the Berryman's soak. Not sure if that stuff is going to make the difference or not. if anyone has ideas of a different product to use, I'm open to input.

I'm still waiting on the master cylinder kit. should be here within the next day or two. That'll be something to do this weekend. I might even hook up a battery and see if I can gently crank the motor over.

The guy received my shipment of carbs and has started working on them. Also waiting to hear about the tank.

Sport Rider 12-20-2022 01:38 PM

so, I received rebuild kits for my clutch master and slave cylinders. Put them back together over the weekend. I just need to connect and bleed the lines.

I called today and my tank reconditioning is done and ready. I'll pick it up tomorrow. We'll see what $180 buys me. keep your fingers crossed!

I still need to remove my fuel pump and test it to be sure it works and it's not full of rust/crud.

after that, I'll hook up a battery and see if the bike powers up. no carbs yet, and no fuel involved. I just want to check electricals and see if the motor will turn over.

Sport Rider 12-23-2022 10:45 AM

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so....some updates. First.....I got the tank back from the radiator shop. it's not pretty, but cleaned and sealed up as needed. the red sealer is sandable and I'll put some primer of some sort on this to clean it up and make it look at least a little presentable. I just need to get a gas cap and I'll be good to go.

Sport Rider 12-23-2022 11:03 AM

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as for my master cylinder, I'm having a heck of a time trying to get the system re-filled with fluid. it really doesn't seem to be passing fluid from the plunger into the system past the last rubber gasket. if anyone has any tricks or ideas, I'm all ears. I have a mity-vac that I use, but I can't even get the system primed to get fluid moving.

Sport Rider 01-11-2023 12:22 PM

my clutch works! my clutch works!

after 2 weeks of tinkering, building and rebuilding both my clutch and slave cylinders, and removing the clutch cover to check out the plates, I FINALLY got it together and working properly. I ended up getting syringes and using them to push fluid in through the SC and backfill the lines up to the MC.

Now I can move on to checking the electrical system.

One of the carbs is still not working. Guy who I have rebuilding them says the slide is stuck and he's tried just about every trick he knows. I'm waiting for final word, but likely will have to buy a replacement.

On a side while looking at a car for my grandson, I noticed some old bikes sitting in the corner of a storage building with lots of dust on them. There was a pair of Moto Guzzi California's. 1997 models, their anniversary models. they were missing a few parts and last time they were plated for the road was 2010. Tanks were rusty but I already have a line on fixing those, right? These might be another candidate for buy/fix/resell. Maybe I've found a fun job for retirement. :)

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