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culcune 08-31-2022 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by cheesy (Post 383337)
...and we have another pissed off customer.:ohno:

Is it possible that 'Manny' owns your company?? :lmao:

cheesy 09-01-2022 08:52 AM


Originally Posted by culcune (Post 383347)
Is it possible that 'Manny' owns your company?? :lmao:

His name is actually Raphael and I've known him since he was 16. He has little interest in running the business his grandfather and father built and turned operations to a committee. His old man is spinning in his grave just for that bit. He'd rather run his restaurants in Singapore and Hong Kong while dating young Asian girls.

Funny thing is, he respects the lot of us that were in Elgin. He still addresses Harold and I as Sir.

cheesy 09-01-2022 03:33 PM

It's like I never left. I made a customer happy and pissed off management. :tup:

Just one of the many services I offer.:D

Vlad87 09-01-2022 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by cheesy (Post 383390)
He still addresses Harold and I as Sir.

"- Milord, it is a matter of great importance. Our coffers are empty, because of the new French chamberlain, it's a total chaos in our books, and your subjects are revolting! Should i send messenger to Sir Cheesy, asking for help?".

cheesy 09-02-2022 08:21 AM

So the fcukwittery is still strong in Beaufort. Dingbats that were sent to Italy for training on assembly and testing of the 360 have been asking me how to do things they were trained on. As their trip to Italy has been a sore spot with me, I’m reticent to just give them the answers. I’ll point them in the right direction but I won’t do it for them. Nice part about being an ‘Advisor’.

Apparently, the drones were having a travel problem on one of the 360s they’re building. One of the guys suggested they talk to me. The Bearded One said not to, he’d figure it out.

He figured it out right into a wall and almost into the HR office. No one was hurt but, KARMA.

The HR lady is also the Safety & Compliance person. I think the Shit has Hit The proverbial Fan.

TominMO 09-02-2022 08:30 AM

Awesome post! This is what happens when the fcukwits join forces with the dingbats.

Falkon45 09-02-2022 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by cheesy (Post 383456)
So the fcukwittery is still strong in Beaufort. Dingbats that were sent to Italy for training on assembly and testing of the 360 have been asking me how to do things they were trained on. As their trip to Italy has been a sore spot with me, I’m reticent to just give them the answers. I’ll point them in the right direction but I won’t do it for them. Nice part about being an ‘Advisor’.

Apparently, the drones were having a travel problem on one of the 360s they’re building. One of the guys suggested they talk to me. The Bearded One said not to, he’d figure it out.

He figured it out right into a wall and almost into the HR office. No one was hurt but, KARMA.

The HR lady is also the Safety & Compliance person. I think the Shit has Hit The proverbial Fan.

Wait... why is HR also HS&E?!?!?!?!?! That's supposed to be a stand alone person...

You know what... after all your stories, I don't even know why I'm asking. lol.

Vlad87 09-02-2022 09:14 AM

- Are there a lot of these kinds of accidents?
- You wouldn't believe.
- Which car company do you work for?
- A major one.
(c) Fight Club

cheesy 09-02-2022 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Falkon45 (Post 383458)
Wait... why is HR also HS&E?!?!?!?!?! That's supposed to be a stand alone person...

You know what... after all your stories, I don't even know why I'm asking. lol.

I can’t answer that question and I wouldn’t try.

cheesy 09-16-2022 07:24 AM

Heading home from LA this morning after my first real ‘Advisor’ posting. Except for the LA part, it was fun. The guy who wanted me out here said he’d pay any amount to get me out there to get things working. He paid a grand a day, including travel days, to get it done. I did my part. He did his.
It took me about a half hour to diagnose the problem and another hour to have his guys fix it, with me explaining how the system works.

I can do this.

TominMO 09-16-2022 11:58 AM


cheesy 10-05-2022 11:22 AM

It was a lucrative week for me in Seattle, though I did put in a lot of hours and ended up doing some wrenching. I did have two issues that raised my hackles.

One is the new guy's attitude. Just out of the Navy and very full of himself. I've been putting him in his place on a regular basis. He's a good guy and a hard worker but needs to learn a bit of humility. He got downright snotty when the customer was late showing up for second shift. Started bitching about punctuality and how this didn't happen in the Navy.
I let loose with where the phrase 'Hurry up and wait' came from and explained that there are three kinds of time; late, on time, and railroad time. Railroad time is any damn time they please. We also had a bit of a discussion where I talked and he listened about troubleshooting without the aid of diagnostic tools, or analog, as he called it. I think he was licking his wounds when he got on the plane.

The other was with a customer that learned I was in the area and demanded I drop what I was doing and come to the other side of Seattle and fix their machine that had just broken down. I refused. They called the Sales guy, who called me, wanting to know if there was anything I could do for them. I said it's Friday, I have no spare parts, we were dumbshits for locating our facility in Hurricane Alley so I couldn't get parts until next week, I had little in the way of tools, and it was his project I was working on, so not a fcuking thing. Sales guy called Harold and Harold called me. My conversation with him was short and to the point. If I am told to drop what I was sent out here to do and help some self important asshole, I'm heading to Sea-Tac, going home and we are done. End of conversation. I got to finish what I was doing.

So, the new guy went out to Seattle yesterday and got the other machine up and running.

Sport Rider 10-05-2022 12:15 PM

they just don't get it, do they. :D

TominMO 10-05-2022 01:59 PM

Dang, that's good drama! :tup:

Landsvw 10-05-2022 10:08 PM

I’m glad you stayed on. Yeah the money is good but the stories are better.

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