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cheesy 07-25-2017 07:36 AM

I did find a small kettle grill for cheap that will fit in the sidecar, along with the charcoal bags and the eating utensils. Condiments, chips, and such will fit in the trunk. The big rolling cooler will strap to the trunk.
Got it all figured out.

cheesy 07-29-2017 08:26 AM

The cookout was a success. Some very happy people. I was so busy with the grill that I only got a couple of pics and I still need to get them uploaded to Flickr.

I got a call from the new prez, yelling at me that I was making the management team look bad by hosting and picking up the tab for this shindig. He forgets that I yell back and louder. I told him that they did that on their own, I just highlighted it. Next, they wanted to 'donate' something to the cookout. Told them they were too late and that I had it all covered.

Then, they wanted me to expense my out of pocket costs for it. Nope, not happening. The hundred bucks I spent to make my coworkers happy and see the bosses squirm was worth every penny.

One of them finally ran out to the DQ and bought an ice cream cake but by then, things had wrapped up and no one was interested.

Weldangrind 07-29-2017 01:18 PM

Way to stick it to 'em, Queso.

2LZ 07-30-2017 09:09 AM

That's awesome cheesy and classy move.

The beauty of this is that you can retire at the drop of a hat so keep poking that stick! One thing're not just poking them with a stick for yourself, but many of us are living vicariously through your experience....because we aren't to a point where we can start to poke sticks yet. ;-)

Keep up the fine work! I've enjoyed every chapter.

Darkrider 07-30-2017 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by 2LZ (Post 262558)
That's awesome cheesy and classy move.

The beauty of this is that you can retire at the drop of a hat so keep poking that stick! One thing're not just poking them with a stick for yourself, but many of us are living vicariously through your experience....because we aren't to a point where we can start to poke sticks yet. ;-)

Keep up the fine work! I've enjoyed every chapter.

Speaking of are plenty more sticks for you to poke with!

cheesy 07-30-2017 11:44 PM

Fate has a rotten way of giving one the middle finger. I won't be at the shop tomorrow for everyone's last day as planned.

My Mom suffered a massive stroke this morning. Last Rites were given and life support was removed. I will most likely be flying under the radar for awhile.

goat67 07-31-2017 08:08 AM

So sorry to hear this. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

bogieboy 07-31-2017 11:43 AM

Prayers going out to your family for comfort and peace in this time of sorrow

ben2go 07-31-2017 12:21 PM

My condolences.

Azhule 07-31-2017 01:08 PM

Really sad to hear, I will light a candle and incense at sundown

We will still be here if you need anything

Swampy 07-31-2017 01:45 PM

Heartfelt condolences. I am sorry to hear of your loss.

2LZ 07-31-2017 01:52 PM

Many condolences cheesy. Prayers and thoughts to you and the family.

Weldangrind 07-31-2017 02:21 PM

My sincere condolences, Cheesy; prayers sent for you and your family.

I'm inspired by the road you've taken at work and how you've finished strong. The cookout you hosted was well above and beyond.

BlackBike 07-31-2017 02:50 PM


hang in there.

cheesy 07-31-2017 09:24 PM

Thanks guys. Mom left for a better place about 5 PM today. After managing to hold it together for the last 36 hours, I lost it with her last breath. Now I feel relief that she is no longer suffering.

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