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thillskier 03-03-2015 08:29 AM

I scared of the LA traffic in a car..the times I've been there (mainly commuting to LAX from Indio, and also from Santa Margarita in the mid 1990's), on I 5 and I 10, I think it was, was CRAZY.

Cool cars, everywhere, though:) and lots of other easy on the eyes things to admire;)! Surprises abound...You never know WHO or WHAT you might see, at ANY time:)! hehe

culcune 03-03-2015 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by thillskier (Post 180845)
You never know WHO or WHAT you might see, at ANY time:)! hehe

That is why I want to go to Monsterpalooza...Some very well known people from the special effects industry make it a point to go and walk around among the fans. Several of these celebrity effects guys are old friends who I haven't seen forever, long before effects was just a behind the scenes thing with talented artists, who were unknown. I want to catch up, and perhaps find a way to move back to L.A.--heck these guys run their own companies who need people running the can hope!

thillskier 03-04-2015 02:08 AM

Oh, cool!
So we have someone "hooked up" and famous also among us! You never know, nowdays! Thats awesome. I KNOW you'll have a great time there, also.
Enjoy yourself, and let me know how the job situation works out! That would be waaay cool (and FUN also:).

thillskier 03-04-2015 10:22 AM

Well, My ride is off for sure now;)!
Joe cancelled my order because he objected to my pointing out his descrepancies in advertising after Steve told me they weren,t planning any authorized service centers, nor had any set up.
I also pointed out the single source for parts was not the best situation, also, especially with the $12.00 oil filters would lead to overpricing.

This is a bUSINESS? seriously.. Glad it over if that how they act. What if someone REALLY has a problem! Trust them..riiigght.

culcune 03-04-2015 11:04 PM


Originally Posted by thillskier (Post 180917)
So we have someone "hooked up" and famous also among us!

I am not famous by any means! Unless you count the local Yuma commercial I was in, which ironically was noticed by all the inmates at the prison I work at, LOL.

culcune 03-04-2015 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by thillskier (Post 180937)
Joe cancelled my order

Sorry to read about the whole thing (I read the email and your response on the other thread). Personally, I would have no problem mail-ordering a bike because I have already mail-ordered 3 of them, but I did not pay what this bike is being sold for for all three bikes put together. I have a feeling these bikes will be fine based on the history of this site helping people out, but you had your concerns, and you saved yourself over $3k, so more power to you!

katoranger 03-05-2015 09:11 AM

My yard is still open if you are ever riding this way.

thillskier 03-06-2015 05:33 PM

Thanks Calcune and Kato
Standing up always has consequences. I just did what I thought was right. In retro, NEXT time I read a LIE I have an issue with, I'm DEFINITELY NOT calling it a concern or discrepancy. Those assholes will freak no matter what you call the lie..if they have the power, and you you DARED disagree!!

So, now, I realize, call them out, be an asshole, as they will (sneakily) or otherwise be (assholes) for sure. Anything to shut up truth.

thillskier 03-06-2015 05:55 PM

For your help. Hope to meet you on a ride, soon. Really appreciated!
GL with your projects and rides..hope we meet up soon, on our lives/rides!

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