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cheesy 10-12-2015 02:20 PM

Thanks, Weld. I'm taking a break and came home to check on the geriatric greyhound.

Her cardiologist says that if she passes her stress test, she can go home. With some strict dietary rules and an exercise program. If she doesn't, Plan B

Weldangrind 10-12-2015 03:23 PM

Here's hoping the stress test goes well. How is Mrs. Cheesy's spirit holding up?

SpudRider 10-12-2015 03:26 PM

X2 on both counts. Please send my best regards to your wife.

cheesy 10-12-2015 10:56 PM

Passed the stress test and back home.:tup:

Now that we know what it wasn't, we need to find out what it was. Massive indigestion, stress, and/or a small ulcer are topping the list. So, appointment with our primary care doc later this week.

SpudRider 10-13-2015 12:47 AM

Thanks for letting us know the good news. :tup:

Weldangrind 10-13-2015 11:25 AM

That is good news, indeed. Moving forward, good luck with the diagnosis.

cheesy 10-13-2015 09:52 PM

Mrs. C took the day off and relaxed. I went to work and did the same. She has an appointment with our doc next Tuesday. So, we'll know more then.

I finished the installation of the VR tonight. I are impressed. Where I was floating between 13.1-14.3 last week, now it is 14.2-14.5. Much steadier. Also, my cooling fan is the largest draw on the system. I'd see an output of 12.8 with the old VR when the fan came on. Now it's a much better 13.8.

I only took two pics. I didn't realize that I'd be modifying the mounting bracket several times so no before and after. Just after.

This last pic is of the VR in the bracket. We left for the ER soon after this.

Weldangrind 10-14-2015 10:23 AM

Sounds like it was worth the cash. That's a nice, stable voltage.

cheesy 10-14-2015 12:51 PM

Stable is good. The variation in the voltage is from the handlebar mounted voltmeter. It's cheap and either super sensitive or crappy. I take it as a guideline.

My big dollar DVOM shows the voltage as rock steady at 14.2 at an idle. Last week I was hard pressed to hit 13.8. Maybe I was just in time before the original went heaven.

SpudRider 10-16-2015 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by cheesy (Post 194603)
...Maybe I was just in time before the original went heaven.

I think you might be right. ;) I like your custom mount. :)

cheesy 10-17-2015 09:51 PM

Thanks, Spud.

Got in a cold 75 mile ride today. All is well.

Weldangrind 10-18-2015 11:51 AM

Glad to hear that.

Please tell us what happens after Mrs. C's Dr appointment on Tuesday. I hope that goes well.

cheesy 11-16-2015 08:29 PM

Late post here on two fronts.

:tup:Mrs. C got a clean bill of health from our primary doc. She is, however, scheduled for a, 'lower camera shoot', early next month.
She is elated.:lol:

Onto the other front.

After dang near six months, plus a new stator, plugs, coils, plug caps, wires, carb rebuilds and several hundred bucks, I have, absotivley and posilutley, plus without a doubt, solved the mis-fire on acceleration. There was a crack in the right carb boot. The crack was totally invisible while working in the garage, but outside with the sun over my shoulder, Stevie Wonder could have seen it. I threw on another set I had and couldn't make the bike miss, even at WOT.

Oh, well. At least I have a new electrical system.:doh:

I'm not thrilled with the other set boots, they are hard as rocks. I'm going to try the RTV/heatshrink hack on the old ones that are still somewhat supple.

SpudRider 11-16-2015 11:29 PM

I've very happy Mrs. Cheesy got a clean bill of health. :tup:

I'm also glad you solved the problem of the carburetor boot. ;)

Weldangrind 11-17-2015 12:42 AM


Originally Posted by SpudRider (Post 197929)
I've very happy Mrs. Cheesy got a clean bill of health. :tup:

X2! Thanks for following up on that with us, Cheesy.

Are new boots available?

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