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Willys 11-08-2008 11:09 AM

My only issue is that nut jobs like Ophra(?) and the alike don't start to influence his mandate! She has had a chip on her shoulder since she was a kid. She unfortunately still acts and voices her opinions about her slavery days or whatever they were? She, with all her money and power, should have more brain cells to realize those days should be over and better yet forgotten about and not to be rehashed very chance they get. IMHO..It only starts up these negative issues and thoughts that separate the blacks from the whites. We all know what happened and hope it never happens why keep rehashing it? I think she wants like (ok dare I say it, many of the far left women libbers want) revenge for what happen to them. They will try and over correct the problem and we will suffer for it. It is a silly stituation and subject to or issue to put your huge amount of influence,money and power behind...when she could be offering her support in a more nationally beneficial way..IMHO. But to see and hear her after the election was won by Obama...what a sideshow! I heard she was muzzled too so that she didn't make more bad press than good for Obama by her supporters and Obamas supporters...

I too hope Obama can get the job done...although..I will be surprised to see him last....You guys need a good person to lead,...whoever that long as they get the job shouldn't matter who or what they are.

IronFist 11-08-2008 01:37 PM

Willys wrote, "She, with all her money and power, should have more brain cells to realize those days should be over and better yet forgotten about and not to be rehashed very chance they get. IMHO..It only starts up these negative issues and thoughts that separate the blacks from the whites. We all know what happened and hope it never happens why keep rehashing it?"

A wiser man than I once said, "Those who forget history, are doomed to repeat it."
"Lest we forget."
Not that I like Oprah, :lol: . Nor do I think it should be, "rehashed every chance they get" (who ever "they" are.) but forgotten about, I can't go that far. I always choose to remember, and learn. I hope HE is kept safe. I hope He exceedes all expectations. I hope the US economy turns right around. Of course I don't expect this to happen, but until He starts disappointing the people who voted for him, anything is possible. A strong American economy is what helps the Canadian economy most. Anyone wanta buy some tar sand, it's going dirt cheap.

Mobus 11-12-2008 05:36 PM

I'm sort of surprised that nobody mentioned that lending rules for Fannie and Freddie were loosened during the Clinton administration. That's what really got us into this mess. It's not an overnight thing, it took this many years to finally snowball into what we have now.

BTW, you all have been very 8) and civilized in your posts about all this and I commend you all for that! A bunch of other forums I belong to will whip out the ban stick for political discussions, civil or not. It's refreshing to see civilized adult discussion about these topics, it lets me know I'm not unique in my thoughts and opinions.


Willys 11-12-2008 09:24 PM

I'm not saying to forget about the slavery issue...just for Ophra to give it a rest! I used to watch her show when she was a bit more sensible(yep, I watched... :oops: ) I found that after she got super rich and found the power of that, she started pushing the race card to put it politely. I found it very upsetting that she would stoop to this....and even pushed her past issues to the forefront..... I would not say we need to froget what happened but please...don't keep reminding us of it every day or week....we all know..we're not stupid or have our heads buried in the sand hoping it will go away......we just don't see the need for it to be dragged up all the time. I feel it results in the exact opposite reaction to what she is trying to achieve. I personally don't like her now for that very reason and I'm sure I don't stand alone. A sad comment really for her to have made of her concidering how far she has come.
I know it's a bad thing to say ..but i feel that the race card hasn't been put away and will be raised again and again while she has Obama's will put a bad stain on his abilty to be a unbiased leader in many people's eyes, I fear. I hope i'm wrong on this but ...?
The worst thing is...I hope he isn't the next JFK and is allowed to make his mark now he is president, if he gets sworn in that is.
He sounds like a very well spoken and educated person who will do a fine job in getting your country back on it's feet..At least when he speaks you can see he is thinking of the next few sentences in his head before they leave his lips!!! Not like the present Pres!!

katoranger 11-13-2008 08:03 AM


Originally Posted by Mobus
I'm sort of surprised that nobody mentioned that lending rules for Fannie and Freddie were loosened during the Clinton administration. That's what really got us into this mess. It's not an overnight thing, it took this many years to finally snowball into what we have now.

BTW, you all have been very 8) and civilized in your posts about all this and I commend you all for that! A bunch of other forums I belong to will whip out the ban stick for political discussions, civil or not. It's refreshing to see civilized adult discussion about these topics, it lets me know I'm not unique in my thoughts and opinions.


Clinton passed the lend to anyone who asks law in 1995.

The group here tends to be more civil to each other in general and since this topic is staying on subject for the most part and in the appropriate forum there is no reason to block it or ban anyone.


warrior91 11-16-2008 09:45 AM

The only issue I see from my vantage point is...a non issue...
How can a well spoken, intelligent Black man be worse for the u.s. than a mindless puppet that is bought and paid for by big oil.
Bush cannot speak at a 8th grade level, fluked his way into office twice, and is controlled by handlers...What Good has he done in 8 years???
:arrow: Lowered the respect for the office of President :!:
I would rather see a hispanic non english speaking Grandmother be President than anyone like Bush ever again.

You can say I am not American so it does not effect me, but what happens in the states affects the world...Canada especially as we are neighbors, trading partners and seek similar goals.
As economics rise and fall in the states, so do Canadas economics.

Willys 11-16-2008 10:32 AM

I too think he will be a good pres...but will he make it??? I hope so for his family's sake!

I'd hate to think we are going back to the 60's!!

If he clears out all the dead wood and fuddy duddy's in his government he stands a great chance of doing some good..for us all....the world that is....IMHO...but I fear he won't be allowed to go as far as he needs...IMHO.

VinceDrake 11-16-2008 12:43 PM


Originally Posted by GeorgeWBush
...The United States of America has no greater friend than Great Britain...


Originally Posted by CondolezaRice

(Speaking regarding Canada's border Control) ... a safe haven for terrorists in waiting...

As long as I don't have to quote quotes like the above any more I will be a happy camper.

108 Canadian Body bags and counting...


IronFist 11-16-2008 07:43 PM

Vince. Thanks for being a member. I always enjoy reading what you write.

Willys, yep have to agree with that. When ever a wronged party keeps rehashing the past more than once a year, the healing can't happen. Like picking at an open sore. Education is one thing, intimidation using guilt is another issue entirely. As my wife :lol:

Willys 11-16-2008 09:46 PM'res know how to control you

I thought I was the only guilt ridden S.O.B.!!! If you tell me to do something...the heels go in ...if you ask me to do something...well maybe...but you guilt me...almost 100% of the time...Damn!

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