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amwilkie 05-10-2012 07:05 AM

I got the same decals. I prefered the monster look over the stock graphics. I haven't seen him post them for very cheap, but you can make him an offer I think I made an offer of $25 and he accepted it(of course there was taxes and shipping on top of that).

goofyexponent 05-11-2012 05:48 AM

Well, I ordered the carb last week, and I am currently waiting on it to arrive. I have sourced out the jets on Ebay, but I am going to try a local bike shop and see what they have to say first.

I am still waiting for the carb to arrive in the mail.....shouldn't be much longer I don't think.

I haven't started the bike since last week, but I want to take it out SO bad it's not funny. I've been busier than you know what lately.

Weldangrind 05-11-2012 01:11 PM

It will take a little fiddling to get the carb to meet your engine needs, but it'll be worth it.

goofyexponent 05-12-2012 06:41 AM

So I go into the local Kawasaki dealership yesterday morning, with the part numbers for the jets to fit my new carb.

My turn comes up, and the parts guy asks how he can help me. I told him I need a couple jets to fit my bike and I have the part numbers.

He turns to the computer and asks what kind of bike it is....I said Gio.

He turns away from the computer and says he can't help me.

"whynot?" I asked.

"We get 10 calls a day for parts on them piles of junk, and we turn ALL customers away" he goes.

Then I let the cap fly. First off, my bike is NOT a pile of junk....the KE100 I owned 8 years ago was. It broke down more than my Gio ever THOUGH of breaking down.

Second, I have part numbers for a carb that is used on a HONDA dirtbike. A brand name bike, and the part numbers are Mikuni part numbers.

Third, if your bikes wern't 10 times the cost of this Gio, I would consider a KX 125....if it didn't break down as much as my KE100.

Mad as you know what, I turned and marched out of the store....why do people hate these bikes so much?

jaloos 05-12-2012 10:54 AM


Originally Posted by goofyexponent
Mad as you know what, I turned and marched out of the store....why do people hate these bikes so much?

Several Reasons retailers and customers don't like these bikes.

We are all aware of the tinkering and messing around with them to get them reliable. Customers with about the same mechanical ability as a corn flake buy these things, rip them around straight out of the box then slag on them when they break down and they can't fix them.

Retailers hate them because these non mechanically inclined people bring their problems to them to try and get them fixed. They also don't like the fact that people are buying product at a tenth of what they are selling their stuff for.

Die hard Japan bike riders hate the idea that someone is having just as much fun on a piece of equipment that they are on a unit that cost a tenth of what they shelled out.

The china bike retailers are also notorious for either being hard to deal with or being scammers. Gives the units a bad name by association.

Next time you need something from a Jap bike retailer like the jets and they ask you what its on say a dune buggy or go kart. Do not say the infamous 3 letter bad word G I O.

jaloos 05-12-2012 10:57 AM


goofyexponent 05-12-2012 11:41 AM

LOL...the kicker is this Jaloos...even if I walk in and SAY I have a Honda XR 200R...I need to provide them with a VIN number. I went through this with Honda, a couple weeks back. I had the SAME situation.

What hurts guys like us, is EXACTLY what you sayd. People who can't change a dead battery in a TV remote are pounding on these as if they are CR250's, then when they come flying apart in a month...they go in to get them fixed. They moan and groan about how bikes are bikes, and it shouldn't cost that much for this and that....

I recently started offering weekend work for off name brand bikes only. Re-ringing, rebuilding completely, tire changes, bearing replacements, all that fun stuff. I am only charging $25 an hour plus parts (shop supplies like motor oil and whatever can either be bought by them and brought to me with the bike, or bought by me and only charge the retail amount without a markup, unless I have to make a special trip to town)

I HATE how people bash these things. I have had several bikes apart, and this thing is not much different. the frames are not as tough true, but I am not out beating the snot out of my bike everyday. Some trail riding, but mostly fire roads and the occasional hill climb.

I am ordering the new jets off Ebay today......$15 but it's not the end of the world. 30 pilot and a 115 main. It should be a HUGE improvement.

On another note, I changed the needle position on the slide from the middle groove to the bottom groove. All hesitation seems to be gone and the power is a lot smoother. It can only get better from this point on!

goofyexponent 05-12-2012 11:43 AM

In an honnest statement of fact, how many guys on here with a STOCK gio can catwalk in first and second gear, merely by rolling harder into the throttle?

I tried it in first gear today, and the bikes picks up teh nose fairly fast, second gear is the same thing. I am hoping for a similar effect in thrid with the new carb. I can lift it in thrid, but I got to try pretty hard with LOTS of go go juice.

jaloos 05-12-2012 11:51 AM

Hey i took out the Rebel Ti twice last weekend and went on the dirt bike trails that the big boys with the big toys go on.

It faired awsome and only had a issue trying to climb a hill that the 450cc dirt bikes take. I went everywhere else the big boy toys went without an issue.

For an CVT 110cc motor it performed like a champion. Only real complaint is the front end is a little too stiff, a shock change will fix that.

Would I pay 4 grand for a used Jap quad to have the same amount of fun as I had on my brand new 600 bucker. In short H3LL NO !

My neighbor was selling his polaris atv and couldn't get it started. Who came to the rescue the guy next door who works on china bikes. Determined if there was spark and then figured out there was no gas. Hit the float bowl with a screw driver and she fired right up. A shop would have soaked him a couple hundred bucks to fix that.

Thats why they don't like our china bikes because we learn to fix them ourselves.

Weldangrind 05-12-2012 10:12 PM

I never say what I'm buying the parts for. When it comes to jets, I simply bring the jet in that I'm trying to match up, and the counter guy can then order the size I need. Every time I'm in there, I let them know that I found the same parts online, but that I'd rather support a local business (not just for nickel and dime stuff); they're always grateful.

If the counter guy asks what the jet is from, I just say it's from a Mikuni that I bought on eBay, which is true. I say that I don't know what it was originally designed for, which is also true. BTW, I buy the jets from the local Yamaha shop, because they speak Mikuni (Honda speaks Keihin).

Hope that helps.

goofyexponent 05-13-2012 07:55 PM

Together, decaled, and test riding.

I got the stock carb to stop popping and snapping, but with the mild stock jets, I can't wait to put the mikuni on it with the bigger should MOVE.

I didn't have a helmet on, so nothing too wild.


FastDoc 05-13-2012 08:13 PM

Outstanding result. :D

I'm sure you will like the Mikuni. :wink:

Weldangrind 05-14-2012 01:57 AM

Your bike looks really good. Looking forward to the Mikuni test.

goofyexponent 05-14-2012 05:10 PM

Thanks, the decal kit REALLY set it off. I took it to work in hopes of taking it for a ride, but I got distracted by broken trucks.....oi..

Toyota 2.4 filling it's oilpan with gasoline...and not just a little, almost a gallon of gasoline. I got her fixed though...Injector stuck and was simply dripping fuel in the cylinders and it was running pas tthe rings.

I am betting on that carb landing here either this week or next week. I still need to get jets...turns out my yamaha "dealer" is the same store that bashed the Gio to begin Ebay jets it is for me!

jaloos 05-14-2012 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by goofyexponent
I still need to get jets...turns out my yamaha "dealer" is the same store that bashed the Gio to begin Ebay jets it is for me!

Idiots, one would think money is money. What does it matter what you plan on using the jets for, you would think they are single handedly trying to put china bikes out of business.

The real kicker is these people are the same ones that complain when people spend money across in the US or ebay.

They need to shut the F_ck up and just take the money already.

goofyexponent 05-15-2012 07:56 AM

I hear that Jaloos!! It drives me NUTS how people won't sell you anything for a cheap alternative.

I bought a snowbear plow and put it in my F250 4x4...mostly for ym own driveway, but I plowed quite a few driveways this winter with it. I needed to get some bolts....some simple hardened bolts...which are universal between my plow and a fisher to hold the cutting edge on....and the fisher plow store pretty much mocked me and said they had nothing there to fit the cheap imitation snow plows.

So I said screw you, you are just a bunch of @$$holes....I went to fastenal and got what I needed....and at about 1/3 of the price too!

If Procycle won't help me, then the money I needed to spend on a tire, jets, decal sheet, and a few other odds and ends will go to the states through Ebay. I need parts and I don't have time to play these games with those idiots.

I had a NASTY rattling in my muffler and it was driving me I took it apart last night to find out why. There was next to NO packing left, the spark arrestor screen was blown out and missing. The "baffle" (pipe with all the holes in it) ws loose as a lone peanut in a coffee can and it was rattling around. I took it out and then I seen teh packing was all blown to crap. So I hauled it out...I need to replace it. I put the hollowed out muffler back on, and to my's NOT that loud.

I am going to buy a bunch of steel wool and put that muffler back together better than factory. I HATE any rattles and shakes......this coming from someone who drives a diesel

Weldangrind 05-15-2012 01:28 PM

Four stroke packing is easily found and is probably less expensive than steel wool.

goofyexponent 05-18-2012 07:43 PM

Well, my Mikuni showed up today. I brought it home, and HAD to put it on. I went out to the garage with a couple cold ones, the carb and I was in a GREAT mood.

I put the carb on the bike, and started adjusting it. It works WAY better than the PZ 30. The idle is WAY smoother, there is no poooing and coughing and stalling at ALL.

So I got it somewheres close and took it for a drive around hte house.....WOW! It REALLY came to life. You can REALLY feel a difference in the quality of the carb.

Now, the mood killer. The bike had a hard time returning to idle. After a few minutes it was idling at about 4000 RPM....GREAT....NOW what?!

The throttle cable is frayed where it goes into the throttle housing, and it wouldn't pull back hard enough to let the slide close all the way.

So, now the bike is sitting in the garage, all apart AGAIN, and I am looking for a throttle cable.

I think I am just going to order one online and now try screwing around with the local "dealer" because they are no help at all.

FastDoc 05-18-2012 08:02 PM

Glad for the good result.

You either have a sticking slide/throttle cable or an airleak. Pretty much has to be one or the other.

Weldangrind 05-18-2012 08:14 PM

Bummer about the frayed throttle cable housing. :( Maybe you can find a matching Motion Pro cable that will do the trick. With measurements and pics, perhaps an email to them would answer the question.

If you're successful, please post the part number here.

jaloos 05-18-2012 09:32 PM

Good news on the carb. Wonder how the kids knock off mikuni will work on his X35.

For the cable try the higher end mountain bike shops, you may find one that makes custom cables.

You could always find a longer cable than what you need to and do the small end on your own.

I usually cut the cable to length then wrap the end with a wrap of some thin wire. I then use some flux and solder on the end. If need be you can sand the nub for lack of a better word so it fits well into the slide.

Weldangrind 05-19-2012 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by jaloos
I usually cut the cable to length then wrap the end with a wrap of some thin wire. I then use some flux and solder on the end. If need be you can sand the nub for lack of a better word so it fits well into the slide.

Jaloos, I've never tried that. How do you form the nub while the solder is hot? Have you ever tried some type of form?

I've heard of making a new lever end with JB Weld and a drinking straw as a form, but I don't know how well it lasts.

jaloos 05-19-2012 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Weldangrind

Originally Posted by jaloos
I usually cut the cable to length then wrap the end with a wrap of some thin wire. I then use some flux and solder on the end. If need be you can sand the nub for lack of a better word so it fits well into the slide.

Jaloos, I've never tried that. How do you form the nub while the solder is hot? Have you ever tried some type of form?

I've heard of making a new lever end with JB Weld and a drinking straw as a form, but I don't know how well it lasts.

The wrap around the end is big enough, to stop it slipping through the slide. The solder just holds it there. The sanding is in case it winds up being a little too big. I use some of that really thin stainless wire that is used to tie the paper shipping/lableing tags to things.

Fool around with some old cables you will figure it out fast enough.

goofyexponent 06-04-2012 06:49 PM

Well, another update.

I picked a fight with a Yamaha Grizzly 700 EFI. From a dead stop, he will pull 5 feet away and stay there. He's 4x4 and I am not. But if we start from a rolling start....I can gain 5 feet on him and keep it.

The Gio is working REAL good now!!

But, the bad news. The cam tensioner that broke on me when I did the engine work, came back to haunt me on my first real trip out. We went for about 1/2 an hour and stopped. I shut the bike down, got off for a walk and a rest. I got back on and kicked it over, INSTANT knocking!!

It ran, idled but it knocked like a you know what.

I turned around and headed back to the house. I knew what had happened. Sure enough, I took the two bolts out og the cam cover, and pulled it off. Chain was slack as it could get.

I removed the starter, then the cam tensioner and done a little redneck repair to it and put it back on the bike. It's running now, but I don't want to take it far might screw up again. So not I need to find either a factory Zongshen cam tensioner OR modify the one I have to make it a manual adjustment style. Jus tth matter of drilling it out, tapping it and using a bolt and nut to jam it when it's tight on the follower.

OH, and I just ordered a 90/100 16 Kenda Millville Intermediate rear tire for should go where I point it now.

goofyexponent 06-04-2012 06:51 PM

OH! I might also make a "block off plate" for my starter. I don't like the electric start, but I don't want to completely remove it from the bike 100% in case I sell it.

I will remove the trigger wire to the solenoid, tuck the starter power wire away and have a block off plate a pound or so too lol.

Weldangrind 06-04-2012 09:28 PM

It'll probably make it a little easier to kick start as well, but not much.

Your tensioner issues are exactly why I preach about the pushrod engines. No cam upstairs, so no chain to worry about. The cam gear eats a little power, but not enough to worry about.

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