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NewEnglandTrails 04-24-2008 08:02 PM

With all the changes... going on constantly, in life and especially the computing world... Its always refreshing and re-assuring, that I can click on my Favorites column and get what I have become accustomed to here.

Personally, I like the existing Logo...


DesertDog 04-24-2008 11:08 PM

hey Frosty
just because Carl's been around the world does'nt meen you need to change your site, its good enough. thanx for letin us come on here

Jim 04-24-2008 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by volksjagger

Originally Posted by Jim
My opinion would be it would be best to make the home page of the site the forum, and have links in the custom page header to the home page (forum), gallery, swag, and frappr.

first off i love the site.

i will admit, thinking back, the first time i was here i thought it sucked.

partly because of the logo but mainly because i found it difficult to navigate. just being totally honest.

I wasn't trying to put the site down, I'm just saying, who reads the Home page, I never visit it. Never.

knothead 04-25-2008 12:00 AM

Heck, lets just go back to hypertext and ANSI artwork! I'm sure I still have a copy of WILDCAT! BBS somewhere on a 5.25 floppy that I can donate, I might even remember how to set it up!.... betcha' I can do a mean looking China Riders ANSI logo! ;)

To answer the question though. The site is fine as it is. The look is a bit plain(which I prefer), and it functions well.

IronFist 04-25-2008 09:38 AM

LOGO? :?
If constant change was needed to increase membership, that's one thing. But as is, the site is growing, more members=more info.

How many existing members would pay a registration fee to pay for constant updates? I think membership would go way down, not up. :?
We ride cheap bikes, that's who we are. I complain about gas going up another 10 cents. If Bill Gates starts donating cash to chinariders it will look like Honda's main page.

I'm on dial-up. My computer takes one look at Honda's main page and has a nervous breakdown :cry: . Simple is best for me. I'm sure that simple is best for the people taking care of this site. The forum page is where I enter.
Play nice/Ride hard/Pass on your knowledge. :wink:

montanaoffroader 04-27-2008 06:17 PM

I come here for the content. Good people, and lots of good, usable tips. No need for complicated extras, in my opinion. Keep up the good work Frostbite! :D

culcune 04-29-2008 10:45 PM

I have to say that I love it here, and you guys are the best to dish "smack" around (okay, not all smack all the time). I am the only one to say, and I will get flack for it, that this site could look a little better. I do agree with Carl on many points and levels.

Not that anyone could really help it, but the ongoing hijinks between two members, had made a mockery of the entire site and Chinese bikes in general (okay, this is a joke, we all know that SunL and grey-import Lifans really are responsible for this), but the arguing was annoying. Then the bans, and everything is getting back together now, and all is good once again on Chinariders!!

However, Crazy Carl, the wild and crazy guy he is (I know, Steve Martin really is) has started his own forum site. Competition!!?? (like there's money being made) Actually there is room for both these most of you know, unless you are brain dead, or simply distracted by Porterz vs. Hillbilly, Carl is in China, made a movie riding a Chinese 150 enduro in China, posed for the Aerostich catalog in front of some huge, snowy mountains in China, with the same 150cc enduro, and bought a new Qingqi QM200GY; yep you guessed China.

'Supersignet' is also based in China and continuously teases us with photos in exotic Chinese places with his camouflage bike that we drool over.

There are a few other members, including one guy who runs a Chang-Jiang store in Beijing.

So, while has given a perspective from mostly US points of view regarding Chinese bikes, with a small but loyal Canadian membership providing a (sometimes different) view (different as in Coast to Coast vs. A. Lifan, GY-6's to taunt and tease us with to our GY-5's, etc) with a smattering of international (read=not from N. America) members and posts, Carl's new site is written by people posting from the motherland of Chinese bikes.

I won't give out the name, unless I hear the okay from Frostbite (it is really easy to find if you do a little detective work on these hallowed threads) but again, I really think that there is plenty of room for both and "the site that Carl started."

frostbite 04-30-2008 12:04 AM


Originally Posted by culcune
I won't give out the name, unless I hear the okay from Frostbite (it is really easy to find if you do a little detective work on these hallowed threads) but again, I really think that there is plenty of room for both and "the site that Carl started."

IronFist 04-30-2008 10:15 AM

That's a pretty site.
But, that's not the reason I like this site.

I can't remember the problem I was having with my chinabike(it's fixed now). I posted that I need help here and within the hour I had 3 people discribing how to fix the problem. I can't get that kind of help at my local bike shop at the top of my street. They'll fix it and charge ya, but they won't help you to fix it yourself. I have to pay 35$ to join the Canadian Vintage Motorcycle Group to get the password for their site. Others there have asked questions and get no help, for over a year?

The kind of help, discussion, language, abuse, teasing on other sites aren't what a newb like me is looking for, especially the bigger sites. I just want to know how to fix my bike, for that help I feel obligated to help those newer than me. I don't care if it's done by E-mail. (I have Email riders in a group doing just that.)

Sorry, JMHO. I'll shut up now, when I type too much my newness can be blinding. :x

Rizn 04-30-2008 10:19 AM

Change is good, but not the hurried kind, slow thought out improvements on a great running machine. And as for that other site, just remember them as "the other site."

Rizn 04-30-2008 10:28 AM

O and its not MY CHINA, it is their china, CHINA RIDERZ is a much better name, MY CHINA is globaly unacceptable unless you were born in china, See just keep it simple, now they are making it worse. LIKE I SAID, TIME TO BUILD OUR OWN DUAL PURPOSE BIKES, NORTH AMERICAN RIDERZ,(just with their motors) :twisted:

PS Moderators
Please feel free to erase anything i say that is to wacked out :lol:

katoranger 04-30-2008 10:51 AM

I like the simple uncluttered design here. I too come for the info.

Crazy Carl does have artistic talent and I am sure his site will pick up too.


Jim 04-30-2008 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Rizn
O and its not MY CHINA, it is their china, CHINA RIDERZ is a much better name, MY CHINA is globaly unacceptable unless you were born in china, See just keep it simple, now they are making it worse. LIKE I SAID, TIME TO BUILD OUR OWN DUAL PURPOSE BIKES, NORTH AMERICAN RIDERZ,(just with their motors) :twisted:

PS Moderators
Please feel free to erase anything i say that is to wacked out :lol:

You didn't say anything wrong, but I think the name My China Moto, is referring to your China Moto, as in you talk about and share experiences with your bike, not claiming China as your own... :wink:

N2R, That is why I think these 2 sites will be able to co-exist, this one is definitely a great technical resource and has a lot of great members.

jshellito 08-16-2008 11:03 AM

As one of your newest members i would just like to say. I didn't give the appearence of the sight a thaught. I was looking for one thing other china bike owner's. And hoped i could learn, and help others. I think the sight is great just the way it is.(JMO)

tigertamer 08-16-2008 02:46 PM

I have gained insight from both forums 8O

Now What :!:

Bend the rods, impress the gods,

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