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IronFist 08-03-2007 11:56 PM

Took longer than I thought. The traffic through the small towns took the time not the stops. Great ride took pics. Got a short movie too, I took it with my left hand while riding/ :oops: Not a bulb, not a bolt nothing went wrong. What a great ride. I might go back to a 46 tooth. It gets hilly out of the city. It was only about 260Km, I was going to go back home tomorrow but it looks like I have to help out with my brothers home repairs for a couple days. I'm already looking forward to the trip home. :roll:

IronFist 08-07-2007 09:31 AM

About 600km, ?360miles? Made it, easy. My gas cap died. The springs inside shifted, and I couldn't use the key. Had to pry it off and make a road fix... two layers of plastic poked with a hole and elastic bands. I taped the cap on to hide the fix. Worked great, got me home, and I got gas 3 times. The nuts holding the exhaust manifold came loose and I tightened them, thats it. I might do it again before winter hits. :D . If you are in Detroit, you aren't fat from Sarnia, I know for sure #7 highway is a great ride. Lots of bikes, bikers, good people and good attitudes. :idea:

desert_drew 08-07-2007 10:17 AM

Congrats!!! :D

Glad you had a great ride! Nice MacGyver on the gas cap.

IronFist 08-08-2007 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by desert_drew
:D Glad you had a great ride! Nice MacGyver on the gas cap.

"MacGyver" Yes, I sort of like that. :D In fact you could say that I have a Macgyver bike. Gas cap, ooooh I must get a pic of that into my gallery. 5$ at my bike shop. It's not the right cap, no key, spray painted black, looks like it can't work. But I don't get splashed with gas, when the tank is full, like the stock one used to do to me. The thing works perfect. It was supposed to be a make do till I got another cap, but it works too well. My jury rigged fender, I got about 3000Km on it and it's still perfect. I think my battery box is very cool, a little safer, and not at all stock. Aww now you did it, I gotta go out and take pics :roll: I guess you can tell I'm kinda proud of the little fixes I've done. 8) I'm sure it's only cause I'm new.

AZ200cc 08-08-2007 10:22 PM

Happy You and the bike made it in one piece.. :D

gyjoe 08-09-2007 08:26 AM


Originally Posted by new2riding
The nuts holding the exhaust manifold came loose and I tightened them,

This happened on my bike as well. I tightened them up to what I thought was reasonably snug. But the next time out one of the studs broke off, I assume because it was too tight. So after I got the piece of broken bolt out of the engine block, I tightened them more loosely figuring I would rather have them back out than snap off. You might want to keep this in mind if you tightened them up like I did.

IronFist 08-09-2007 01:39 PM

thanks joe. 8O I'd like to get a new exhaust manifold seal and re-seat the pipe snug, but I ride when I have an extra hour or so. I've put another 100Km since tightening and can't hear the exhaust leaking anymore. I decided to put it on the things to do over winter list. :D

IronFist 08-27-2007 12:02 AM

Well it's just a plan and not confirmed. Same highway, opposite direction. I think about twice the distance, I'll know more after google mapping. Toronto Ontario to Bouchette, Que. When I got my bike I never ever even thought about doing a trip like this. Early morning start, frequent stops, I should make it. If not, at least I had the (intestinal fortitude) to try. The Sarnia trip was something to talk about, but a trip to Quebec, that would be an outstanding story. 8)

gyjoe 08-27-2007 02:50 AM

Sounds like quite the adventure--we'll be anxious to read about it. And when it's in the middle of winter and your bike is stored away for the winter, you will be glad you rode when you had the chance!

katoranger 08-27-2007 12:29 PM

We will have to rename you bamboo butt.


IronFist 08-28-2007 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by gyjoe

Originally Posted by new2riding
The nuts holding the exhaust manifold came loose and I tightened them,

This happened on my bike as well. I tightened them up to what I thought was reasonably snug. But the next time out one of the studs broke off, I assume because it was too tight. So after I got the piece of broken bolt out of the engine block, I tightened them more loosely figuring I would rather have them back out than snap off. You might want to keep this in mind if you tightened them up like I did.

I've been thinking and asking around about that post for a while Joe. From what I've heard, read; Those studs are problematic, and mine already looked wonky from the start. I didn't tighten it down much on purpose. That's why they loosened. I was lucky I didn't loose the stud/nuts. I don't have a torque wrench, nor the proper torque specs. But I didn't wrench then more than about 6LBS. But I did it 1lb, then 1lb on the other nut, slowly making the snugness even across both sides. Since then no more breathing from the seal. Ambassador told me to get lock washers on there quick. I got the washers on the next day before riding. Lucky again cause I snugged it down again and I've been fine since.

If I did mess up that seal, (from what I was told it should be garbage by now) I would have tried using some silicone heat seal and started looking for a new seal. Take a tip from Ambassodor and get some lock washers on those studs. 8) I haven't had problems since. :D

IronFist 08-28-2007 02:50 AM

Back to the trip. Got my handlebar today and replaced the bent stock bar. Feels nice again. Talked to the wife and she didn't blow up, Man she's coool 8) She knows it's a marathon and not a sprint. I did some googling. Over 600km. The route is straight forward till I get to Ottawa. Then it's a couple hours north into Quebec on increasingly back roads. The last roads aren't paved, my first dirt. 8O . I want detailed maps from Ottawa on. It's almost 3AM. It's been a great bike day. N2r.

IronFist 08-28-2007 08:27 PM

All play and no work makes Jack a poor boy. :?
I've been crossing honey-do's from my list all day. Started the bike to make sure I didn't wreck the electrics when I did the handlebar, but I haven't ridden it yet. The wife is happy so I'm sure to do some ride/testing tomorrow. I'm house sitting till friday so I can't go till at least then anyway. Planning on an 8am start on the morning I go.

I have dined on honey-do's, to drink the milk of Paradise. :roll: . Gotta pay to play. 8)

IronFist 08-29-2007 01:50 PM

OK I realize that this trip is kinda stupid and the bike might not make it but, I didn't think it would last this long anyway. If the trip cripples my bike I take out the 45 and shoot it, I'll take the plates and start thumbing. I accept the concequences.

Did some testing. Bars are on but forks aren't quite straight yet. I got the mount for the right brake handle that broke. The exact one. I'm gonna do an oil change and lube the chain before I go, The bike is still set up from my trip to Sarnia. :D But this trip is like doing the Sarnia trip twice.

IronFist 08-30-2007 02:28 PM

Well if my bike dies I have help 100km's around Toronto, and Ottawa. :D Near the start and end of the trip I have family who have vans that can come and pick me up. The half way point is around kingston, though there is no van, if I'm having trouble with the bike, I have a place to park the bike, sleep, get parts and fix. From the half way point I can abort or continue. I'll take a can of puncture seal, a hand pump, and my tubes. I figure my chances of making it all the way, go up once I'm past 100km. 8)

I have 3700km on the bike now, better it die now than 3 weeks into next season, that would be crushing. :cry: I could easily waste the whole season getting a new bike. At least if it dies now I have all winter to get another. On the other hand there is a really good chance that the bike will be fine. Or I'll have to MacGyver something, I am no stranger to sidewalk surgery. :twisted: . My season is so short that I can't afford to be fearful of adventure. My trip to Sarnia was like a gambler's first trip to the racetrack. 8O When do we go again??? 8O

It's Thursday, weather for the next 8 days is perfect. Leave day is Saturday or Sunday. The return day remains even more open. Sunday monday or tues, later if I need time to repair. Fingers are tired. Any hints tips or tricks Folks? :wink:

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