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ben2go 08-17-2018 08:10 PM

I still say.....

cheesy 08-18-2018 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by Sport Rider (Post 288469)
I keep reading this thread waiting to find out someone has gone postal and solved the problem. :-D

I’d rather this was just a bad dream.

cheesy 08-21-2018 06:50 PM


That is all.

ben2go 08-21-2018 07:55 PM


Try to keep the good guys together. Let the rest have enough rope to hang themselves.

cheesy 08-22-2018 09:22 AM

Wow, I just found out that the bi-lingual lady in CS walked out last week. Had it with the BS so grabbed her purse and left. Didn’t even take her stuff from her cube. She was the last Spanish speaker in CS and A LOT of our customers are in Mexico, Central, and South America.

I need more popcorn.

ben2go 08-22-2018 10:12 AM

WoW, she must have really had enough of it to just walk away from everything.

cheesy 08-27-2018 08:07 AM

The company legally changed its name Friday from Modern Track Machinery, Inc to Geismar North America. Wonder how much it’s going to cost to replace the sign out front that isn’t even a year old yet. Must be going to pay for it with everyone’s pay cut they got in June.

Bruces 08-27-2018 08:14 AM

Is the name change going to bother your retirement package ?

cheesy 08-27-2018 11:14 AM


Originally Posted by Bruces (Post 289098)
Is the name change going to bother your retirement package ?

Not a clue.

Bruces 08-27-2018 11:33 AM

Let’s hope it doesn’t .

cheesy 08-27-2018 10:10 PM

Me, too.

Had such a fun time with IT(in Elgin we just had Steve) and my boss. I requested a new laptop because my old company Dell is getting long in the tooth and getting 'eccentric'. Harold tells me to write out and submit to him what I want, which I did. Twice.

Between the second and third times I made my request, I was visiting hel...I mean HQ, and I ran into our IT guy. I asked about my request and got the deer in the headlight stare. As IT is just outside Harold's office, I yelled, "Hey, Harold, ever turn in my laptop request? You know, the one you had me do twice?";) Harold shuffles out of his office looking sheepish and tells me to just sit down with IT and tell them what I want. I let out a little growl.

I tell IT guy I want similar to my my current Dell, which is a Latitude E5430. Maybe even a little smaller without a CD drive, larger hard drive, and if possible, without a camera(I hate Skype). Didn't need a processor any better than a Core I5. Guy tells me okay.

Six weeks pass and nothing. Typical Modern Track. Harold texts me the Sunday before last, "You're welcome for your new computer." I text back, "What fcuking computer would that be?" Harold texts back, "I'll get back to you."

Wednesday, the IT guy gets hold of me and apologizes. I'm pretty much, yeah, whatever. Says he is emailing me a Company Property Receipt that I need to sign and return to him before he can send me a new laptop. My first response was, "What the hell is a Company Property Receipt? I've never needed to do one before." He explains it to me and I let him know that it's ironic that I was given a 2011 F150 with no more than "Here's your truck.", yet I need to fill out paperwork for a computer I could probably pick up at Best Buy for under $500.

So, the new laptop finally gets delivered. It's wrapped in bubble wrap inside a Geismar box. Not in it's own computer box. That's Cringe number one. I unwrap it and, Cringe number two, it is exactly what I didn't want; HP, 15" screen, Core I7, CD drive, camera. On the plus side, it's thinner and lighter than my Dell, but just barely fits in my backpack. I fire it up. Cringe number three; it's password protected and they didn't see fit to include the password.

I call Harold and he tells me the password is there and there was a class three weeks ago on how to start up with new system. "What new system, and what class are you talking about, Harold? I was on vacation three weeks ago. And there was no password included." Harold says he'll get back to me.

So, IT guy calls me this afternoon while I'm driving in Indiana and tells me the password was on a post-it note attached to the screen. Tell him no post-it note anywhere, because I looked. He emails me what I need to know then calls me back that the post-it note fell out when the kid in shipping was packing it and didn't know what it was. Another small growl. While I have IT guy on the phone, I ask him about what to do with my old Dell that I'm typing this on. He tells me just to bring it with the next time I'm at HQ if I remember, but he's in no rush to get it back. My Dell has more seniority than he does.

Weldangrind 08-28-2018 11:09 AM

My Dell got replaced with an HP as well. I promptly taped over the camera.
My Dell had a backlit keyboard, which made it very handy to work in low light, unlike the HP.

ben2go 08-28-2018 11:21 AM

That place is going to hell in a handbasket. Incompetency and everyone dodging their problems while playing the blame game will bring a company down pretty quick. I'm glad you have a backup plan.

cheesy 09-04-2018 08:58 PM

Hoo boy! Get some more popcorn. :ohno:

The name change has become a cluster of a major magnitude. The fact that it was apparently done on a whim from upper management is worth a large popcorn and a Coke.

Several of our largest customers have suspended payments until they receive an explanation as to why the name was changed. Auditors have also chimed in that past calibrations and certifications will no longer be valid without an explanation on the name change. And the explanation that the new management staff is a bunch of morons probably will not suffice.
Last year, the name change came up and we; Al, Harold, Marlene, Ed, and myself, told the new managers that changing the name just to change the name wasn't feasible and probably wasn't legal before a lot of thought was put into it and notifications needed to be made to several organizations BEFORE the name change could be enacted. We were told to piss off, they knew what they were doing and didn't need anything from us. Al turned in a heartbeat, so a lot of this is going to be on him, being the CEO.

At this point, the rest of us from the Elgin staff are not lifting a finger to assist anymore and said as much. Now we're just along for ride. :)

I am keeping my life vest handy.

Darkrider 09-04-2018 11:07 PM

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