Conversation Between Twowheeler and Thumper
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
Also, I took my carb off to find out why it was running at a super high rpm, when I went to do my weekly start up and run. Hopefully, i did not grind too much off of the stock bolts. I did manage to remove them completely. I'm heading to the store to get replacement bolts. If nothing else, I guess I'll order another carb. My Nibbi will not match up, at all.
I was able to post the pics in a different part of the Forum, but I can't do it her, for some reason. It asks me to: "Please enter the URL of your image:", but I'm not tech savvy. Guess I'm too old.
Take a photo of the lower mount of your rear shock and post it.
How can I lower my rear shock on my 22 M250?