Conversation Between NickL and China Rider 27
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
If it is still under the year warranty I would go back to who you bought it from and tell them the problem see what they will do. Check all the wiring connections. When it is running put a voltmeter on it see if you have power 13 volts so at the battery indicating it is charging. No charging then bad rectifier or stator are guesses.
07-05-2021 01:35 PM
Hello all, new to this . Bought a Hellcat 125cc for my son and now it will not charge the battery. Have to start it w9ith a jump box. Will run for about half an hour , then the lights die and it shuts off. replace the plug, starter twice, third battery, the kill switch on the bars stop working. only way to stop it is to leave it in 1st dump the clutch and hold the brake. it only has 89 miles on it.