Conversation Between katflap and Raptorix
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Hello Katflap
I just inform you that the latest version 3.8 of HUD ECU Hacker now has a complete auto-detection of up to 720 maps, tables and scalars in ANY firmware version!
It installs with the already manually entered calibrations for a Kovi 300i motorbike. This uses the exactly same firmware as your former Zongshen bike.
HUD ECU Hacker analyzes the assembler code that runs in the ECU.
I did it !
When I started with HUD ECU Hacker I would never have thought that I would come so far some day.
Now you load the flash file of any MT05 version and HUD ECU Hacker analyzes the file in less than a second and shows all the calibrations with correct factors, meaning of axes and values and mostly a description.
Also you can create patches by comparing two BIN files or by manually editing the calibrations.
And finally it is ready!
Sadly you cannot use it anymore.