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Old 04-11-2016, 11:28 PM   #10
Jay In Milpitas   Jay In Milpitas is offline
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Location: Milpitas, CA. USA
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RJ's puzzling situation.

That's a curious one, RJ.

It may not warrant exploratory surgery since you have quite a lot of fuel in the tank now. Keep riding it and see what happens at about the same miles. Perhaps start strapping a can with about 1/2 gallon of gas on if it reoccurs while riding.

If you can wait until time for the next valve adjustment, that would be a good time to tear in to the tank. If you're really eager to get in to it, or just very bored, I suggest checking the pump's inlet cover. I can't quite tell from the picture, but like many machines it looks to have a mesh/fabric sock over it. If the lower portion has gotten obstructed then it can behave more like a tube, allowing only fuel or air to get drawn in to it. Kind of like when a petcock "On" pipe is near the fuel level and needs to be switched to Reserve.

It's a long shot, but all I got. As to the fuel pump being hurt, sounds like you still had plenty to cool it if it only took 2.7 gallons.

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