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Old 04-28-2017, 03:14 PM   #19
Maggpyer   Maggpyer is offline
Join Date: Apr 2017
Posts: 9

On 13 April 17 I ordered a Hawk 250 from APSCUSA. I saw that it was in-stock so I put the order in. I received my payment receipt within hours and waited. I didn't hear anything or receive any emails for 7 days and decided to call. I spoke with Don and he said they had a boat load of orders the previous month and it wiped him out. He was waiting on a load to clear customs and hit his warehouse when I spoke with him. I didnt hear anything for a couple of more days so I called again and spoke with him. He reassured me they were still clearing customs and they don't communicate with him so he had no idea how long it would be. So I waited until today around noon(EST) and called again. He was pretty brief with me in just saying that he still hadn't heard from his warehouse yet and that they were a couple of hours behind him so they weren't even open yet. He said again that he would email and call me with more info as he found out what was going on. I just slumped in my chair, said ok and hung up. I've read the other threads on this company and the problems just seem to of started recently. I saved up money for 3 months, finally spent the money on it, and haven't even been contacted by the company in 2 weeks. I hope it doesn't become a big mistake for me. On a brighter note he is giving me the Bashan 250 instead of the Hawk so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they ordered a bunch of them and I can get one before the summers over!

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