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Old 10-18-2010, 11:58 AM   #2
FastDoc   FastDoc is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Southeastern Washington desert
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Bummer. I feel for you.

We all ahve to answer for stuff like this. We can be forgiven, but God still does not appreciate it when people do this sort of thing.

When I sell a bike I tell the new owner EVERYTHING I know about the bike I'm selling, every wrong thing that I'm aware of. It does not seem to hurt the selling price as the honesty has some value to people in and of itself.

I also help them find someone to maintain the bike, or teach them the basics. If its someone I know I will help them fix and maintain things.

Don't lose hope.

In the works of Ronald Reagan, 'Trust, but verify'. :P
Happy to serve.