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Old 08-01-2010, 09:30 PM   #8
slimjim503   slimjim503 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: billings mt
Posts: 102
thank you everyone for all of the kind thoughts. this is his wife, i told him that i would update this for him as he called me with details. He left today between 2-2:30pm on a full tank of gas. He called around 4ish? and was between Canton & Akron OH. Then again at 7:30 and was on the other side of Toledo, OH. He also said that he has only spent about 6$ in gas. I am now awaiting another phone call,every break he calls to talk to us! He is really excited about his trip. I took a few pictures before he left, and he took a camera with him, so I'm hoping that he uses it to get some great pics. And I will upload them as soon as I get them.
katoranger- thank you so much I will pass this onto him, he had only enough money to make it there, so he wont be staying in any hotels, I am not sure really where he will be crashing,and that kind of worries me. I think this is long enough so I will end it, and promise to keep you kept up to date

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