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Old 01-16-2010, 08:24 AM   #13
Reveeen   Reveeen is offline
Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: orbital platform
Posts: 741
We have been taught/told to *think* (in my mind) wrongly.

Around town, whenever possible, I drive an "evil" 2 cycle scooter, that gives in excess of 100mpg.
Somehow, a 2 cycle giving 100mpg is "bad", while a empty SUV giving 10mpg is "good"?

Recently here the grocery stores have started charging 5 cents for grocery bags and holding their heads up as being "green". "Green" to me would be working with your suppliers to eliminate triple wrapping of goods. Charge, or not, for grocery bags, my household still throws out 3 bags of dry garbage a week, 97% of which is the "triple wrapping" most goods are sold in.

Electric power, to most folks, is "green" because the sites where it is made are mostly out of sight. What bothers me most is:It is the largest uncontrolled industrial source of mercury emissions in Canada. Read up on the effects of mercury on people and you might find that a little "global warming" is not too troublesome.

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