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Old 01-16-2010, 12:11 AM   #11
Reveeen   Reveeen is offline
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Originally Posted by Jim
what I read, even using power from a coal plant is less polluting then using gas.
Electricity Generation

The electricity sector is unique among industrial sectors in its very large contribution to emissions associated with nearly all air issues. Electricity generation produces a large share of Canadian nitrogen oxides and sulphur dioxide emissions, which contribute to smog and acid rain and the formation of fine particulate matter. It is the largest uncontrolled industrial source of mercury emissions in Canada. Fossil fuel-fired electric power plants also emit carbon dioxide, which contributes to climate change. In addition, the sector has significant impacts on water and habitat and species. In particular, hydro dams and transmission lines have significant effects on water and biodiversity.

I *think* we have to admit there is no "clean" source of energy. I believe the trick is to use the least amount you can get by on no matter the source. Unfortunately as our population increases so will to the overall pollution no matter how small an amount an individual uses.

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