Thread: BC Politics?
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Old 01-12-2010, 09:32 PM   #9
Jim   Jim is offline
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Abbotsford, BC, Canada
Posts: 4,880
Oh I have heard stories from Ontario... Impounding and crushing cars that have been modified, no passengers on motorcycles under what age? I'm sure the list goes on.

I don't think politics is screwed up only in BC, I think the whole country isn't doing great.

In BC, something like 84% of the population is against the HST, but our mla's who are elected to represent us to our party are too busy being yes men for their all-powerful leader that they do not have any concern for their constituents. It seems to have bit someone in the butt in Delta, but it apparently hasn't concerned any of the other mla's. An ex-premiere attempted to contact the Governor General of Canada as to whether it was constitutionally legal, but was brushed off saying it wasn't of concern to them basically.

Federally, I don't pay much attention, but the way the PM shuts down Parliament so often is a little concerning too.

I recently re-watched The Arrow, and the way the government sent in the military to destroy and confiscate everything, it just doesn't seem like something that should have happened in a free country like Canada. Granted this is a movie and not all fact, and a long time ago.
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