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Old 11-09-2009, 08:48 PM   #28
shrubitup   shrubitup is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 29
Hey FastDoc!

Glad you are well and able to type somehow! 8O

That just sucks about the girl running into you. So happy to hear that you're relatively unscathed.

I rode my KLR650 back from a 800 mile adventure ride and had to get on a similar freeway. Not having enough acceleration on the KLR to get away or out-brake something like this happening made me leary of dual sport bikes.

I got the SV650 now and know that I'd be at redline/every gear until comfortably miles ahead of this dumb girl. I've still got my Kazuma and will keep it but will remain leary of interstates as your example proves. I really never thought about a drowsy/inattentive motorists rear-ending me until now. I will keep the SV now to avoid the next inattentive driver.

I hope you heal right up and get comfortable riding again. :!:

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