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Old 10-16-2009, 06:33 PM   #43
PCD   PCD is offline
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Newmarket On Canada
Posts: 382
I just purchased an ENERGIZER 16-B battery for 80 bucks CAN at Wallymart.

Yep, its too big for the box, but not by much, maybe 1/2" each end (length) and 3/4" width total. Little deeper to, but lots of room there.

So why did I buy a battery that wont fit?

The winch.

16-B I think is 19AH as opposed to the 9 I have in there now.

I am going to mold a box from reinforced fiberglass directly around the battery, remove it, and install it in the bike. The existing battery box can be at least 2" deeper before it hits the frame, length is tight before it hits the plastic body on each side, and width is no issue.

We'll see how it works out.
Good, Fast, or Cheap....Pick Two.

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