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Old 09-08-2009, 08:54 PM   #110
tconners   tconners is offline
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 13
" I have been properly warned not to paint the plastic Clarke fuel tank"
Cant resist:
Its a plastic tank, just like many a car bumper ect....
Its all in the prep!
My take on painting plastic:

1) remove any release agents used in the forming process.
a) any good form of prepsol "Preparation solvent" from a good mfg
will do.
2) Prepare the surface microscopically to receive a material. "Small scratches for material to bond with" Wet sanding works the best on plastic.
3) utilize additives inherent to painting a flexible plastic surface.
a) Plastic has a tendency to expand and contract due to heat and cold more rapidly than metal. Therefore various flex additives are required.
Don't forget UV additives as the sun will be a factor as well.

Oh and an extra harding agent as gas might get spilled on it to.

This is why a QUALITY car paint job is 2k and up and up.

Just DO IT!

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