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Old 02-07-2009, 06:04 PM   #6
SpeedSouth   SpeedSouth is offline
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: Atlanta, Ga
Posts: 710
One of my favorite things about having a GPS unit and software is finding twisty roads where I've never been. I try to connect several together to make a "loop" for a fun ride.

Today I set off to check out a new set of roads, and test out a new camera. A lot of riders in this area head north to the mountains, and for good reason, but I prefer to go the other direction...hence my screen name.

Sometimes, these rides don't work out as I had hoped, and today was going to be one of those days. It got off to a good start though, with the first point being the best road of the day.

I didn't get a picture of the best road, but this was taken while on it...

The next road wasn't as nice, but not so bad...

Who's this guy?

That's the guy who led me here...

And what's behind me?

A couple of miles of dirt, mud and ruts...and the rest gravel and some type of gravel pavement. No pictures, but I did note it was 5.5 miles worth.

Turn around or brave that mud hole and the closed road? I could park and walk around to look ahead. The GPS shows another road less than a mile ahead (I'm guessing). How bad could it be?

I'll have to find out another time. Maybe I'll return on the Lifan before I set out for the TAT. I turned around.

Here's the top of the hill seen in the mirror..

And the view to the west...

Nice, huh?

I continued on....sort of. I wish I had stopped to take a picture of a cool wooden bridge that crosses a set of railroad tracks on the way back out, but I was eager to find another good road. That didn't really happen though. The next road wasn't bad, but it wasn't really exciting...and the next road was once again...dirt. I didn't turn.

Time for lunch and the ride home.

Not a bad ride overall...and I did find at least one road I'll be going back to ride again.

Most of that stopped time was spent in a Subway.

Today was beautiful. Highs in the mid 60's. I was sitting at light on the ride home and noticed a big sign on the right showing the temp at 63. Almost perfect! I get through the light and look to my left. There is another sign...showing the temp at 68? Uhh, okay. A few miles up the road I see another sign on the right showing the 64. I get it now, it's cooler on the right side of the road!

I saw more bikes today than I've seen since before Thankksgiving.
Spring is on the way!
2008 American Lifan LF200 GY-5 (930 km) - Sold
2007 Kawasaki EX250 - Sold
2006 Kawasaki EX650R - My new ride!
2005 Kawasaki EX250 - A new project

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