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Old 02-04-2009, 06:52 PM   #13
VinceDrake   VinceDrake is offline
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Southern Saskatchewan
Posts: 491
Just to expand the thread a little farther still, What does everyone consider the most critical piece of gear to have, not counting a brain container? Myself I would say a jacket, and specifically, a good jacket. No World of Walton, or Sears Roebuck allowed. Third, Gloves. Again, gooders. Beyond that, I'm more than willing to Cheap out/Not have/Leave in closet.

Thinking back to when I first started riding, my first moto-horse cost me about $200, and I thought I was doing good with a 25+ year old Woolco Ping-Pong ball cut out Helmet, and a $25 Generico denim jacket, maybe some work gloves, if it was really, really cold out.

So! Here's the scenario-- You're 17, ou've just shot your summer's savings on a Bike, and have a 15 year old Belstaff helmet, your grandfather left in the attic. You've got $100 free on your next paycheck. What are you buying? Other than beer and smokes of course...

--Vince who did read the thread about the poor lady's knees.
"Sometimes it is better to say nothing, and let people think you're an idiot, than to open your mouth and prove it."

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