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Old 01-31-2009, 07:24 PM   #93
olddude   olddude is offline
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 17
Katoranger I don`t were you get your facts but you need to find another
sorce Im 66 yaers old im retired in 1978 I told my boss to stick his job were the sun don`t shine walked out 11am I had 3 offers for a job by 4pm I drove
a truck for a living inflation was bad all over the world at the time
because the opec oil embargo but the job market was good at the time
in march of 1979 i changed jobs again I went to work for ABF fright systems they could not hire enough drivers Ilive in central pennsylvania
the company had to advertise from new england th mississipi to arkansas
the economy was that good until 81 or 82 that was the first time the company
laid any body off in it`s history quit watching fox news go to the libray
and get a world almanac and check the facts.

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