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Old 03-02-2007, 09:30 PM   #3
culcune   culcune is offline
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Yuma, Arizona
Posts: 9,035
Arizona is visit. The problem here is that there is an undercurrent of the "free market" system going on; in other words, take what I am offering in pay (usually not enough to live besides just getting by) or I will hire someone else. (There usually aren't others, and the "boss" will lower the standards to hire from the bottom of the barrell. In other words, the free market system really doesn't work well at all as evidenced by the incredibly poor customer service you will encounter, or the businesses that go broke because the owner did not want to pay decent wages, and the sloppy employees that were hired ran the business to the ground. I find it interesting as a teacher that in the free market system there are not enough teachers to hire, but they give us lip service as to why they can't give raises for those of us stupid enough to sign on for another year. The low pay permeates throughout the entire spectrum where usually high paying jobs are kept artificially low in pay no matter if it is a public job or in the private sector. However, real estate had shot up the last few years, keeping many out of the market--can you picture the catch-22? Unless you have the capital to move/start a business here, or have some good equity elsewhere to cash out and buy a house outright, I would suggest what I am ready to do--move to Las Vegas, Viva Las Vegas!! There is money to be made there, unlike this pathetic place. Again, it is a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't recommend moving here unless you have a special skill that someone has to pay big bucks for, like a doctor or a broadcast engineer for a television station or radio station.
"They say that life's a carousel, spinning fast you got to ride it well..."

TGB Delivery Scooter 150
TMEC 200 Enduro--carcass is sadly rotting in the backyard

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