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Old 01-22-2009, 02:31 PM   #35
Alaskan-Dad   Alaskan-Dad is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Thorne Bay SE Alaska
Posts: 131
I got one for you, here in my little town we have one person who is so cell phone addicted that I have seen her driving and talking on two cell phones at once!
One in hand and trying to cradle one between neck and shoulder! I don't think that means we need a law against using cells while driving here in Thorne Bay but I wish they would give her about a $500 ticket for stupidity. :wink:

Back to the legalize pot part of the thread,
Is pot a drug or is it a Herb, most drugs are derived from plants (concentrated) or made synthetically.
Pot falls more into the group of coffee, tea, and tobacco as you use it in its natural form.

One thing that really irked me was on TV I saw Spokane police complaining about the fact that they did not make big money off busting crank labs. The police stated unlike pot growers meth manufactorers seldom own their houses and often have very little of value to confiscate, also mentioned was clean up cost. After hearing what was said it left me to believe that law enforcement put meth (crank) below pot in importance because police could make more money raiding pot growers as they were more responsible citizens.

But mostly I started this thread and posted the Link as I was amazed to see it was the peoples choice of laws that need Obama's attention and I noticed the press was ignoring it, when I googled it there are almost no hits.

As far as off topic we are in the misc so say what ever :wink:
Three Greys
Lifan GY-5's

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