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Old 01-20-2009, 03:50 PM   #21
Kawazacky   Kawazacky is offline
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Saint John, N.B.
Posts: 279
HAHAHAH! So true.

Personally, I don't know why alcohol consumption is legalized but marijuana isn't. (I don't use either, and have no interest in it). I suspect alcohol causes far more problems than marijuana could.

On the Harper/Bush/Obama topic....

I find it interesting to hear thousands of Canadians moaning for a young. charismatic leader like Obama when they had the opportunity to elect one a few years back and soundly rejected him. Stockwell Day (remember him) was running for change too (remember the Reform Party?) but the media jumped on his back (especially Rick Mercer, partly, I suspect, because of his own personal interests in the election - I'm not trying to bash Rick here, but I think that's why he started that Doris Day vote).

Stockwell was deemed "too scary" because he wanted Canadians to become more self-sufficient and stop sucking the government teat.

Now, (and I don't mean this offensively to anyone) I had no use for Bush because he wasted soldier's lives on a war he couldn't finish. Plus, while he ran under a veneer of conservatism, the government got bigger and bigger when he was in. I think Bush is very socialist. Too bad the only other options were Kerry and Gore.

Harper.......well, he's done some stupid stuff and some smart stuff. If he can survive his current problems, he may stay in power long enough to change this country. Like frostbite, I appreciate his stance on gun control/hunting, but he has made some bad choices (screwing the East coast on election promises, cozying up to seperatism). I still haven't figured out what to think of him. I do like him better than the other options available.

I'm not trying to offend anyone on here. This is just how I see it. You are entitled to your own opinions.

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