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Old 12-17-2008, 10:32 AM   #32
IronFist   IronFist is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Toronto Ontario Canada
Posts: 2,585

Well it's happened in Ontario. Second reading of bill C117. The bill is to ban all passengers under 14. On everything.

The news article describes it and gets to the impitus of the bill. Divorced mother doesn't want her kid on the back of the divorced father's bike. Outlawing all fathers from taking their kids riding because of an ugly divorce is such a bunch of crap it should dropped. The politician has 144 records of injury, yet the authority( MTO) says that the number of reported injuries in the last decade is ZERO. It's a private member's backbencher bill and they rarely get to a second reading. This one was read and passed. 1 more step and it becomes law, likely for EVER. Sometimes Canada makes no sense, and Ontario seems confused.
The "chain" of command is used for beating spammers.

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