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Old 12-15-2008, 05:52 AM   #7
BillR   BillR is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Nashville, TN
Posts: 588
Re: old member/"renewing"

Originally Posted by culcune
I vaguely remember the CX500 turbo, but then again, I was about 14/15 years old, so alot of bikes have come and gone (not as many in my possession as on my mind, LOL). I can imagine your dilemma with boost--the Ascot has quite a decent amount of power, and once up to 60 mph gets light on the front, so a quicker bike getting to 60 + I can imagine being a handful.
I was 23 then and used to riding around on dirt bikes or cruisers.
One of our favorite things to do with the Turbo was to get into 2nd or 3rd gear, just easing along and roll on the throttle.
The boost gauge would start climbing, then WHAM :!: it would slide you back on the seat and lift the front wheel up a bit. :twisted:
Lotsa drive-by "Hey ya'll, watch this :!: "
(Yes, I'm originally from Mississippi and was raised on a farm, so I qualify :wink: )


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