Thread: Our New Boss!
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Old 11-07-2008, 11:12 AM   #4
Alaskan-Dad   Alaskan-Dad is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Thorne Bay SE Alaska
Posts: 131
The two things here in the US that I feel have hurt our economy the most are inflated real estate prices and the energy costs.
For the last 30 some years we have been seeing that you can be a millionaire in no time buy buying, selling and mortgaging real estate. I remember seeing so much of those shows back when I was a teen. Now it has become even worse with tv shows like flip this house and others promoting the inflation of real estate.
The problem is that not everyone can be a real estate tycoon and you need buyers. Most of the buyers work jobs for their living and live off of wages that have not kept up with cost of housing.
Another thing about the housing market that is causing problems is homes are expected to go up in price. While doing carpentry/construction I learned most new homes will need major renovation after 20 yrs and at 40 yrs are trash. note some homes were built better but average stick framed minimum cost homes are what I'm referring to. Now a lot of cars can last that long but the second you drive them out of the dealership they depreciate.
This whole scenario has caused the housing crisis, add to that bankers who financed these house flippers and you can see how we ended up with the banking crisis.
Now we just added $700,000,000,000 to keep the housing market at this inflated state. Welfare for wallstreet!
Now the other problem has been energy cost and a lot of that has been the oil crisis. We need cheap renewable energy and those that have invested in oil and uranium do not want us to have it. They want to keep posting record profits and expect us to keep paying for it.
Well that was the recipe for disaster many have known it was coming we were warned but we went about our daily lives until it hit hard.
Will it change is the big question, lets hope it can be changed as were at the breaking point.
These are my opinions and take them how you will as I'm just a hillbilly that has no education :wink:
Three Greys
Lifan GY-5's

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