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Old 05-12-2024, 05:32 PM   #40
XLsior   XLsior is offline
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My mother told me stories of how she worked in a punch card compute room.

Moore's law though is effectively dead now. the number of transistors are hitting a limit on the silcon wafer. Which is why there is an incentive towards light and quantum computing.

I think that's why there is such a push towards 'AI' becuase basically there is a hard wall conventional PC hardware and the 'upgrade' path is not offering a lot in terms of value over the last couple of generations of domestic hardware.

Yes advances are being made...But I seem to be playing more games from 10years ago and don't need a $5000k PC to ray trace graphics when I can just step out side and not deal with DLC and microtrasactions.

All these stories of EVs on autopilot racking up kills. Then the sociopaths in places of power wanting to switch off your tracked vehicle remotely because you violated your carbon credits...

That's why I am grateful for being 1 of the last analogues in a the smarter the phone, the dumber the person seems to be world ...

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