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Old 05-10-2024, 03:57 PM   #3
Bruces   Bruces is offline
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Originally Posted by cheesy View Post
Jeep attempt day. it went well-ish. My ankle is a bit bitchy but that may be more from my boot and the ungodly tight Achilles tendon than the clutch. Drove about twenty miles.

Kind of disappointed in new Jeep owners. A half dozen Jeeps passed in the opposite direction and nary a one returned my Jeep Wave. Sad.
I have really noticed the Jeep wave going to shit lately myself .I am astounded at the number of Jeep minivans (4 door wranglers) on the road lately ,and a lot of them are clearly not jeepers as no acknowledgement from them ,I think our Jeeps are just another family car that looks cool .Used to be we see 2 or three jeeps in an entire day ,now I see 4 in the first 5 minutes of my travels .
Have you been ducked yet ? I was parked in a parking lot ,and came back to 3 small rubber ducks on my hood ,I gave them to a little kid coming out of a stroller a few cars over ,and later found out it’s another Jeepthing and we are supposed to collect them .I don’t care about my Jeep ,it’s a work tool/toy at this point ,but in the past I have built some magazine quality pretty jeeps ,dropping plastic shit on a $10;000.00 paint job would probably not end well for you .Give the toys to the kids please !
I also refuse to wave to the Cherokee’s ,grand’s ,patriots etc,unless they are modded ,they are owned by people who don’t have a clue what a Jeep is capable of (even theirs in many cases ) ,or the brotherhood involved .
Anyways Cheesy ,of course your rusty ,crappy ,worn out ,no good Jeep is still welcome to join my stable anytime ,since nobody waves at you anymore perhaps that should happen sooner than later !

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